
Process of Induction

All detailed process of induction are explained in this blog, Lets begin!

What is Induction – Definition

Introducing a new employee selected as a job evaluator, workplace, environment, organization, organizational environment, and various employees is the final step in the recruitment process. Some companies do not focus on this task as they see that this work will be done automatically by new employee partners.

This is the case in educational institutions. This process is gaining momentum as the level of pay is higher among new employees compared to that of senior employees. This is mainly due to the problem of adjustment and adaptation to the new environment. Continued lack of knowledge, ignorance of the new environment, cultural gap, behavioural differences, different levels of technology, differences in job and organizational needs also affect the new employee.

It directs the direction of employees in their work, colleagues and organization.” [Robert and John]

Definitions provided by Filippo and Michael Armstrong

Performance, also known as orientation, is the process of making a new employee familiar with the workplace and his or her colleagues. A new employee may be introduced to the organization by presenting his or her employee, colleagues, supervisors and subordinates. It should be directed to the new organization and its policies, laws, and regulations.

What kind of information should be provided to a new employee ?

  • It depends on the activities of the organization – whether the organization is taking direct and complete guidance or the informal and slow process of learning about the organization over a period of time.
  • However, a structured posture is better because it tries to close the information gap of the new employee. Systematic guidance can contain a wide range of information.
  • Generally, posture conveys three types of information:
    1. General information about the daily work process.
    2. A review of the organization’s goals, operations, products and services and the content of the new employee’s work.
    3. Detailed presentation on organizational policies, labour laws, employee benefits, etc.
  • Many companies produce manuals that contain details about the organization, its policies and personnel policies, and employee benefits. These booklets are provided to new employees during orientation.

The control system transmits three types of information, namely:

(a) General information about the day-to-day operating procedures to be followed

(b) A review of the organization’s history, founders, objectives, operations and products or services, and how the employee’s work contributes to the needs of the organization.

(c) Detailed presentation of organizational policies, operating rules and employee benefits.

Indeed, an induction is an entertainment process in which an organization tries to make a new employee as its agent to achieve its goals and objectives while each new employee seeks to make the organization an agency to achieve its goals. The introduction makes the new employee feel at home and helps him or her to adjust to the new environment in the organization.

When a new employee joins an organization, he or she is a complete stranger to the organization’s people,  and work environment. In the absence of information and support, there may be anxiety and fear in the mind of the new employee.

He may experience a real sense of shock caused by the gap between his expectations and the real situation in the organization. Introduction or practice will help him to overcome these problems. Once a candidate has been nominated and appointed, the process of getting to know the candidate, his colleagues, and the organization begins. This process is nothing but import or staging.

According to Edwin B. Filippo,Admission is a welcome process to make a new employee feel at home and make him or her feel part of the organization.”

According to Michael Armstrong, “Guidance or acceptance is the process of accepting and accepting a job when he first joins a company and gives him the basic information he needs to start working and settled down rapidly and gladly“.

Induction- Concept

The idea is to make the employee feel at home in a new environment. It is a well-known fact that employees feel anxious about joining an organization. They are worried about how well they will do in this new project. They feel inadequate when compared with the experienced staff. Effective management systems reduce anxiety by providing information on the work environment, to directors, by introducing colleagues and encouraging them to ask questions.

In the study the researchers found the following about new employees:

  1. The first days of work were stressful and frustrating.
  2. The introduction of new staff by individuals has intensified concerns.
  3. Anxiety disrupted the training process.
  4. The benefit of a new employee is caused by anxiety.
  5. New employees were reluctant to discuss problems with management.

 Induction – Objectives

The purposes of the import are as follows:

  1. Accepting a new employee, relieving anxiety, and making him or her feel at home.
  2. Build relationships between the company and the new employee and make him or her feel part of the organization very quickly.
  3. Encouraging a new employee to be positive about the company and its work.
  4. Getting acquainted with new employees for company purposes, history, management culture, policies, departments, divisions, products, and physical structures.
  5. Communicating with new employees about what is expected of them, their responsibilities, and how they should behave.
  6. Introduce the basic information the employee wants to know: rules and regulations, benefits, pay date, procedures, and general practices.
  7. Encourage the new employee to be inquisitive, show him or her how to learn, and help him or her achieve ‘instructive effort in building more knowledge.
  8. Provide basic skills, policies, and business knowledge and assist the new employee in human relationships.

