
Argumentative Essay on Beauty Standards

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The results of the Eurocentric Beauty Standards on Black Women’s Hair Beauty Standards represent a fitting image of what is considered attractive; it usually works for women and can change at different times. Values ​​apply to many areas, such as body type, makeup, and even skin color. Looking back over the decades, beauty styles are changing dramatically, from fashion to hair. When discussing beauty issues, it is important to note what are the most common values ​​and the effect they have on those who do not share them. The promotion of Euro-centric features in the media has laid the foundation for ethical standards, making it difficult to unravel.

Western beauty practices have had a profound effect on a number of cultures, especially indigenous peoples, which have led to changes that began to erase their heritage.

The origins of Black people who should adhere to Western standards of beauty began in 1767 when Emperor Esteban Rodriguez Miró passed the Tignon Act. The law forbade black women to “dress excessively,” to adorn their hair, and required that they cover their hair with a handkerchief. This was fueled by the jealousy of white women that white men found Creole women’s hair attractive as they were adorned with ornaments. The hats worn by Black women were also sophisticated and a style that continues today. In the early 1900’s, African American women began to straighten their hair as a means of imitation in a “violent society”. Hair extensions like haircuts are designed to straighten the hair to make it look more pleasing. Black women often used it to enhance their social status because kinky hair was considered bad hair.

Those with 3c hair would work indoors “as the texture of their hair – and sometimes the color of the skin – was closer to that of white people”,. This racism encouraged the discrimination of the 4 hair type among the natural hair community, creating a “hair hierarchy”. If these superstitions are stopped, and the media embraces all forms of Black Hair, then the discrimination against Black Hair will go down.

In the 1960s, the organization Black is Beautiful began, and afros became commonplace and accepted throughout the black community, but Eurocentric standards of beauty still work without it. Some workplaces and schools consider afros and box braids as unacceptable and black women turn to relaxing items, silk jewelry, and wigs. Thanks to the combination of straight hair with beauty and professionalism, it has become a hair stylist used for special occasions, while their natural hair is more than a “home” head. In recent years, wigs have become popular, and although there are hair extensions for a variety of hairstyles, straight wigs have always been popular. Although it is common for a woman to take care of her hair, some black women will “spend hundreds of dollars on hairdressing”.

Another reason why the level of beauty against black women persists is because of cultural exploitation. Women of other cultures will copy the hairstyles of Black women and disrespect the culture around them.

Hair has become popular in some cultures, and while that may seem like a nice thing, it is not because black women are ridiculed for having the same hair even though it belongs to them. The trauma is deep, and even when people start to accept their natural hair, straight hair is still laid down. Black hair products or content are often classified as “Black Hair,” whereas straight hair is found under “hair.” This puts different types of hair in the box and some of them.

The representation of Black Hair seen in the media is also less than one type, usually the curls are more relaxed than those that are tightly integrated. The community is progressing towards adopting curly hair, but the standards are still based on how close the texture is to white. There is a wide range of hair texture, from the first type to the fourth. The most popular hair styling in the media is 3c because it reflects the volume and features of Black hair and is also very controllable. Because 3c hair characteristics are present, 4c hair is still seen as bad and difficult to control. Hair Love, a short animated film released in 2019, was born out of a desire to see more representation of cartoons but also to make black hair look normal, ”said Matthew Cherry, director of the film. It shows a father helping his daughter to do her hair, it seemed like a daunting task at first, but with patience and care she was able to do it.

The film breaks the stereotype that African American hair is hard to control, as well as the belief that Black fathers are “not productive in the lives of their children”. mainstream media. The root of the values ​​of beauty against the African American people is deeply rooted in American culture and it is not something that can change the way fashion works. With more precise presentations of Black women and their hair styles, America can move more and more towards the standards of beauty and perhaps end them together.

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