
Articles for kids

Articles for kids, Types, examples, Uses, Exercise, Worksheet, etc.

A, An, The – are Articles

A, An- Indefinite Articles.

The – Definite Articles

Read the following sentences –

  • Ice cream is delicious.
    An ice cream is delicious.
  •  Jaipur is beautiful city.
    Jaipur is a beautiful city.

The word ‘a‘ or ‘an‘ are called Indefinite Articles because these words do not point out to any definite person or thing.

Examples –

  • Bird in nest is beautiful.
    The bird in the nest is beautiful.

The word ‘the‘ is called the Definite Articles because it points out some particular person or thing.

Also read 

Articles for kids

Usage of ‘A’ and ‘An’

  1. Only countable nouns in singular take A or An, whereas A is used words beginning with a constant sound and An is used before words beginning with a vowel sound or with a silent ‘h’.
    For Example a book, a boy, a cow, an orange, an eye, an honest man, an ear, etc.
  2. A and not An is used before words which begin with a vowel but have the sound of a consonant like ‘university‘ or ‘one‘.
    For Example. – I hope to go to a university soon. Such a one was never seen before.
  3. Things that cannot be counted have no indefinite articles A, An.
    For Exampleink, wood, milk.
  4. A/An is also not used before plural nouns (hats) or proper nouns. (Holi)

More Examples:

The Metro in Delhi is fascinating.

  • We use ‘A‘ before a constant sound and before ‘u’ pronounced as ‘you’:
    a bus, a house, a dog, a year.
    a university, a useful thing, a Europen, a union.
  •  We use ‘An‘ before a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u) and ‘a’ before silent ‘h’:
    an aeroplane, an engine-driver, an island, an orange, an umbrella.
    an honest man, an hour late.

When we speak of a person or thing for the first time, we use ‘a‘ or ‘an‘ before the noun. but afterward, we use ‘the‘ before it.
When we wish to particularise a noun, we use ‘the‘ before it:

The red books are on the table.

The small baby is in the cot.

The is used before a common noun when the noun is the name of only one thing of its kind:

the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky.

The is used with a single common noun to represent a whole class:

 The tiger is a fierce animal. (Tigers are fierce animals.)

The is used before superlatives and ordinals (first, second, third twelfth, etc.)

 The best book. The most interesting story. The most useful tool. The first of March,

on the third occasion, the twelfth man.

The is used to indicate a particular direction:

 the east, the west, the north, the south.

The sun rises in the east. The sunsets in the west.

Usage of ‘The’

  1. The definite article is used when we speak of a particular person or thing or one who has already been referred to,
    For Example – I saw a house at the corner of the street. The house was built with red bricks.
  2. The is used with a singular countable noun which represents a whole class,
    For ExampleThe cow is a useful animal.
  3. The is used with superlative forms,
    For Example
    He is the tallest boy.
    Honesty is the best policy.
  4. The is used with the names of rivers, seas, gulfs, oceans, groups of islands, mountain ranges, newspapers, holy books, etc.
    For ExampleThe Bay of Bengal, The Persian Gulf, The Himalaya, The Ganges, The Indian Ocean, The Arabian Sea, The Ramayana, The Mahabharata, and The Hindustan Times, etc.
  5. The is used before common nouns which are only one of their kind.
    For ExampleThe Sun rises in the East. The Earth revolves around the Sun.
  6. The is not used before proper, abstract nouns, names of metals or substance used for making things, names of languages, games or names of meals.
    For ExampleCanada, India, Suresh, honesty, happiness, gold, silver, Russian, Spanish, cricket, football, coffee, biscuits, etc.

More Examples:

  •  Names of rivers:
    the Ganges, the Hooghly, the Thames, the Nile.
  •  Names of seas, oceans, gulfs and bays:
    the Red Sea, the Atlantic, the Persian Gulf, the Bay of Bengal.
  •  Names of mountain ranges:
    the Himalaya, the Alps, the Rocky mountains.
  •  Names of people (nations):
    the English, the french, the dutch, the Japnese, the Chinese.
  •  Names of newspapers and holy books:
    The Times of India, The Statesman, the Ramayana, the Bible.
  •  Names of famous buildings:
    the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, the Quatab Minar.

Omission of Articles

Articles are omitted before: most proper nouns, names of countries, stated, cities and towns, names of days and months.

Articles solved examples for kids

In the passage given below, one article has been omitted in each line. Write the most appropriate article against the correct blank with the word that comes before and the word that comes after.

When our class planned excursion we did not have any ideaplannedanexcursion
about procedure for hiring a private bus. We had very few days left forabouttheprocedure
our preparation. School had givenpreparationtheschool
us unique opportunity to travel.usaunique
Our teacher provided great helpprovidedagreat
and gave us perfect guidance.ustheperfect
Even Principal was equally helpful ineventheprincipal
making it great success.itagreat


Exercise 1

There is an error in the following sentences. Tick the correct sentences, choosing from the options given below.

Question 1: A pen is mightier than a sword.

