
Argumentative Essay on Obesity 

Obesity and overweight are the highest health concerns globally because of the impact it has on people’s lives. Obesity is defined as the state of being overweight and measured by the body mass index (BMI) so that when a person’s BMI is above 30, they are classified as obese. BMI is calculated using body weight and height and is different for everyone.

Obesity has been described as a risk factor for many diseases. It is caused by eating habits, genetics, lifestyle habits, and physical inactivity. Obesity can be prevented so that people do not have serious problems and health problems. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and are also linked to obesity in terms of causes and issues.

Factors Affecting Obesity:

Obesity is not simply a matter of living habits, as many people put it. Several other crucial factors influence obesity. Genetics is one of those factors. A person may be born with a genetic predisposition to obesity, and it will lead to weight loss because it is a genetic predisposition.

The environment also contributes to obesity because the diet is similar in some areas. In some areas, such as school, the fast-food available and the availability of healthy food is deficient, leading to obesity. Also, physical inactivity is a natural component of obesity because some areas do not have fields or tracks where people can run, or perhaps the site is not very safe, and people who do not usually go out exercise.

Mental health affects individual eating habits. There is a tendency to eat stress when a person is depressed, which can lead to obesity or obesity if a person stays unhealthy for a long time.

All human life is also essential. If a person is unhealthy and given steroids, they may be overweight. Steroidal medications enhance weight gain as a side effect.

Obesity problems:

Obesity is a health problem because your problems are severe. Obese people experience serious social and health issues. Socially they will be exploited, and their self-esteem will be low as they will see themselves as unfit.

Chronic diseases such as diabetes are caused by obesity. Type 2 diabetes is directly related to obesity. This condition involves an increase in blood sugar, and the body’s cells do not respond to insulin as they should. Insulin in the body may also be insufficient due to decreased production. High blood sugar causes constant hunger, thirst, and urination. Symptoms of complex stages of type 2 diabetes include vision loss, kidney failure, heart failure, and eventually death. The importance of having a normal BMI is the body’s ability to control blood sugar.

Another problem is increased blood pressure. Obesity has been described as high in fat. Body fat accumulates in the bloodstream and makes it thinner. Increased blood pressure causes the heart to fail in its bodily functions. Heart failure is the ultimate consequence of an increase in blood pressure.

There is a significant increase in cholesterol in the blood of obese people. High cholesterol levels in the blood cause fat deposits in various parts of the body and organs. Fatty deposits in the heart and blood vessels cause heart disease. There are other conditions caused by hypercholesterolemia.

Other chronic illnesses such as cancer can also be caused by obesity because inflammation of the body’s cells and tissues occurs to store fat in obese people. This may result in abnormal growth and mutation of cell morphology. Abnormal growths can be cancerous.

Obesity Control:

For people at risk of obesity, preventative measures can be used. Prevention included healthy eating and physical activity. Diet and exercise patterns should be consistent and visible to avoid problems that may cause problems.

Some of the risk factors for obesity are, for example, genetics. When a person is genetically modified, lifestyle changes may be helpful.

People who are already overweight can lose weight through healthy eating and exercise.


In conclusion, obesity is a significant health concern because health problems are much worse. Both factors contribute to obesity and are irreversible. Obesity management focuses on diet and exercise, so it is essential to stay fit.

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