
Learn Basic English Grammar for students, Kids with Examples

Basic English grammar for Kids

Basic English grammar for Students is an easy way to teach English by using multiple exercises and english grammar worksheets so that they understand and analyze what they learn, nothing but a collection of predefined rules that should be pursued while performing a sentence in the English letters. Grammar rules help children to speak accurately and write correctly in English. Here are some primary online English grammar worksheets and exercises (solved & unsolved ) for kids with easy examples to encourage them to learn quickly. 

Learn Basic English Grammar for kids

When you talk about English grammar, first you have to know some basic rules of English grammar. Forming a solid reason in English grammar will help you to plan your sentences accurately and obtain them more accessible to enhance your communication abilities in spoken and written English grammar.

To assist your child in understanding simple verb tenses, draw some ‘tense‘ on pieces of chart paper. Write down any verbs in their different tenses – present, past, future, future continuous, and so on – and take your kid to move the verbs into the correct way.

Parts of Speech for Kids / Children

Parts of speech in English grammar play an essential role it helps us to write and speak in a decent manner and we all know very well that if anyone knows the importance of parts of speech he/she will use it according to their need whenever they speak or write anything. It allows us to execute proper sentence structure.
Here we have eight parts of speechNoun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections.

1. Noun for kids

A noun is a word that describes the names of a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. A noun can know who or what.

For Example:

  1. Names of a person – John, Tom, Elisa, etc.
  2. Names of place –  US, India, etc.
  3. Names of things – table, chair, pen, etc

5 Types of Nouns

Mainly we have 5 types of nouns for kids. In many places, you will see more than 5 but mainly there are 5 types lets understand what they are.

  1. Common Noun:-  Boy, Girl, River, Book, Mountains, etc.
  2. Proper Noun:- John, Riya, Amazon, etc.
  3. Collective Noun: Bunch of grapes, Army, etc
  4. Material Noun:- sugar, gold, silver, iron, etc
  5. Abstract Noun:- Knowledge, happiness, sadness, etc.

Read more about Types of Nouns for kids ………. 

2. Pronoun for kids

pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun it may be a common noun, a proper noun, or any other noun. Let’s understand with another definition pronoun is a word that takes place of a noun. for example John is my best friend here we the speaker can replace the name (john) with the pronoun (He). The main pronouns are mine, yours, hers, me, she, his, ours, and theirs.

5 types of Pronoun for  kids:

  1. Personal pronouns
  2. Reflexive pronoun
  3. Possessive Pronouns
  4. Demonstrative Pronouns
  5. Interrogative Pronoun

Read more about Pronouns for kids…

3. Verb for kids

Verbs are words that explain actions, movements, creating or states of being. They can also show how someone thinks. Verbs are an essential part of sentences. A sentence cannot work without an action verb.

For Example:-

  1. My friends and I play video games.
  2. John rode his bike.
  3. The boy sat down.
  4. Bunty likes his toys.
  5. Daniel sees me.
  6. The principal is in the room.

Read more about Verbs for kids……

4. Adjectives for kids 

An adjective is a term that describes us more about a noun. It  “qualities” or modifies a noun.

For Examples:-

  1. Meena is wearing a sleeveless dress today.
  2. This dal is not edible.
  3. She writes meaningless letters.
  4. This shop is much nicer.
  5. Amit is a naughty baby.

Read more about Adjective for kids…..

5. Adverb for kids

A term used to change a verb, an adjective, or another adverb and often related to show degree, use, place, or time.

Types of Adverbs

6 Kinds of the adverb in Basic English grammar for kids:
  1. Adverb of manner
  2. Adverb of place
  3. Adverb of time
  4. Adverb of frequency
  5. Adverb of degree
  6. Interrogative adverbs

For Example: 

  1. The baby slept peacefully. (Adverb of manner)
  2. A river flows near his house. (Adverb of place)
  3. We seldom drink coffee, we prefer tea. (Adverb of time)
  4. Avni visited us once(Adverb of frequency)
  5. He is very fast at work. (Adverb of degree)
  6. Why are you late? (Interrogative adverb)

Read more about Adverbs for kids…

6. Preposition for kids

Prepositions are terms that inform you where something is placed or positioned related to something else. Apart from telling you where something is located, prepositions can too show you when something occurred. We use prepositions all the point when we are describing people, places, and things.

For examples:-

  1. Divide the chocolate between the two girls.
  2. The old man lies in bed all day.
  3. I am fond of ice cream.
  4. They visited Paris during the summer holidays.
  5. They are talking about the football game.
  6. India is playing against Pakistan in the World Cup.

Read more about Preposition for kids…

7. Conjunction for kids

A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, or parts of sentences. The three most used conjunctions are and, or, and butConjunctions can join words commonly.

For examples:-

  1. Rahul passed because he had worked hard.
  2. I wait until the train arrived.
  3. Dheeraj is clever but lazy.

Read more about Conjunction for kids…

8. Interjection for kids

To express sudden feelings or emotions we use interjection words and they usually followed by an exclamation mark (!). It is nothing but feelings-defined words in English grammar which express joy, happiness,  etc.

What is the Subject in Basic English grammar? Definition for Kids/Children with example

Subject and verb are the two essential phrases in grammar. Usually, it will be the primary factor of a sentence. It will do both a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. In a simple way subject is nothing but a doer.

Let us study what is a subject with some examples here:

  1. Noun as a subject: Meena is playing football.
    In the earlier example, Meena” is a subject, which is a Noun.
  2. Subject in questions: Have you done your work?
    In the earlier example, You” is a subject, which is a noun.
  3. Noun Phrase as a subject: Your room looks lovely.
    In the above example, Your room” is a subject, which is a Noun Phrase.
  4. Pronoun as a subject: he is dancing.
    In the above example, He” is a subject, which is a pronoun.
  5. Subject in Commands/Offer/request: Tina, Come here.
    In the above example, Tina” is a subject, which is an invisible noun.

