
Argumentative Essay on Negative Effects of Technology

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There is no doubt that technology plays a vital role in developing societies as countries rely on them in all spheres of life. Governments worldwide compete to create and develop state-of-the-art technology that can maintain high efficiency and accuracy of work. Beginning in the 1980s, people began to use technology every day. The use of technology continued to rise so much that people used it for small things. That overuse resulted in many negative consequences. There are many negative consequences of using technology in society, but the three significant consequences can be health problems, privacy issues, and social problems.

One of the negative aspects of the rapid use of technology in society is health. There is no doubt that technology is improving and spreading globally. That led to communities dealing with it almost daily to do their job, which led to many problems. These issues can be divided into two main categories, namely mental health issues and physical health problems. First and foremost is the health problem, there are many health problems caused by exposure to technology, but the serious ones weaken the eyes. People who regularly deal with computers as program planners suffer from poor eyesight and eye pain for a long time. According to Tripp (2013), people who frequently use computers for extended periods experience blurred severe vision and blurred vision. That looks good as the eyes should always be focused on a screen that emits high levels of radiation that causes the eyes to glaze over and cause the eyes to glaze over, which leads to chronic eye pain. In addition, technology can cause mental problems for some. Some people who regularly spend hours working with televisions and computers without contact with people become depressed and develop independent behaviors that lead to fear of talking to people, which leads to them suffering from a mental illness called anxiety. Unfortunately, parents expose their children to technology without considering the cruel consequences of such an act. It causes their children to suffer from many mental illnesses. Crawford (2011) noted that due to overproduction, many children were diagnosed with bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression, leading to the use of a large number of psychotropic drugs. That is evident as parents do not think that technology separates a child from the outside world and thus gets mental illness. In summary, technology has a double effect which is psychological and physical.

A second negative consequence of the overuse of technology in society is the loss of privacy and security. As the world experiences more technological advances, it is also facing privacy and security issues that could take the world away from personal information. First, privacy issues. Privacy issues are considered one of the most sensitive issues. Privacy issues related to location tracking and information inspection. It is much easier for technicians to track and monitor any electronic device that connects to the network by simply following the IP location using the systems and obtaining dominant communication over errors that lead to accessing user data. For example, some advertising websites can track location, monitor what users do, and see what users like and dislike by surveying which products are the most preferred. At the same time, other countries often check other countries to maintain their internal security and check—essential information. According to the Thai group (2012), Iran’s communications minister said western countries were checking the internet, leading to widespread corruption. That is evident as the west has advanced tools that can track and monitor anyone in the world with high accuracy. In addition to privacy issues, security issues can seriously affect anyone in the world, including information theft. It is known that user information for any website is stored in the cloud storage of the website. Experts aim at that cloud storage. If not adequately protected, all user information, including ID and passwords, will be threatened. For example, if a professional hacker enters a banking site, they can cause severe damage to the users and the bank, fleeing without leaving anything behind. Computer predators (n.d.) have revealed that while computers are connected to the internet, cybercriminals send malware to seek financial information and transmit it to them. That is evident as many cybercriminals have used these malicious programs to infiltrate western banking systems. In a nutshell, technology dramatically affects privacy and security.
A third negative consequence of the overuse of technology in society is a social issue. Over the years, technology has dramatically improved in business and employment and many fields. One of the most critical areas of profit is the sports field, which has been changed many times to make the games more accurate and more like real life. Games are so real that killings and other disgusting scenes are included. The adverse effects of sport can be divided into two main categories: fluctuations in anger and a lack of social skills. According to Alamy (2012), teens who habitually play violent games are highly aggressive. That is evident from the fact that watching such dangerous scenes may cause youths or children to attack or even cause harm to their friends at school or in the community.
In addition to violence, a lack of interpersonal skills is another consequence of the overuse of technology. Staying up all day working with electronic devices such as computers can divide a person. It is clear that technology has expanded communication by simply communicating with anyone with the click of a button. But it is responsible for the immediate loss of the relationship. These days some people may be in love and sit next to each other, but there is no communication. According to Howarth (2014), children’s communication skills are significantly reduced due to prolonged contact with technology. That is obvious because when a child focuses on technology, their communication skills will be reduced. In conclusion, technology affects the socialization of children.
In the end, the technology was made to work globally, but people used it at deeper levels which caused significant problems, which are health problems, privacy issues, and social problems. Health problems are considered severe problems that affect the mental and physical health of the user. In addition, privacy is adversely affected by hacking and theft of user information. In addition, social cohesion is affected by changing attitudes and a lack of communication skills. People should spend less time communicating and use technology at affordable prices to avoid future problems.

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