
Argumentative Essay on Xenophobia

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Meaning of Xenophobia

Xenophobia is defined as the intense feeling of hostility toward other immigrants. So Xenophobia is, therefore, irrational fear and a refusal to acknowledge immigrants. It is believed that human evolution is reflected in Xenophobia.

In time, psychologists suggest that all forms of discrimination based on race, gender, religion, and ethnicity be eliminated from memory. These immigrants are usually people of different races and cultures. If that kind of discrimination ends with severe consequences such as hatred and violence, then Xenophobia will be a concern for security in such nations. “When differences between people are seen as a problem, they risk becoming the cause of discrimination, violence, and conflict.”

Globalization is the act of making the world economically, socially, politically, and technologically accessible. With the growing levels of hostility towards foreign nationals in existing countries, there is a need to reduce Xenophobia to promote the safety and security of immigrants in domestic countries. Some would argue that globalization and Xenophobia are likened to looting.

Let’s start the Argumentative Essay on Xenophobia

Xenophobia and Globalization

According to the U.N., it is estimated that the migration rate to developed countries will reach a continuous level of 2.2 million per year by 2050. How would one feel if all the business in the city was foreign? When people meet immigrants in their home country, the question that arises in their minds is what must have prompted them to leave their homeland. The feeling of discomfort that comes to a person’s mind at that moment is what is called Xenophobia. Globalization is the transformation of the world into a global village. It has been a response to the increase in immigration in developed countries.

Thus, international trade has made it easier for Xenophobia and tribalism to spread. Globalization has transformed societies that produce racism, Xenophobia, and a social norm. Although it does not eliminate them, it has caused them to, to some extent, hide from society while most people still cling to these attitudes. As already noted, globalization directly bears Xenophobia and its aftermath. The argument is that globalization can increase and decrease Xenophobia.

It exacerbates the situation by making the media more prone to Xenophobia, such as the proliferation of crime and hatred, and increasing the likelihood that different cultures will clash in certain situations. However, globalization also reduces Xenophobia by making immersion learning much more accessible.

Factors that leads to Xenophobia

The media and social media have encouraged globalization as well as Xenophobia. First of all, the media has exposed how different political leaders view other countries. For example, countries with the highest number of people living with HIV / AIDS are often the most disgraceful people globally. It is, therefore, to say that immigrants from such nations are thought to be spreading the deadly disease in the developing world, and this view perpetuates Xenophobia.

Therefore, the use of the media has fueled the spread of ideas, attitudes, and perceptions of immigrants, thus perpetuating Xenophobia, especially in criminal literature or extremist groups. The South African media, for example, is known for publishing more than what the public can recommend to outsiders. This act of indifference has fostered tainted relations between natives and immigrants. This is no different from Xenophobia.

Globalization has encouraged the migration of people from one country to another. Therefore, it is inevitable that cultural diversity and international relations will determine whether or not Xenophobia is being exposed. For example, students who get the opportunity to study in the U.S. are looked down upon. They return the same to hostage citizens who may be hostile to immigrants. Supports disputing with no less than one sound and trusted source.

The second type of cultural conflict, which leads to Xenophobia, is not the result of cultural differences or ignorance but cultural or national conflicts. Middle Eastern nations, for example, Israel and the Palestinians, have a war-torn civilization that has resulted in Xenophobia. These are not news stories as such nations will not always have good relations sooner for apparent reasons.

Controversy over answers

First, it has developed a sense of belonging between the various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. It is envisaged that international students will better understand the indigenous peoples, and the indigenous peoples will receive more learning about the lifestyle of such students in their home countries.
At the same time, going abroad has encouraged the immersion of culture in the various regions. Xenophobia has been viewed as a standard way of looking at people when they first meet. “If we do not know the cultural norms that define character and morals, it would be straightforward to predict morality before understanding your basis.

Globalization encourages Xenophobic people of different cultures and traditions through new social media, the education system, tourism, and other written material. This is reflected in the practical domain of Xenophobia as cultural conflicts lead to hatred and enmity among different nations.

Recent news, and many others, illustrate examples of conflicting cultural due between them. This conflict would not happen before the Traffic and global warming. Walking, as mentioned, is easy and necessary in some cases, resulting in the customs bumping into many different areas of the world, increasing Xenophobia. Therefore, language problems incite troublesome hatred and prejudices against foreigners, where the indigenous people and immigrants hate foreigners.

If you ask people why they like people from other countries, the majority of those countries are a source of unfair competitive residents who have. For example, people from different countries who do well academically and economically export loved. Think of all the businesses in a nearby town in other countries. The natives investment opportunities and thus have a hatred of foreigners. Some public speakers are known in the U.K., such as John Mills, emphasize the difficulties that immigrants are laid unceasing social networks and local services like schools and hospitals.

The inconvenience of following the increase in the arrival of people in other countries has bred Xenophobia in many countries. South Africa is an excellent example of this. A significant number of citizens gathered to attack the people from different countries to enter the country’s struggling economy and put tough competition in the market for the works of the people of this country.

Solution to overcome Xenophobia

Reducing the levels of Discrimination and Xenophobia would be the best way to promote contact with the people. It is sad to say that we can not facilitate the trade of the world to combat Xenophobia but called Globalization mothers and Xenophobia. The best way to combat Xenophobia is to co-operation between different sports and countries and to resolve conflicts in a peaceful way why it is possible. This will reduce cultural disputes between nations. Most important, the number of refugees and immigrants should be dictated by each region to avoid resentment among the provinces. France and Australia choose to reduce the number of refugees in their countries every year in such countries.

According to U.N., it is estimated that the rate of people coming from other countries will reach the level of developed countries firmly million 2.2 years in 2050. Remind your students of a resolution from unique. Therefore it becomes necessary the number of foreigners to prevent the exploitation of the available resources. This will reduce xenophobia and cold levels. It is identifying the source of showing why a solution may not work.

There is no clear history of the existing methods to fight Xenophobia. However, enhanced protection and other countries one way. This will reduce the risk of risk hateful local people. However, adequate security provision in other countries may not be possible, especially in developing countries. Therefore, reducing the number of refugees and immigrants must be controlled in each region to avoid resentment among the provinces.


In conclusion, Xenophobia and structure have changed these days due to changes in a person’s life history. One of the significant changes was globalization. Globalization alters the opposing Xenophobia, growth, and declines simultaneously. The media and publishing the spread of Xenophobia as a hate crime, now found in more, and the potential cultural friction to increase Xenophobia. On the contrary, globalization makes learning immersion in the traditions easier, reducing Xenophobia. If Xenophobia has negative consequences and disadvantages, it could affect a problematic person.

Everybody should unite and cooperate in fighting Xenophobia. The media should be subject to its publication wisely and focus on the books that make up the communities to raise awareness of the mind. Also, the authorities and the government should provide opportunities for education, such quality, and gives a good picture of different cultures and learning programs overseas.

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