
Argumentative Essay on Romeo and Juliet

In the opening introduction of Romeo and Juliet, the Chorus refers to the protagonist as a “star-studded couple,” referring to the belief that the stars and planets have the power to control events on Earth. This line leads many readers to believe that Romeo and Juliet were created to fall in love inevitably and are equally destined for that love to be destroyed.

Although the earliest and maybe most famous illustration of celestial bodies in Romeo and Juliet is in the Prologue, the signs of the stars, the sun, the moon, and the heavens appear throughout the play, and we are transported to the entire picture, which seems to convey a different view of man duty. However, Romeo does not refer to their astronomical powers when referring to the stars. Instead, he uses the image of the stars to describe the beauty of Juliet’s world. Many of the celestial images that followed the game follows this pattern, from comparing Juliet’s love with Juliet to the sun to Juliet’s desire to “make little stars” when he dies. Throughout the game, these statues of stars are often associated with two lovers rather than divine beings, emphasizing that, as the game’s action grows, we cannot simply blame the catastrophe on specific non-human external forces.

Romeo and Juliet are indeed evil. Tybalt chooses a deadly battle with Romeo on the recent wedding, prompting Capulet to extend the marriage to Paris. An important letter from Friar Lawrence is lost due to the outbreak of the disease at the wrong time. Romeo commits suicide just seconds before Juliet wakes up. It is also true that couples are to blame for their difficult situation: their friends, family, and individual communities also played a role in creating tragic situations. Even though fate or some other heavenly power causes Romeo and Juliet to fall in love when they first sight each other, causing the action to be shaken, Shakespeare makes it plain that the individuals’ free choices drive the situation to its tragic climax. It is suggested that Romeo, or Juliet, would have stopped running for destruction at any few points.

Romeo’s tendency to act hastily puts him — and his girlfriend — in serious trouble. His haste has made him the star of love in our culture, but the game proves his demise. From the beginning, Shakespeare warns us not to look at Romeo’s sudden anger logically. After all, Shakespeare made a point of showing that Romeo’s love for Juliet removed the other, earlier infatuation. Romeo is undoubtedly driving the game into more tragedy than any other character with his acts of haste. He climbs onto Juliet’s wall the night they meet and presses her to tie him up. He kills Tybalt with blind rage. Then, thinking that Juliet is dead, she is poisoning herself. Romeo never thinks about his actions, and his lack of foresight makes him responsible for their negative consequences.

Although Juliet proves to be a very passionate colleague for Romeo, she does not fault their meeting because, at least, she is aware of the speed with which they are developing. He compares their love to lightning on the balcony, which suddenly burns but can quickly fade into darkness. Unlike Romeo, Juliet’s tragic choice is a logical response to the situation. He agrees to marry her because he needs proof of his commitment. He does not take the drug out of desperation but believes the Friar Lawrence program will put things right. Although each decision poses a challenge for her and her partner, those decisions are, in effect, the result of sound judgment and good judgment. When she sees that her lover is dead, she gives in to the urge to kill herself.

 Romeo and Juliet concluded with strong criticism of the characters’ actions. In the closing family photo, the Capulets and Montague gathered near the grave to see the effects of their senseless confrontation. As the Prince points out, not even “the sun for grief will not reveal its head” on that fateful day — even the heavens feel the folly of man below.

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