
Argumentative Essay on Violence

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Violence, of course, is not a new phenomenon – it has existed since the dawn of civilization. But today, it seems different, something new. This is mainly due to attention to violent crimes such as rape and murder, and assault in the media. The media has deliberately reported violent crimes to get people to visit their website, pick up and buy their paper or magazine, or see their social media platforms to grow their brand and give advertisers a reason to advertise their businesses. Unfortunately, it always happens to a media company trying to make money.


But we do well to ask ourselves, ‘What are the consequences of this violent treatment?’ Of course, the answer to this question is not black and white, but shades of gray. This has been the subject of debate for years, from the shooting of Columbine High School in 1999 to modern-day Charleston, South Carolina, at church shootings, especially for blacks. Both events have garnered national and international attention, leading to controversy over gun rights issues and media attention issues.

While determining whether children have been exposed to high-risk television violence is challenging, there appears to be a strong link between media violence and violent behavior among ‘vulnerable’ youth groups.

It is difficult to say whether these types of events directly influence children to do the same. Some would argue that people with a mental illness may be committing these types of violent crimes in the first place. Either they want to inflict severe damage on some people with severe disease or realize that the media is celebrating the perpetrator of violence.

“While the causes of youth violence are many and include varied factors such as poverty, family psychopathology, child abuse, exposure to domestic and social violence, substance abuse, and other mental illnesses, research literature enforces children’s exposure to media violence—an essential role in the effort to resort to violent behavior.

The researchers say that the past 30 years or so have encouraged in-depth research into the relationship between television violence and the behavior of violent teenagers. He says many studies have confirmed this relationship. According to the research, the average American child watches more than 200,000 acts of violence (and more than 16,000 murders) before reaching the age of 18. for children with up to 20 acts of violence every hour.

Even more shocking, the study goes on to say, the way vulnerable young people have been abused in some way, shape, or situation may feel that violence is the way out, the solution to their problems. This is especially true when children see their favorite heroes in stories that turn violent as revenge or as a tool to fight evil – in other words, bad people. Ironically, a young, vulnerable, or teenager may feel like a hero when they see someone or people harassing or harassing other people or persecuting certain groups in society as evil. Turning to what they have seen on television, they probably feel that it is right to use violence to get rid of evil people.

Children who watch violence on television are harmless. They may see violence as accurate and, in the long run, lose their sympathy for both the victim and the abuser.

While this is a debate for many, it is false and irrelevant to pretend that TV and other media do not affect viewers, especially young people, in a negative way. This effect can lead to mental illness in many children and adolescents, as people who use violent crime to solve problems can only get mental illness. Still, more and more young people feel lonely in the world, perhaps in the evenings feeling neglected in a society that rewards people for being famous, bright, and prevalent. They crave celebrities, they crave prominence, and given the media’s relentless pursuit of evil, they realize that violent, criminal behavior can be an effective way to be greater than life. And so they make violent crime aware that it will make them famous. It’s unfortunate. But it is true.

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