
Argumentative Essay on Environment

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Many people push nature issues behind their daily activities. It is impossible to deny that humans cannot continue to ignore the problems of environmental abuse. All the cities are in danger of being devastated, while millions are on the verge of losing their lives and livelihoods. This document aims to explore environmental issues about climate change. The essay will discuss the impact of human activity and the resulting consequences in detail. It will conclude by proposing real-world solutions that can reverse climate change’s adverse effects. The time to follow the environmental awareness approach is correct.

The days when a man or people walk around completely oblivious to the environment do not exist. As the human population grows and civilization costs the world, they become more expensive and thus need to be addressed urgently. In the meantime, the earth has seen countless natural disasters repeatedly appear throughout history. Most people know or hear only about political and cultural controversies; environmental conflicts have always been with us, and many people lose their homes, livelihoods, and lives; as a result.

In London alone, the smoke era began in 1900; it got worse in 1952, 1953, 1956, and 1966 depending on the weather. Heat fluctuations containing harmful pollutants in London in confined spaces lead to thousands of deaths. Cars later joined the streets worldwide, tensions changed in weather conditions, and seasonal patterns changed. However, man developed a great deal of curiosity and grew in where we lead to this day. Today the weather changes with floods, and hurricanes are taking over to put the human race on the brink of extinction, and all the pollution produced is a fact that the earth will not last long. Climate change is a term used by naturalists now.

Scientists have warned of coming changes and shared their concerns at all times. Politicians have long ignored this call, but because of the overwhelming evidence of climate change, presidents worldwide have seen something inevitable. Climate change is no longer just a matter of location but human existence and extinction. Explaining what climate change Wallace and Kunzig see, climate change is a statistically significant distribution of weather conditions over decades, hundreds, or even millions of years. Continuing his discussion Walsall and Kunzig point out that climate change refers to normal weather conditions leading to extreme weather.

The effects of climate change from biotic factors, the diversity of sunlight found on the earth, volcanic eruptions, and plate tectonics. Unfortunately, scientists have proved that climate is also a factor in human behavior. Human activities everywhere have led to global warming and additional factor in climate change. Global warming is a percentage point that reflects global warming. Global warming is a percentage point that reflects global warming. Scientist situation since 1971, most temperatures have risen to sea from zero to 700m. As a result, the sea level has been increased by 0.8 ° C. This has led to the melting of ice in the arctic sea, which has led to an increase in sea levels. Currently, it could be extinct in all countries by rising sea levels.

Currently, it could be extinct in all countries by rising sea levels. About 20 countries are at risk of developing large sections of their region sinking under the sea. Countries such as the Netherlands, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and the Philippines risk losing their lives and livelihoods. Some researchers note that in 13 major cities, 13 are at risk of total depletion at sea. This means that about 25% of the world’s population could be at risk of losing their lives. These make up 600 million people living 10 meters above sea level. Ernest states that about 33% of coastal land is lost.

Further climate change leads to warmer climates that are detrimental to inland farming. In sub-Saharan Africa, millions now rely on food systems as the climate changes and destroy farms. The result is poverty and untimely death resulting from years of malnutrition and resulting illness. Why care is a compelling question in everyone’s mind at some point in the discussion of climate change, unless some are starving in remote areas where we live, there may be hurricanes and tornadoes. This means that houses built using ten-year savings can go up in minutes. Extreme levels of flood danger were announced in at least two places, leaving millions dead and hopeless. This could begin as the global economy is suddenly disrupted by the devastation and loss of usable energy, clean water, and agricultural land. These floods will lead to massive inflation that could strike even the most economically secure man and woman.

Money may suddenly lose its value as the trade deteriorates. International companies have tried to come together in carbon trading. Although it is a restrictive carbon, trading has largely failed to achieve its goals. The reason why carbon trading is still the care of a few companies and a group of people compared to the significant pollution. Countries have also tried to come up with agreements to reduce carbon emissions. However, this too was unsuccessful as the economic need preceded the government’s concern for environmental issues. In the case of climate change failure, it is the inevitable result of scientifically proven damage.

Most people will have to move out of their current homes; many will starve worldwide as the seasons change. Worse still, the world economy will be devastated by rising poverty and unfortunate deaths. Most people think that the present failure is to deal with climate change banks. Most people believe that climate change is the job of governments and corporations. However, this assumption is not valid and is not based on the premise that we are responsible. The question, then, is not, “Who should do something” but “what, as individuals, can do to prevent climate change.” Among the solutions offered by experts, they apply to both countries and individuals—a large part of climate change.

Another solution is to reduce greenhouse gases. Individuals can start by changing the way they build and unplug their equipment, which is why the climate is changing. This requires efficiency, self-control in just what we need, eating wisely by reducing the amount of meat consumed, and preventing massive logging.

Additionally, people can prepare one child to donate a cup to the 6.6 billion present today. However, innovation and commitment to transforming our vision and mission to ensure the reduction of waste and waste use is the most critical factor in overcoming climate change.


Human activities are a significant cause of climate change. This, unfortunately, does not happen without consequences. At present, the earth faces rising temperatures that are causing Arctic ice to melt. This means that if nothing occurs shortly, millions will have to relocate to higher ground as cities receive seawater. Millions more will lose the crops that cause widespread famine. The economy will be significantly affected by reducing the available economic success. More and more people will be poor and soon die of depression, hunger, and disease. Reducing these countries and individuals will need to change how each person or company performs the day-to-day operations. This means reducing carbon emissions at all costs, including changes in eating habits. The good news is that when an individual becomes responsible for the environment, all the harmful events mentioned can be avoided permanently.

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