
Argumentative Essay on Health

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Health and fitness help a person to live a healthy and healthy life. Often due to various pressures at the personal and professional level, we tend to neglect our health. This makes our bodies suffer, and we struggle with lifestyle and other diseases. The story of the strength of our body that helps us fight these diseases. When we are strong, we can overcome these diseases or become victims of modern life.

Health and fitness are related. To maintain a healthy body, we must be physically fit. Similarly, if we are healthy, we will be naturally attracted to our bodies. Life is a state of our body at a particular time. We may not have the disease, but still, we have a weak body ready to be controlled by a host of germs and viruses.

For example, we may be prone to catch a cold. This does not imply that we are unwell. It means that our fitness levels do not match our age and the climate we live. It all depends on our health which depends on our level of resilience. As a result, health and fitness are inextricably linked.

Also, the fitness level is our body condition based on our age, the climate we live in, our lifestyle, and our working conditions. One can see people with high levels of fitness even in old age. For example, every morning in different parks you can have two adults. One meditates and sits in one quiet place, enjoying the fresh air while the others run or walk fast on the trails. They can even compete with young people along the way. These are two types of levels that are suitable for the same age. It’s all about how we keep ourselves.

Additionally, you can see teenagers who cannot climb stairs and who are prone to fatigue. It is all because of their low levels of resilience that they cannot maintain good health. They are not good compared to other people their age who keep themselves fit. People who keep themselves healthy keep their bodies healthy. So fitness standards determine the quality of our life.

Everyone needs to give themselves time and energy. There are tasks that everyone must do in their daily lives. For example, we should exercise daily, regardless of age and performance. There are different levels of exercise for a diverse age group, and we should do it according to our health and our generation. Exercise preserves our health and fitness. It keeps our bodies moving. Our muscles tend to contract when we do not use them properly. Regular physical activity helps to prevent and improve our energy levels. A person should use at least one day to exercise.

Similarly, traveling at a specific time each day is a must for all. Walking is considered the best exercise and is suitable for all ages and strength levels. It is critical to keep one’s health and fitness in check.

In addition to walking and exercising, it is also essential for our body to relax. So we should get at least six to eight hours of sleep every night. Maintaining optimal levels of health and fitness is essential. In addition, it helps to improve our immune system and protects us from many diseases. Also, it helps to keep us calm and relax our minds. This, in turn, reduces our stress and gives us new goals for health and fitness.

Food plays a vital role in maintaining our health and fitness. Our bodies absorb nutrients from the food we eat. So we do not eat the right foods, and our bodies do not get the nutrients they need. This lowers our body’s levels of health and fitness, and we are prone to many diseases. So health experts often say that we are what we eat.

Therefore, to stay healthy and fit, we must have a proper diet that contains the required amount of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins, and minerals. We should eat vegetables and fruits as they give us the necessary vitamins and minerals. Milk provides essential calcium for our bones. In addition, we must avoid junk food. Unhealthy foods contain high amounts of carbohydrates and fats that accumulate in our bodies and make us fat. Too much weight on our body makes us lazy and easily infected.

Conclusion: Argumentative essay on health

We must respect the body that God has given us and take good care of it. We must make sacrifices for work and other things in our life. It is essential to understand that we can only do our jobs properly in life considering the quality of life and the fitness of our bodies. Besides, although we may want to do something, our bodies may not support us. So we may not be able to achieve our goals in life.

You do not have to be an athlete to have a good body. Everyone in the world needs to have a healthy and robust body to avoid disease and to have a long and healthy life. In addition, we must remember our importance to our families and the community. When we get sick, our family members are also worried. It affects their health and stamina as well.

The only way to have a healthy body is to ensure proper strength levels in our bodies. That is why schools are so important in student health and fitness. If we keep our bodies strong, we can enjoy a better life.

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