  1.  The pen is mightier than the sword.
  2.  A pen is mightier than the sword.
  3.  An pen is mightier than a sword.
  4.  No error.

Question 2: A Rajdhani Express is the fastest train in India.

  1.  The Rajdhani Express is the fastest train in India.
  2.  A Rajdhani Express is a fastest train in India.
  3.  An Rajdhani Express is the fastest train in India.
  4.  The Rajdhani Express is a fastest train in India.

Question 3: Yesterday we met an European who was the University Professor.

  1.  Yesterday we met an Europe who was an University Professor.
  2.  Yesterday we met the European who was the University Professor.
  3.  Yesterday we met a Europe who was a University Professor.
  4.  No error.

Question 4: Sri Lanka is the island in an Indian Ocean.

  1.  The Sri Lanka is an island in an Indian ocean.
  2.  Sri Lanka is the in the Indian Ocean.
  3.  Sri Lanka is a island in an Indian Ocean.
  4.  Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean.

Question 5: An union of domestic servants was formed.

  1.  An union of the domestic servants was formed.
  2.  A union of domestic servants was formed.
  3.  The union of domestic servants were formed.
  4.  A union of an domestic servants was formed.

Question 6: Is he a heir to the throne?

  1.  Is he the heir to a throne?
  2.  Is he an heir to the throne?
  3.  Is he a heir to an throne?
  4.  Is he an heir to an throne?

Question 7: A Yamuna is a sacred river.

  1.  An Yamuna is the sacred river.
  2.  The Yamuna is an sacred river.
  3.  The Yamuna is a sacred river.
  4.  A Yamuna is the sacred river.

Question 8:  The proposal was accepted by the unanimous vote.

  1.  The proposal was accepted by a unanimous vote.
  2.  A proposal was accepted by an unanimous vote.
  3.  A proposal was accepted by the unanimous vote.
  4.  A proposal was accepted by a unanimous vote.

Exercise 2

 Fill in the blanks with suitable articles wherever necessary. Put a (x) where no article is required.

  1. The world is ___ happy place.
  2. She is ___ untidy girl.
  3. Let us discuss ___ matter seriously.
  4. Which is ___ longest river in India?
  5. The old man saw ___ three monkeys but paid no attention to them.
  6. ___ Ganga is ___ sacred river.
  7. I first met him ___ year ago.
  8. India is one of ___ most industrial countries in Asia.

Exercise 3

There is an article missing in each line in the given passage. Write the missing article in the space provided. If no article is required, write ‘no article’. (articles for kids)

  1.  I was / eyewitness to
    (a) ______
  2.  / accident on Delhi-Panipat line
    (b) ______
  3.  I was travelling by / Shatabdi Express.
    (c) ______
  4.  I heard / loud explosion when
    (d) ______
  5.  / train was about to reach
    (e) ______
  6.  Sonipat.
    (f) ______

Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with the suitable articles, whenever necessary.

This year (a) ___ English club of our school is organising (b) ___ Inter House debate competition on (c) ___ ‘Environment Day’ (d) ___ topic is ‘Pollution Free Delhi’ Each house will have to select (e) ___ team of two participants. Invitations will be sent to (f) ___ judges and (g) ___ chief guest. (h) ___ competition is for classes V and VI.

Exercise 5

Exercise the correct article in the following sentences. 

  1. Raghav is reading a/an/the excellent book on science fiction.
  2. Zoya’s mother is a/an/the Christian and her father is a/an/the Muslim.
  3. My uncle is a/an/the University professor.
  4. A/An/The rich should always help a/an/the poor.
  5. A/An/The Mangeshi Temple in Goa attracts a/an/the large number of pilgrims from all over India.
  6. Would you like to see a/an/the plans before we go for a/an/the meeting?
  7. Nikhil saw a/an/the owl in a/an/the park near his house yesterday.
  8. My father is leaving for a/an/the European tour next week.

Exercise 6

Complete the following passage with appropriate articles.

We only take (a) ___ few seconds to pass through (b) ___ earth’s atmosphere which is relatively hardly thicker than (c) ___ skin of an orange (d) ___ apple or (e) ___ peach.

Articles for kids

Exercise 7

Choose the correct sentences from the given options.

Question 1: Honesty is a best policy.

  1.  Honesty is an best policy.
  2.  Honesty was a best policy.
  3.  The honesty is the best policy.
  4.  Honesty is the best policy.

Question 2: He is a engineer in a big firm.

  1.  He is the engineer in a big firm.
  2.  He is an engineer in the big firm.
  3.  He is an engineer in a big firm.
  4.  He is the engineer in the big firm.

Question 3: Gorillas that live in the western part of central Africa are called a Lowland Gorillas.

  1.  Gorillas that live in a western part of central Africa are called a Lowland Gorillas.
  2.  Gorillas that live in the western part of the central Africa are called a Lowland Gorillas.
  3.  The Gorillas that live in a western part of the central Africa are called the Lowland Gorillas.
  4.  Gorillas that live in the western part of central Africa are called the Lowland Gorillas.

Question 4: Ravi bought a dozen apples and a orange.

