
Argumentative Essay on the Youth of Today

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We spend the first half of our lives trying to understand the older generation and the rest of our understanding of the new generation. Every year has its beauty. Adolescence has always been frustrating, mainly because of age and age. With its natural complexity and impatience, most young people are more willing to do and learn independently than be guided by adult knowledge. Older people are more likely to be at home in words than actions and often make noise with impatience and contempt. Throughout the ages, older men were found shaking their heads and thinking of the good old days when the younger men of that time got to know each other better and showed due respect for age and culture.

Some of the accusations of modern youths are that they represent an unruly generation that could not survive or want to live. They are plagued by compulsive disrespect that manifests in increasing disrespect for parental authority and rebellion against established social norms. With a bit of excuse, they entered the streets, feasting violently. They want to attract attention to unusual behaviors. They became a generation of drug addicts and developed a hatred for hard work honestly, always wanting something worthwhile. Its relentless youth escapes into the hostile world. Now its hateful youth are out in the troubled world. This is not sure what to expect from it.

If we think about it, it is not just young people who are restless; human society itself is in a state of flux. Rising wealth in developed societies has created insecurity among young people who yearn for instant rewards. Children receive all the money they need from their parents and seldom deal with the need to work to support themselves. Even in less-developed lands, young people often feel unsatisfied because their view of a happy future is shattered by internal strife or political instability. This causes the youth to protest against rampant corruption in society and the denial of social justice.

In these situations, should we ask ourselves if all the talk about devotion to good ideas, moral renewal, and essential virtues leaves young people feeling cold and unsatisfied? They are no longer willing to accept whatever their elders choose to do to them blindly. They are prone to critical reviews of all social and political systems they are called upon to adopt. When they have a clear set of values ​​that are reckless and reckless in pursuit of profit, political leaders deliberately infiltrate the masses, their interests are allowed to frustrate the whole process, common corruption in high places and other differences between promises and performance, naturally turn into insults and cries for change.

Students from the most critical group for young people of all nations. Their most significant and most serious complaint is that what they learn after spending a lot of time, effort and money is very little related to the realities of life they face after university. It is natural for them to want to have a say in the decisions to make some connection with their future. They could no longer tolerate politicians covering themselves as teachers. They see themselves as truly capable of taking care of themselves.

If we look at today’s youth from the preceding, it is clear that they are not alone in feeling that way. They may be accused of not knowing what they want. Theirs is a movement against the hypocrisy and dishonesty of their elders. These worries about the future and these worries about saving lives from self-indulgence are commendable. But it cannot be said that a higher purpose always guides young people. Disagreements are necessary for a bond when things go wrong. Violence comes from young people. Young people, who are firmly convinced that the authority they are fighting for is unfair and oppressive and feel the truth of their position, react emotionally. The intensity of their feelings fills with resentment, and they turn to violence.

All in all, the new generation today is misunderstood and maligned more than it deserves. The land we will eat will be much better than the land we have ever been or would be. At the same time, life will present its most significant and complex challenge. It would not take criticism and find fault with it quickly enough. Most importantly, it is managed with understanding to develop into the ability to recreate the earth it will inherit in line with its excellent vision.

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