
Argumentative Essay on Homework Harmful or Helpful

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 Every student in the world is stressed about his or her homework, and some even cry. I know I have, many times. This is homework, homework is, it’s not like we haven’t been in school for eight hours doing any work. The school itself is already under pressure, and doing homework, which is a place of relaxation, is beyond the reach of the individual. Some people argue that it helps students to become more familiar with what they are learning at school; others say that it greatly affects children.

Homework was founded by Robert Nevilis in 1905. He was a teacher who thought that students needed more practice at home. From then on, homework was important to all teachers and school. Teachers claim that it improves a student’s ability to understand a subject better, but it does more than that.Homework has been linked to stress and depression in studies. Students have to deal with being in school for eight hours, then they have to go home and work on other things from school is very difficult. Everyone likes to relax after a long, stressful day, but some students don’t because they have too much homework.

 Homework does not necessarily mean that you will improve or get better grades. Sometimes it can make you worse. It can make a person feel stupid when he does not fully understand a subject. Every student has his or her own personal problems, which can range from bullying, difficult separation, to family problems. The school board of education needs to realize that we as students have a personal life outside of school.

Homework can go either way, it can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad dream for the student. Students who take more than one AP class or honors classes know how difficult it is to maintain good marks without pressure. Sometimes a student has a lot of upcoming tests to study, or projects, and that is a very stressful thing to deal with. That has happened to all students at some point. For example, during the term of this school year, I had an upcoming official geometry test, for AP Spanish, I had to do a World History project and answer two questions about Edmodo Chemistry, as well as all my homework from other classes. all in one week. I would go to bed at 2am early to try to finish all my work, and I did not procrastinate, so just think how late I would have gone to bed if I had postponed.

The public thinks that children need more sleep. What many do not know is that teenagers need more sleep as children. Studies have shown that when adolescents start puberty, which is usually between middle and high school, they need to sleep for at least nine hours. With all the homework done, most teens do not even get 6 hours of sleep. Doing homework until 12/1 a.m. and having to get up early can make a student feel tired and weak. I do not mean that every student has this problem, but I am sure that more than three-quarters have gone through this at some point.

Late sleep for a student is one of the hardest things to deal with. Getting up early and getting ready for school is not an easy task, especially if you are like me and you do not enjoy getting up early. I was very tired at school, fell asleep in the classroom, and when I woke up, I was completely lost in what we were learning. Even after school, I was so tired from being in school that I wanted to go home and sleep. But I could not. I had to clean my room, wash the dishes, clean the floor and the floor, and help my mother cook dinner. After dinner, I would have to clean my kitchen again, help my mom with anything she needed and do my homework.

Being a student with someone is not an easy thing to do, at least not for me anyway. As a teenager, you just want to have fun, explore this fascinating world, but do your homework and marks there is always a stop. The community always encourages young people to be diligent, but they do not realize that students do not know because of all their homework. They need to understand that as students we have many things to do outside of school. I understand that teachers want their students to succeed in school but schoolwork overwhelms students, that discourages them. Once a student has reached that point, he or she will be less interested in doing his or her homework and will be left behind which will result in worse grades, or worse, leading to dropping out of school.

On the other hand, I understand why homework is so important. It may help you to get better at something, giving you more practice. If you do not understand something, taking it home and working on it may help you to understand. Perhaps after a long day at school, your mind can gradually focus on a single lesson, enhancing your comprehension. Perhaps if the most important classes were the only ones giving you homework, life would be easier.

As pressure from teens has increased over the past few years, students who do not do their homework are more likely to cheat. So with all the stress around students, having good grades is more important than actually getting an education. This generation of children is more concerned with passing and getting better grades than with understanding a subject and getting an education.

Teachers may say that they leave their little homework to their students, but they do not realize that some students have 7 more classes and teachers need to worry about them. Sure, they may leave you a small worksheet, or just read the words, but that adds another ton of homework you have to your other classes. We as students do not get long breaks and get 2 days off a week to rest, but guess what again; we have homework for our free days.

The suggestion I have for the school board is as follows: if a student thinks he or she does not need homework, he or she should not get homework. But on the other hand, if a student wants to exercise more at home, he can take homework. It can be counted as additional credit, depending on the teacher, but if you do not include any homework, it will not hurt your grade.

If a student does not understand homework, we do not have a teacher or teacher to help us. In my opinion, it is very stressful to try to do your homework without help, especially if you do not fully understand it. It is also very difficult to get help online, and not all students have access to the internet at home because of economic problems. Also, when you get help online, it is difficult to concentrate and you do not get that one at a time with the instructor.

All in all, yes, I believe that homework can be good in some cases, but when you look at the features and the results, homework is more stressful than helpful. Once you become a student, you will always be a student rather than a teenager. If you add up all the hours you are in school and the hours you spend doing homework or studying, you spend ¾ your day doing homework. Teachers need to understand that students live outside the school.

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