  1.  Ravi bought the dozen apples and the orange.
  2.  Ravi bought a dozen apples and an orange.
  3.  Ravi bought an dozen apples and a orange.
  4.  Ravi bought the dozen apples and a orange.

Question 5: You are going too fast, you are exceeding a speed limit.

  1.  You are going too fast, you are exceeding the speed limit.
  2.  You are going too fast, you are exceeding the speed limit.
  3.  You are going too fast, you are exceeding an speed limit.
  4.  You going fast, you are an exceeding a speed limit.

Exercise 8

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.
Simla is one of (a) ___ most popular hill stations in India. It is (b) ___ beautiful city. It used to be (c) ___ winter capital of India before independence. People visit this place to enjoy (d) ___ charging beautiful of Simla.

Exercise 9

Fill the blanks with ‘A’, ‘An’ or ‘the’:

  1. ___ Kingfisher is ___ small bird.
  2. ___ honest man will speak ___ truth.
  3. ___ sewing machine is ___ useful invention.
  4. ___ earth moves round ___ sun.
  5.  I bought ___ buffalo, ___ ox and ___ horse.
  6.  February is ___ shortest month of ___ year.
  7. ___ soldier wears ___ uniform.
  8. ___ cold winds were blowing last night.
  9. ___ children found ___ egg in ___ nest.
  10. ___ lion is ___ king of beasts.
  11. ___ Germans defeated ___ Fresh in ___ Second World War.
  12. ___ school will close for ___ Diwali holidays on ___ tenth of October.
  13. ___ spacecraft flew over ___ Atlantic ocean.
  14. ___ moon looks like ___ lamp in ___ sky.
  15. ___ Taj Mahal is one of ___ wonders of ___ world.

Exercise 10

Insert articles where necessary and rewrite the sentences:

  1.  Cow is useful animal.
    The cow is a useful animal.
  2.  Ant is insect.
    Ans. ______
  3.  Chilka lake lies on eastern coasts of Orissa.
    Ans. ______
  4.  Bible is holy book for Christians.
    Ans. ______
  5.  He is wisest man in village.
    Ans. ______
  6.  Lily is beautiful flower.
    Ans. ______
  7.  World is happy place.
    Ans. ______
  8.  Guide knows way.
    Ans. ______
  9.  Ganges rises in Himalayas.
    Ans. ______
  10.  I waited for hour and half.
    Ans. ______
  11.  He plays guitar and tabla.
    Ans. ______
  12.  Sun, moon and stars are heavenly bodies.
    Ans. ______

Exercise 11

Articles for kids – Fill the blanks with suitable articles –

  1.  She is ___ woman who works in the hospital as ___ nurse.
  2.  We take breakfast in ___ morning.
  3.  I wish you all ___ Happy New Year.
  4.  There are many seats in  ___ yellow bus.
  5. ___ European came to my house yesterday.
  6. ___ honest man is respected by all.
  7.  That is ___ shop which has all ___ Harry Potter books.
  8.  In the zoo, I saw ___ owl, ___ elephant, and ___ lion.
  9. ___ Indian team defeated ___ Pakistan team in T-20 World Cup 2007.
  10.  I am going out for ___ hour.

Exercise 12

Question 1: Fill in the blank with a suitable article. 

Mr. Gupta is ___ taxi driver. One rainy day ___ old woman flagged down his taxi. She was carrying ___ umbrella and ___ basket of fruit. Mr. Gupta stopped the taxi. ___ old woman tried to open the door of the taxi but she could not Mr. Gupta got of his taxi and opened ___ door for her, As ___ old woman was getting into ___ taxi, ___ pear and ___ orange fell out of her basket. Mr. Gupta picked up ___ pear and ___ orange for her. Poor Mr. Gupta got very wet.

Question 2: Fill in the blank with a suitable article.

It was ___ cold winter night. There was ___ slight breeze and ___ few drops of rain fell gently on ___ roof of our house. Outside on ___ branch of ___ tree ___ owl hooted at ___ sound of ___ mouse jumping in ___ bushes. Suddenly ___ cloud came in front of ___ moon and darkness covered ___ ground like ___ umbrella.

Exercise 13

An article is missing from each line. A slash [/] has been given. The first one has been done for you.
It had been / a long time since I visited /___ Lotus Pond. I went there recently and was surprised to see / ___ changes that had taken place. / ___ Bird Park and /___ Butterfly Farm was full of visitors. There was also / ___ aquarium but I did not have /___ opportunity to visited it because I had only /___ hour to spare. Any person visiting / ___ place must have / ___ lot of time to spare.

Articles for kids PDF

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Also Read:

1.Subject and Predicate for kids
2.Tenses for kids
3.The Sentences for kids
4.Singular and Plural for kids
5.Articles for kids
6.Punctuation for kids
7.Conjunctions for kids
8.Modals for kids
9.Verb for kids
10.Adverb for kids
11.Adjectives for kids
12.Prepositions for kids
13.Pronoun for kids
14.Noun for kids
15.Interjection for kids
16.Vowels and Consonants for kids

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