
Argumentative Essay on the Adverse Effects of Video Games

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From children to adults, everyone enjoys playing video games. These fun apps are seen as a favorite pastime for people. With the growth of processing capabilities, modern video games have become more sophisticated and loaded with many images. The introduction of these dynamic devices changed the whole concept of the game. However, video games seem to be very profitable, with a few disadvantages.

Positive impact of video games:

  • Better cognitive thinking: Kids playing video games have better-thinking abilities. They are at the forefront of developing strategies and complex and effective problem-solving solutions.
  • Improves motor skills: This is another crucial benefit of video games for kids. Modern gaming technology helps to develop eye-hand contact skills in children. Regular practice leads to better motor skills that eventually enable the child to cope with the natural world’s realities.
  • You learn to develop strategies: The new game technology is based on developing “strategies” that force the player to think outside the box. These games build ingenuity, intelligence, planning skills, and personal performance. These skills also help him in the world of work.
  • Good resource management: It has been shown that children who are constantly exposed to video games become better resource managers. Many video games are based on strategies that teach players how to make the most of the available resources.

Negative Impact of Video Games:

  • Addiction: Excessive exposure to video games makes children addicted to them. They spend a lot of time playing these games and lose contact with the real world. This also harms their studies. Children addicted to these games are easily provoked, quarrelsome, violent, and happy.
  • Health problems: One of the worst things about playing video games is eye pressure. I was constantly staring at the screen without blinking, leads to a loss of vision. Also, prolonged sitting in one place causes pain in the neck, back, and shoulders.

 The pros and cons of Video Games

  • Development of logical skills and problem-solving: It has been shown that children who regularly play video games train their brains in the brain area. The promotion of this region makes them creative and analytical. This enables them to solve problems quickly.
  • Improved hand-eye interaction: Kids playing video games develop good local and car skills. In shooting video games, the player must identify the moving character. This requires that he monitor the character’s placement, speed, and location. It requires a lot of visual acuity and eye-hand contact skills to be successful. Video games help people learn graphic and visual skills.
  • Improved resource planning and management: Many video games teach players to manage limited resources and make the most of them. This is one such skill that can serve a lifetime. It teaches the player to plan, use and manage limited resources effectively.
  • Doing too many things: Another essential skill that people use in video games is to do many things. This skill is learned a lot while playing strategy-based video games. The player knows several flexible tracking and self-controls. It forces the player to stay flexible and quickly change his playing strategies. Video games help the player concentrate, learn, and perform multiple tasks.
  • Quick decision-making skills: Video games teach the player to do a quick analysis of the situation and, based on that, form quick decisions. The ability to make the right decisions at the right time is an essential skill that can be learned, especially if you are playing action games. It can be a training tool to train a player to deal with stressful situations without losing composure. It is also beneficial in the real world.
  • Accuracy: Action games train the player’s mind to make quick and accurate decisions without losing accuracy.
  • Taking risks: Sometimes you need to take small risks in life. While playing video games, the player must face situations where he must have the courage to take risks.

Adverse effects of video games:

  • Discard awareness: Kids often seem so focused on the game that they are cut off from reality. Their lives are limited to a small box and a game. This creates an addiction to them. Prolonged exposure to high blood pressure can lead to academic failure and behavioral problems.
  • Discarding relationships: Being obsessed with video games can negatively affect their relationships with people in the real world. They spend all their time playing video games and failing to fulfill their obligations to their family and friends.
  • Health problems: Playing a video game does not require physical activity in any outdoor fun. The result is that excessive exposure to video games contributes to childhood obesity. This is because the baby stays in one place for a long time. There are some potential health problems such as eye strain and body aches.

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