
Argumentative Essay on Gender Inequality

Equality or non-discrimination is the state in which everyone is given equal opportunities and rights. Everyone in the community longs for equality, opportunity, and ownership. However, it is generally accepted that there is more discrimination between people. Gender-based inequality is a global concern. Even in the 21st century, men and women worldwide have not enjoyed equal rights. Gender equality means providing equal opportunities for men and women in politics, economics, education, and health.

The Importance of Gender Equality

The nation can only prosper and achieve higher development rates only when men and women have the right to equal opportunities. Women in society are often marginalized and denied equal rights such as men’s health, education, decision-making, and economic independence.

The social structure has existed since time immemorial so that girls do not get the same opportunities as men. Women are often the caregivers in the family. As a result, women are increasingly busy with household chores. There is little participation for women in higher education, decision-making roles, and leadership roles. This gender gap is an obstacle to the growth rate of the world. When women participate in the work, it increases the growth rate of the country’s economy. Gender equality increases national welfare and economic prosperity.

How Is Gender Equality Measured?

Gender equality is a significant determinant of global growth. There are a few indicators of measuring gender equality.

Gender-Related Development Index (GDI) – GDI is a gender-based measure of the Human Development Index. The GDI looks at parameters such as age, education, and income in assessing gender equality in the country.

Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) – This move includes more details such as the number of seats than women elected to the national parliament, the percentage of women in the decision-making role of the economy, the share of the workers’ pay.

Gender Equity Index (GEI) – The GEI measures countries by three levels of gender equality, namely education, economic participation, and empowerment. The GEI, on the other hand, ignores the health parameter.

Global Gender Gap Index – The Global Gender Gap Index was established by the World Economic Forum in 2006. This indicator focuses on identifying the level of disadvantages of women. Four critical areas of consideration consider economic participation and opportunity, educational achievement, political empowerment, health, and survival rate.

Gender inequality in India

According to the World Economic Forum’s gender gap, India ranks 108th out of 149 countries. This level is a significant problem as it highlights the massive hole in women’s opportunities compared to men. In Indian society since time immemorial, the social structure has been such that women are ignored in many areas such as education, health, decision-making, financial independence, etc.

Another primary reason contributing to the discriminatory behavior of women in India is the marriage bribery system. As a result of this practice of bribery, many Indian families view girls as a burden. The son’s interests are still there. Girls shun higher education. Women are not entitled to equal employment opportunities and wages. In the 21st century, women are still the target of gender discrimination in home-based activities. Due to family duties, many women leave their employment and leadership roles. However, such acts are not uncommon among men.


With the well-being and growth of the nation, achieving high scores on gender equality is a significant factor. Countries with less gender equality have developed more. The Indian government has also begun taking steps to ensure gender equality. Many laws and policies are being designed to encourage girls. The “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana” campaign (Save the Girl, and Make Girls Educate) was created to spread awareness about the importance of a girl child. There are several laws to protect girls as well. However, we need more attention to disseminating information on women’s rights. In addition, the government must take steps to ensure that the policies are effective.

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