
Argumentative Essay on Money Can’t Buy Happiness

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Would you be happy if you had a large house, an indoor swimming pool or a luxury car to drive. Or is it something related to a feeling of freedom, love, relationships, and self-awareness. There are two main types of people who think that money cannot buy happiness – those who have a lot of money and who find themselves unhappy and those who don’t had any money.

What Is Happiness?

What is happiness? Is it fun?

Is there a difference between joy and happiness?

Happiness is often defined differently by different people. Someone’s happiness can be bad luck for another. So what is the ultimate happiness? It is something that separates you from the pleasures of material things and you are always happy. Increase your happiness by helping others, calmly and caring. This kind of happiness cannot be bought with money.

Requirements V/S Wants

Life is very simple but we make it difficult. The basic rule of thumb includes ‘Requirements and Requirements’. The basic necessities of life such as food, clothing, shelter, etc. are necessities. Adequate income, electricity, education, and transportation can also be counted as necessities in modern life. Once a man has fulfilled his basic needs, he does not stop there, he longs for more. Earnings increase, a better home in the city, more expensive clothes, a better car and when crossing this category you want more like a world tour, a luxury villa and new hobbies like golf, boating, etc.

So basically you want endless and if happiness depends on these factors then it is really hard to imagine that one will find happiness because you will always indulge in more gain. It is good to have the desire for prominence and money can be a powerful force for good living but when one becomes selfish and selfish then the ultimate goals of life are replaced by material ones. Success brings happiness but is short-lived. We work hard for years to gain something but it disappears in a few days or months.

Is Money Matter?

It would be a mistake to say that money is not important. Imagine that you are traveling with your family. In this journey, your goal is to travel, not to your destination. The trip with the family is fun but the fuel needed for the car to travel during the trip requires money. If the fuel tank is dry, you can still drive it on a steep slope but that will be dangerous. Human life also works the same way, money is essential to the survival of the fittest and it is very difficult to live without money. You are striving to find happiness when money is the only goal in your life.

Happiness v/s Pleasure

 You can have fun with money but you really need a lot of money to buy sweets. A wise man will not associate happiness with happiness while the average person thinks happiness is a sure source of happiness and may eventually find himself depressed, angry, lonely but rich. There are several businessmen in India who earn millions and cannot afford happiness but find happiness in doing social work and charity and that is the source of their happiness. Mr. Ratana Tata, one of India’s leading businessmen, spends 60% of his income on social services, NGOs, and charities.


It should be noted that money is an important part of modern life and one cannot live without it but should not make money as the only source of happiness. Money can buy pleasure but not happiness and these two things should be kept separate.

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