
Argumentative Essay on Open Book Examination

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Examiners are allowed to consult their class notes, textbooks, and other authorized materials while answering questions in a “open book test.” This practice is very common in legal exams but is rare in some studies. Those who are accustomed to being tested are puzzled by this idea. But it is ideal for teaching programs that aim primarily to develop deep and creative thinking skills.

Teaching as Information Transfer

It is important to understand the nature of teaching programs in general in order to enjoy open book tests. The learner is expected to absorb this information, store it, and extract it and present it during the final examination.

Many traditional tests test how much information students are able to memorize. Therefore, students memorize their textbooks and class notes and hand them over to the answer sheets of their test room. In this type of test, success depends on the amount of memorized information and the accuracy with which it is repeated.

Teaching that creates Mental Growth

Another view is that teaching should not be merely a matter of transferring items from the textbooks to the minds of readers. Instead, a real school is to show students how to learn. That is, teaching should give students the ability to acquire knowledge and correct the same on the basis of new experiences and apply them to problem solving and making wise decisions. Education is not just a qualification, but a lifelong process of mental development.

So the teacher should not simply summarize the information in the textbook. But he should make learning work through questions, exercises, projects, and assigned tasks and also support and guide by giving his comments and criticism.

As a physical education program it aims to improve students’ physical fitness, stamina, and flexibility. Courses taught in high school or university should aim to improve student intelligence – resilience, resilience, and flexibility.

Therefore, standard memory tests should provide a place for tests that test a student’s intellectual abilities. This is where the open book experiments come from.

An open book review should not have questions such as Who created the relationship theory ?, Define the term ‘General Deviation? Or Write an article about the main features of Old English structure. Students can easily find answers in textbooks or notes, and copy them on their answer sheets.

Conversely, if an indirect question is asked after quoting a sentence from Old English, you will need an understanding of the symbols of the Old English structure. Students cannot copy blindly in a textbook.

In a closed book test, the student inserts a cup of information from the book without the same understanding and then repeats it on the answer sheet.

An open book test attempts to end this memorization process. Given the opportunity to receive books in the examination hall, the questionnaire will not have questions that simply need to be transferred from the book to the answer sheet.

It’s not that memory isn’t important in school. Active memory involves mechanical theft, while active memory, involves artistic and critical thinking. An open book test is not worth checking for inactive memory. Training students to use their flexible memory.

Impact on Open book Learning Strategies

Open-book tests encourage a positive attitude in both reading and teaching. Students will stop robbing in order to reproduce it in tests. Open book reviews will make a significant difference in this attitude. It means they must understand the concepts, and use them to solve problems.

So education becomes a pleasure, not a chore. And what is read with pleasure is effectively integrated, and better preserved.

Impact on open book Teaching Techniques

Similarly, with open book testing, teaching strategies will also change. Instead of the teacher always instructing and students writing notes, classes will have discussions, questions, and other practical procedures. The teaching process will no longer be the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student rather than the training of intellectual skills.

Therefore, open-ended literature testing can restore the true meaning of the word education to both teachers and students. According to CBSE, the word “open-book” does not clearly specify that students would be able to bring textbooks into the test venue. Instead, students will be notified in advance about the chapters and sections where the analysis questions will be asked.

When the teacher announced the open book test, many students took a deep breath, thinking that they were taking a break from reading. It is a completely wrong view. In fact, open book testing is not easy. Open book reviews teach students how to get information when they need it using their mind. Students will need to learn a little differently.

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