
Argumentative Essay on Health Care

The issue of health reform did not start when President Obama took office. The debate about health care is still ongoing. There have been many attempts to bring about change in health care. Past attempts have failed due to weak states, insufficient persuasion, differences of opinion, and perhaps the complexity of the matter. The reform issue was started in the 1800s but was first discussed in the 1930s. The Great Recession was a significant factor in this. This is because many people were unemployed and could not afford health care. So there was a need for affordable health care.

The issue of health care reform has been taken up differently by Republicans and Democrats. Republicans believe that health care reforms will mean more taxes for the rich in society. They think it is the rich who create jobs. If they are taxed too much, they will no longer be able to create jobs and invest. They say that if the program is to be launched, it should not cost the hard work of the rich. This could be punishing a rich group in society. Another view of the Republicans is that the pictures are entirely wrong. They believe that the government should not be overly concerned about the health of its citizens. They think people should work to get what they want out of life. Another issue for the Republicans is the lack of a US budget. They argue that health care reforms will be made at the expense of an already slow budget.

Democrats’ views on health care coverage are part of America’s ancestral promise. They believe that every citizen should have access to quality health care. They think posting based on family or gender issues should not be canceled. Another problem they are promoting is that health care should not be private. American adults should not be made to pay for the neediest in society. They believe that all Americans should care for those with less social status. A third issue that Democrats promote is that they encourage more excellent coverage and reduce the cost of health care. They believe that more people should get health care at reduced and affordable prices.

The ANC opposes the proposed reforms in health care. They disapprove of the way health care is provided. This is something that creates tension in congress.

Former United States presidents have had differing views on health care reforms. Many presidents wanted to move from a national type of health care to a more comprehensive one linked to public safety. Roosevelt and Truman failed to deliver this launch in the healthcare sector. This was because employers were offering better benefits, and there were promises that it would get better over time. There was no cooperation with the big companies, and the changes failed. President Clinton came up with the issue of reform in the 1990s. He came up with the Health Security Act, which applies worldwide, and the government will be mandated to administer it. He indicated that costs would be significantly reduced. Many people support part of Clinton’s initiative but wait for features they do not want to be changed before entirely keeping it. Under President Obama, there are still issues that need to be addressed in the health care reform process.

Some steps have been taken to change it. The Obama administration has succeeded in keeping people from being excluded from any inclusion because of pre-existing conditions.

The majority of the population seems to support these health changes. They prefer the government to participate in health care programs. There should be government involvement in these health issues. The majority of votes cast indicate that the public likes to have national insurance compared to Medicare. Quinnipiac’s opinion poll showed that many people think that the government should continue with its universal access to health care program.

Health Care The task of making everyone in the country access quality health care is one of the most challenging tasks of any government, now more than ever. Excessive pricing in pharmaceutical companies and the ongoing intrusion of insurance companies into this already confusing problem. So health care policy has grown into a complex one with a few opposing characters. Thousands of uninformed policies linked to government professionals often fail to ensure health care services to all its citizens. Many countries are currently facing difficulties in their health care policy. It is possible to reduce health care use without adversely affecting the provision of health care services.

Significant changes in health care policy are a factor in which failure to increase health care costs will ultimately lead to faster government spending rather than the economy, which will not continue under government budgets. The US health care system, for example, is facing a significant crisis. According to Karen Davis (2009), millions of aging children in the US want more from an already complex health system; a high-quality, affordable, safe, efficient, and patient-centered health care system must be essential. Accepted.

Many experts point out that a significant portion of the money spent on health care contributes little to the overall health of the whole country.

This means that a significant reduction in health care costs can be made without hurting the general health care system. Additionally, many experts agree on general guidelines on which public health policies should go, including changes in benefits and information that patients and physicians have when making decisions about health care.

However, significant reductions in health care spending can only be achieved with fundamental changes in government subsidies and delivery of health care. The government should change payment policies in health care systems. Additionally, a significant limitation of current health insurance tax subsidies will see the government significantly reduce healthcare spending. These measures can directly reduce government spending on health care and indirectly reduce its private expenditure. However, many straightforward changes that may prove to be very important are not immediately apparent and can only be improved over time with practice and learning. However, this does not mean that modest efforts cannot help policymakers measure the success or otherwise of their policies.

I conclude, therefore, that the broader long-term approach to change that is most influential right now is to integrate specific policy actions that create short-term savings. This will then provide insight into future savings – with a framework for enforcing ongoing policy measures to achieve greater healthcare delivery efficiency. The effectiveness of these recommendations at the end of the day will depend on the policy makers’ determination to maintain more significant pressure and process over time. It will require more complex, often complex, decisions to make. Without substantial changes, adequate health care in terms of provision, quality, and low cost will be permanently avoided.

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