
Argumentative Essay on Women’s Rights

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Women’s Right

Feminism is an organization that always fights for women’s rights. It sees the idea that people are treated differently based on their natural identities and still masculinity. Regardless of the environment, be it school or work, women are treated inferior.

Throughout history and culture, the movement for women’s rights has changed attitudes and perspectives. Many oppose the notion that women’s rights are equal in employment. Nevertheless, many argue that even domestic equality is in the realm of women’s rights.

There are different conditions, such as maternity leave, where women need further treatment. In the USA,  ​​maternity leave originated long ago, and today the idea has reached developing countries. Women in many countries face social problems, but if there are special provisions to protect women, there can be guaranteed equality.

The history of women’s rights organizations can be traced back to the 1700s and 1800s. The first convention to promote women’s rights was held in Seneca Falls, New York. Later, the 1855 marriage protest by Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell announced women’s rights. They protested against laws that bind women to control their husbands and argued that women should have their personalities and be present without the control of their husbands.

The National Women’s Organization (NOW) was another step forward in women’s rights campaigns. It happened in 1966 and was based entirely on the idea of ​​equality. The organization wanted to give women equal opportunity so that, as human beings, their full potential could be enhanced.

 In 1979, the United Nations General Assembly addressed the issue of women’s rights. The main focus of the meeting was to take appropriate action to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, which was a significant step forward in the reasonable efforts of women. The conference made it clear that gender equality must exist at all levels: economic, political, social, social, or cultural. The discussion focused on reducing all forms of discrimination against women ending child trafficking or child marriage.

Europe witnessed the first proto-feminist movement in the 19th century. The organization introduced the principles of feminism, and such an idea encouraged many women. The Female Moral Reform Society, which granted women prominent representation, was the most well-known product of this proto-feminist movement.

From ancient times, women have played a significant role in shaping society. Several women attended the first and second world wars, and their activities were not widely recognized. Several waves of feminism that occur over time reflect the contribution of women, so we must realize their importance. We must build a society of equality and harmony where women do not end poverty.

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