
Argumentative Essay on Vaccines

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“Announcement of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” Benjamin Franklin reportedly stated. However, Mr. Franklin talked about fire prevention, ensuring that all children are medically able to be vaccinated. It is wise to protect a child from the disease rather than deal with the disease itself and its consequences.

The concept is defined as “a biological substance that aids in the development of immune responses that protect people or other animals from one or more diseases.”

Vaccines are given to infants, children, and adults to help protect a person from getting certain diseases. Some do not believe in vaccination for various reasons, but most people prefer to vaccinate their children. There is a good reason for this position. Despite concerns about autism, vaccine safety, and unnecessary immunizations, it should be a legal obligation to vaccinate every child who is medically competent in the United States because of the protection we give our children from preventable diseases, the safety of those who cannot get it. Policies and financial savings.

Importance of Vaccination

Vaccines are essential to protect our children from infectious diseases. An excellent example of this is the pox vaccine. The evidence is still in the numbers. Some describe how the chicken vaccine was introduced in 1995, and the number of reported cases of chickenpox decreased by 90% after the first year of children receiving the vaccine! They claim that rotavirus has dropped from about three million people a year to only 300,000 since 2006. Other preventable diseases such as meningitis, polio, and measles also show a dramatic decline in vaccines.

The number of people who are well vaccinated also protects those who cannot get vaccinated. Other examples could be people with HIV, taking anti-retroviral drugs, or at high-risk antibodies. In his article: “Anti-vaccine Movement Endangers the Disabled,” he explains that although these people may not be able to get vaccinated, they are protected by so-called “Herd Immunity .”If most people are vaccinated, then the disease does not spread, and those who can not get a gun are also protected. Others who are not saved to preserve the herd are children too young to be vaccinated and adults who have not yet been vaccinated or whose resistance is low.

One problem that is often overlooked in the discussion of a child’s immunizations. As dehydration caused by rotavirus can cost up to $ 5000.00. He went on to say that if a child ends up with a child-like disability who needs heart surgery for rubella, the cost will increase significantly.

Dr. McCarthy points out that the cost of not vaccinating your child is limited by the cost of treating the infection and overtime at work. Each day spent at home or in the hospital caring for a sick child is a full day’s pay that can be received. Think of the consequences if a child becomes so ill that the parent is at fault for a month or more. Jobs could be lost, money invested, relationships strained, all that could have been avoided with just a simple vaccination.

There are many reasons people oppose immunizations for themselves or their children, and while I believe that these people think they’re doing the best for their children, I also believe that their thinking is wrong, and there are facts to prove it.

A common claim is that vaccines, especially the MMR vaccine, cause autism. According to Offit and Moser, There are two claims that the MMR vaccine can cause autism. The first case was made in 1998 by researchers in England who believed that autism resulted from a combination of measles, mumps, and rubella. Recent studies quickly disputed this view. They went on to say that it was not a combination of MMR vaccine but thimerosal, added protection against MMR and other vaccines that could cause or contribute to autism.

Many studies have been conducted to determine the link between thimerosal (a type of mercury) and autism. Congress reviewed more than 2200 studies conducted between 2004 and 2011, and there is no evidence of a relationship between thimerosal vaccines and autism. Although there was no evidence that thimerosal caused autism, the American Academy of Pediatrics requested that thimerosal be removed from vaccines out of public fear. There has been no thimerosal in pediatric vaccines other than the flu vaccine since 2001. Studies have also been conducted over the years since showing autism rates are the same whether the child has received a vaccine containing thimerosal or if they have been vaccinated against those who have not been vaccinated.

Another issue to be debated is that vaccines are often unsafe. Vaccines must go through a rigorous process before being licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the FDA. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), the vaccine should pass through clinical trials. These tests look at the vaccine’s effectiveness, the appropriate dose required, and possible side effects. The CDC states that by the time the clinical trials are completed, “hundreds or thousands of volunteers [have] participated [in the trial].”

Once the FDA has licensed a vaccine, it has a monitoring system called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or VAERS. According to CDC medical experts, they report any side effects they experience in patients with vaccination. The VAERS system keeps track of side effects, and there are studies completed to determine whether the vaccine causes the side effects or not. This process clearly shows that the vaccines given to our children in the United States are safe.

Finally, there is the argument that vaccines are given unnecessarily. People often think, no one is suffering from diphtheria, measles, or mumps; why should I vaccinate my baby for them? A person with measles can quickly enter the U.S. and infect those who are not immune. The document further states that the U.S. believed that measles was no longer a threat in 2000, but by 2014 667 cases had been reported. Although there were no measles infections in the U.S. in 2000, they existed in some areas, and people became infected and infected an uninfected person.

Some who argue that we should allow our children to be exposed to diseases such as chickenpox or even measles agree that environmental infections often provide better protection than vaccines but that they come at a price. Too many problems can arise from having a simple childhood illness such as pneumonia, congenital disabilities, and even death. It is very safe and very wise to vaccinate.


Thanks to vaccines, we live in a world where we do not fear that our baby will die of measles; we do not worry about smallpox or polio. Our children are safer and longer living due to the existence of these vaccines. Our government has developed a robust and organized system to ensure that safe and effective outcomes are known. Vaccines are safe, necessary, and, most importantly, save lives.

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