
Argumentative Essay on Gun Control

The issue of gun control is a sensitive and controversial issue that has been discussed for a long time. After a series of mass shootings, the issue has divided individuals about the best solution. On the other side of the debate, some people limit guns. On the other hand, some people oppose control and firearms control.

In particular, people who oppose gun control think that gun control will not solve the existing challenges created by guns, such as crime or mass shootings. Having the right to control guns is a successful career to prevent. All law-abiding citizens must be allowed to carry firearms to protect themselves against people who may have intentions of harming them, as in the case of mass shootings.

Control of weapons and firearms will not prevent criminals from possessing firearms. Whether there are rules Approved to restrict the use of firearms by criminals will not alone solve mass incidents shootings. This is because criminals already have the intention to disobey the law at any time they are allowed to use them in public, often using them without looking at existing laws and regulations. For this reason, gun control will not be a successful method as criminals do not work with the rules of demand and supply of goods. Instead, the main reasons which lead them to commit horrific acts like mass shootings lie in issues similar to their cognitive behaviour (McClellan, Chandler & Erdal 623). In this case, there is a need to demand a method that should be used to stop these criminals from doing or doing their jobs in the community.

Since then and now, laws have failed to put strict control measures to control the sale of firearms to criminals; there is a need to look at alternatives that lead to this problem. It should be noted that mass shootings cases are ongoing criminals are committed mainly due to the provision of illegal weapons in trade. As there is more money made in the black market, you need to understand that someone is going to make a profit by selling these illegal firearms on the black market and later remain in the wrong hands. As a result, criminals have easy access to these guns in easy access as long as they have the money spent on shopping. If criminals want a weapon, nothing will stop them from getting it.

It should be noted that criminals are looking for guns as they already have many enemies. Instead of being caught without security, criminals believe that carrying a firearm in self-defence can help them from unwanted injuries (Cooper 103). So, n trying to limit the guns to reduce the number of public shootings in the community will not be dangerous results but will leave the community facing criminals and armed criminals most of the illegal firearms purchased on the market.

Another controversy over having additional regulations imposed on gun control order reducing the number of shootings that, in the minds of criminal and criminal gangs, is increasing gun control laws. The more these efforts are made to please criminals and criminal gangs. They understand that the more restrictive gun laws are enacted, the easier it becomes for citizens to protect themselves wherever they are attacked. Citizens will not be able to protect themselves from people who intend to harm them on a large scale. For the record, the regions allowed more and more Citizens armed with guns appear to have lower crime rates and higher gunfire than in the past governments that have suppressed the right of self-determination of their citizens.

It should be understood that controlling and limiting weapons to the public for weight loss the shooting only affects law-abiding citizens. This rule, however, does not apply to criminals and gangs. Instead, if there is or is no ban or control of firearms, criminals have methods to access these guns and use them for their evil purposes. Existing rules and regulations gun laws have no power to regulate or reduce the sale of illegal firearms gangs and criminals. The state of Chicago over the incident does not allow the sale of firearms (Siegel 1123). Shooters can purchase guns, shotguns, and ammunition in this scenario The ID of owners. As a result, the Chicago Area is one of the shopping areas guns are hard work. This is part of a string of mass shootings, crime, and violence that appear locally in contrast to places with concrete steps like Chicago.

People who want to buy a gun first get their back checked and then wait for a month before legally carrying a firearm. However, in the state of Chicago, where it is difficult to find a gun, honestly, it is funny that it is a situation where it is easy to get a gun illegally. For example, in this case, there are thousands of illegal firearms on the streets, and most of them are unregistered. The tendency for guns to enter the roads every month is worrying despite the steps I have been set to limit the extent to which individuals can legally obtain firearms.

Another incident that showed contradictory evidence of attempts to control and prevent guns to prevent mass shootings can be seen n England. 1997 changes imposed on the total ban on firearms and legalizing people’s guns worsened things. Since then, This regulation, considering the increase in crime on the streets of London, unlike where there was a permit for people to own guns and use guns legally (Khimn 14). Although England is considered the country with the strongest laws in existence to control guns in public, the law is not just about creating fraud where people don’t just stop they feel safe but also placed in the hands of criminals who are in a terrible situation whenever encounters with these gangs take place on the streets. This is mainly due to the resident’s inability to defend themselves and unarmed whenever confronted by criminal gangs.

Another shocking evidence is that after two years of enacting this law in England, prices of e-crime have increased by 40 per cent, and crime rates have risen to 53%. Okwe during the period 1997 to 2001, crime rates doubled in England. Individually in London, they are six times more likely to be robbed at gunpoint than living in New York. A look at 13% of burglary incidents in the U.S. He pointed out that burglars are more afraid of armed homeowners than the law itself. In England, burglaries have been reported five times as many cases in New York (McDonald, Steven & William 80). The use of control and restriction guns in England created unintended consequences such as lawlessness on the roads and increased crime rates on its streets (Khimn 15). Criminals in England were like that due to this system of law. They have been promoted and can now openly engage in their illegal activities and crimes with no fear that the public will return with the same level of guns.

The British case has taken its toll on the U.S. states that have passed such laws in the past. In the provinces that have passed additional rules to restrict gun control, these gun laws have not been very effective in reducing the incidence of mass shootings and other crime. For example, of the 15 states with the highest homicide rates, 10 are at the top. At murder levels. New York state, despite its strict gun laws, is also considered to be more than 20% of the world’s total number of road robberies (McClellan, Chandler and Erdal 625). The ban on gun laws in Washington D.C. is another illustrative example that the state has always had very high murder rates and a high rate of crime and robbery than in provinces that did not impose strict gun laws on citizens.

In short, it appears in the arguments presented above that they have full guns that are not related to reducing the incidence of mass shootings and crime. There are the opposite relationships observed in provinces with strict gun laws and crime incidents, and armed robbery is the exact measurement in these cities. To achieve this, effective strategies are needed to end mass shootings. Rather than using a captioning method, guns are public. Preventing mass shootings requires more intervention than limiting gun laws in public. Increasingly, gun laws have been seen as ineffective in solving this problem.

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