
Argumentative Essay on Reality TV Shows

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Reality television is not harmful to its viewers and can be profitable. It is a good source of entertainment. Reality television has become a significant part of what people watch on television today. People are drawn to these games to escape their daily pressures. It has become trendy because it plays on people’s emotions and thoughts. Sitcom usually presents complete families who can solve any problem in 30 minutes. Realistic scenes depict real people and how they react to different situations.

Most people are interested in watching how people react in different places and other people. Impossible and amazing. Every episode, people watch and want to know what will happen next, which keeps them watching week after week. It leaves them wondering what will happen next, no matter what happens if someone makes a different decision. They wait for next week’s episode, wondering who will win the prize and who will be selected to advance to the next round.

Many reality shows also offer great value for money to the winner. It is interesting to see what people will do to win. At shows such as the Fear Factor, rivals eat pork intestines, free fall from 12-story buildings with only a quarter-inch cable to keep their bodies from hitting the concrete pavement below, and other dangerous and disgusting things. (Munroe B8) Spectators and competitors are both interested in making easy money.

Another popular program, Temptation Island, sends unmarried couples to a tropical island to see if they can cheat on their partner with some beautiful single songs. People seem fascinated by all the fighting, drama, and random encounters. It is interesting to see who is no longer connected and separated at the end of the program. A study conducted at the University of Missouri-Columbia has shown that virtual reality television programs can positively impact their viewers.

According to the latest research, shows such as Survivor, Paradise Hotel, Temptation Island, Fear Factor, Big Brother, and The Bachelor attract more than 18 million viewers per episode. According to Cynthia Frisby, an assistant professor of marketing at the Missouri School of Journalism at the University of Missouri-Columbia, “The needs of entertainment are met by reality television because these games allow people to compare media images – comparisons that ultimately help them feel better about themselves and their situation.”

Television offers the joy of watching danger and doubt without facing the consequences. Virtual reality television programs distract people from traumatic and stressful events in everyday life for 30 minutes to an hour. People may be more involved in programs than just watching. With technologies such as the Internet and webcams, people can watch live shows 24 hours a day. There are also chat rooms and message boards so people can talk about their favorite popular program at any time. This allows the viewer to follow and participate in the program for more than thirty minutes. The program became ingrained in their everyday routine. The primary purpose of virtual reality dramas is to attract the audience through drama, sex, and predictability. People continue to watch out of curiosity about what will happen next or what happens when someone makes a different decision. Actual television can be an excellent way to escape reality and not be a danger to its viewers.

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