What is the Predicate Definition for kids with Examples

The predicate is a part of the sentence excluding the subject. It is used to show or state something regarding the subject. Predicate and subject are the two essential conditions in English grammar. It will have a verb or verb phrase in it.

For examples:-

  1. I love rabbits.
    In the above example, “love rabbits” is Predicate, which denotes a person.
  2. He looks sincere.
    In the above example, “looks sincere” is Predicate, which denotes a person. 
  3. Rahul is playing cricket.
    In the above example, “is playing cricket” is a Predicate, which denotes the action of Rahul.

The sentences are the order of words that are used to interact with people. It must include a subject and verb. It is used to send a remark, question, demand, exclamation, etc. A sentence can be divided up as Subject and Predicate or being Parts of speech

Let us understand what is a sentence with simple examples:

Example – 1
We are writing a question
We + are + writing + a + question
Here, we have done five words to create a sentence.

Example – 2
Children are playing different new games
Children + are + playing + different + new + games
Here, we have done six words to create a sentence.

To understand more about sentences and their parts click on the link given below.

Read more about Sentences for kids….

Articles (A, An, The) for kids

The Article is a concept that provides any information regarding the noun.

Types of Articles:
There are two types of articles. They are – Definite article and Indefinite article.

1. Definite Article – the

Definite means something we remember already. So, kids save in mind and apply ‘The’ before a particular person, place, or object. It occurs at any portion of the sentence before a noun. It is the most basic word used in the English language.

Let’s learn more about the definite article with the help of examples given below:

  1. Examples based on a place or things: 
    • Open the last sheet.
    • The gate was open.
      In the earlier examples, The is used before the subject which is a definite article.
  2. Examples based on Universal Truth:
    • The owl appears in the night.
    • The sun rises in the east.
      In the earlier examples, The is used before Universal truth.
  3. Examples based on Gender:
    • The girl is reading a novel.
    • The children are jumping in the park.
    • The professor takes class.
      In the earlier examples, The is applied before a noun.

2. Indefinite Article – a, an

Indefinite articles are used to indicate any person, place, or thing. Indefinite means not clear. It is used when you don’t understand a particular person, name, or thing. So, always use an indefinite article when you don’t know much about the noun.
Let us understand with more examples which are given below:
An– is applied before vowel sound words beginning with the letters a,e, i,o,u.

Examples for An:

  1. I saw an owl in the jungle.
  2. It is an ice-cream packet.
  3. Everyone bought an umbrella yesterday.
    In the earlier examples, An is applied before a noun.

Examples for A:

  1. I went to meet a consultant.
  2. I am a musician.
  3. He is a dancer.
    In the earlier examples, ‘a’ is applied before the verb or a noun.
    If You want to learn more about articles click the given link and PDF is also available.

Read more about Articles in English grammar for kids……

Tenses and it’s Types for kids

Tenses are defined as a kind of verb that indicates the particular conditions of action. In other words, verb tenses explain the connection between the action or situation and the time. It also describes the ongoing or completed works.

Types of Tenses:

  1. Past tense (I was happy)
  2. Present tense (I am happy)
  3. Future tense (I will be happy)

If you wanna know more about tenses click on the link given below.

Learn more about Tenses in English grammar for kids…

Vowels and Consonants For kids

English alphabets consist of two kinds of characters; they are Vowels and Consonants.

Under 26 letters of English Letters, 5 are vowels, and 21 are consonants.

Vowels   a, e, i, o, u
Consonants –   b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z

What is Vowels?

The vowel is a language sound made with the spoken track or any of the sounds described in English by the alphabets a, e, i, o, or u

For Example:
Here we have a collection of words that start with vowels – ant, element, ice, owl, umbrella.

What are Consonants?

Aside from vowels (a,e, i, o, u), all letters in English alphabets are pronounced consonants.
b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z are consonant alphabets.

For Example:
Here we have a collection of words that start with consonants –
deal, knife, jar, roll, mat.

Read more about Consonants in English Grammar for kids…

Punctuation for kids

The marks, such as time, comma, and brackets, colons, quotations, apostrophes, are used in writing to order sentences and their parts and define purpose. Punctuation helps the user know where sentences start or finish.

For Example:

  1. Raj said, “I am the best”.
  2. John said, ” May you live long”.
  3. Teena Says, “Obey your elders”.
  4. Seema said, “Ram is a good boy”.

Read more about Punctuation for kids…

Singular and plural for kids

Nouns can use in different forms. Those forms are singular and plural. A noun names an object, person, or place. When a noun is singular, it means there is one of them. When a noun is a plural, it indicates that there is more than one.

Singular examples: half, knife, shelf, wife, wolf. 

Plural examples: halves, knives, shelves, wives, wolves.
Here we have lots of examples with detailed explanations with proper rules. Whenever you want to change a singular noun into a plural noun you have to keep such rules in your mind. Some nouns remain the same as they are.

Read more about Singular and Plural for kids…

Modals for kids

Modals add definition to the main verb in a sentence by showing possibility, ability, permission, or responsibility. Like “can” shows the ability to do work, it can be used to take permission (In an informal way). “May” shows the possibility and it also can be used to take permission (In a formal way).    


  1. May God bless you!
  2. The physician can see you now.
  3. I must go now.
  4. Can you open the door?
  5. You should go there.
  6. I used to play cricket when I was a child.
    Can, Could, May, Might, Shall, Should, Will, Would, Used to,  are some modals.

Read more about Modals for kids…

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