Induction – Need and Importance

  1. Reducing New Employee Anxiety – An employee’s first impression is the last appearance. If a new employee is made to feel welcome and comfortable in a new environment, especially with co-workers and co-workers, his or her anxiety may be reduced and he or she will have a better organization and work environment.
  2. Reducing Real Shock – Every employee has expectations when he or she joins his or her new job and when these expectations do not match the real situation, the employee gets a real shock. An effective management system helps reduce these real shocks by providing extra expectations for new employees.
  3. Reducing the Number of Employees – If a new employee gets the impression that they are unwanted or unemployed, they may respond to these feelings by resigning. Income is usually high at this early stage and effective practice at this stage can reduce this costly reaction.
  4. Staffing – The management system helps new employees to interact with existing employees by developing an understanding of the various job-related aspects that a new employee is expected to face.
  5. Getting to Know New Employees – Good guidance saves time because the employee will become familiar with his or her employer, supervisor and co-workers. Describing the work of the organization and the department during administration will save valuable time for colleagues in defining work.
  6. Developing realistic expectations – Practicing efficiency enhances realistic expectations by informing the employee of what is expected of him or her in terms of standards, attitudes, work ethic, ethics and dress codes. All organizations have their own values, beliefs, and values ​​that their employee expects them to follow. If a new employee learns and does this during training it will be much easier to include it in his or her job values.
  7. Increase Motivation – By properly directing the newcomer to be informed of his or her work and how his or her work relates to the whole organization; how to contribute to the running of the organization and to whom to look if there is a problem. This creates more loyalty and enthusiasm in the mind of the newcomer.

Steps Involved in the Process of Induction

  1. Job Advert,
  2. Application Pack,
  3. Pre-Employment Handbook and
  4. Primary Induction
  • The installation of a new employee is an important part of the job. Acceptance of employment means entering into a society where the employee, as a living person, will seek personal satisfaction. This satisfaction depends largely on his acceptance of it.
  • This is a two-sided process. On the part of the employer, the applicant must be transformed into an employee who is satisfied with his or her work and environment. The employee, on the other hand, has many questions on his mind. His doubts and fears need to be clarified. To achieve this dual goal, a defined practice based on experience, thinking and empathy is required. It is a mistake to let an employee know and remove his or her doubts from the workplace. The prospective employee should seek employment during the interview or shortly after his or her appointment.
  • An employee may begin contacting the recipient or the recruiting agent upon arrival at the recruitment office. How well-received he is will affect his attitude toward his engagement at that time and for the years he worked. You will appreciate respect for the way, reasonableness and orderliness everywhere.
  • Once hired, the employee should be clear about when he or she will start working and who to report to. A written engagement form containing this information avoids misunderstanding. A printed statement outlining firms and rules governing the work and personnel should be provided to him or her by a person who is familiar with these rules. A manual that sets out appropriate rules of conduct and which explains any important ethical issues, especially when it comes to personal safety, can be printed for this purpose.
  • A new employee feels insecure, embarrassed and nervous while joining a new organization. The reason for their concern may be a lack of adequate information about the organization, organizational policies and procedures, work and work processes. This creates confusion in the minds of candidates and sometimes leads to frustration. For the same reason, the introduction and adaptation is done by all organizations informally. Performance provides relevant information to new employees about the organization by introducing them to older employees and organizational culture.
  • Often, a new employee joins the organization with high expectations. Proper and well-directed submissions can help employees understand the reality of the situation. This can increase the confidence of new employees and can gradually increase a positive attitude towards the organization.

In large organizations, the HR department officially initiates the induction process. However, in smaller organizations, the new staff manager does just that. The various aspects of import cannot be understood without knowing exactly what is being done.

The import process must be:

  1. Contextual and interesting;
  2. Outstanding work; and
  3. You meet the requirements of equal opportunities.

 Induction – Benefits

In some organizations, a formal recruitment process is almost non-existent or, if done, is done informally. This is unfortunate because there are so many visible and inexpensive implications for making a well-run program.

  •  Other recognized benefits include:
    • Low income, especially new rental profits
    • Increased productivity
  • Improved work ethic
    • Low hiring and training costs
    • To make it easier to read
    • Reducing the anxiety of a new employee
  • Importation helps to build a two-way line of communication between managers and employees.
  • Proper recruitment facilitates informal relationships and team performance within the employee.
    • Active recruitment helps to recruit a new employee in the organization and develop a sense of membership.
    • This introduction helps to develop good relationships
    • The formal submission process proves that the company is taking interest in starting it right.
  • Proper placement reduces employee grievances, unemployment and staff growth. Submissions help to provide information about the organization, workplace and employee well-being.

Induction – 7 Major Problems

The following are the problems in the process of active importation:

  1. Lack of Training – A supervisor or immediate manager who prepares a new person for a future newcomer may not be trained in management techniques or sometimes the manager may not have enough time to guide the new future.
  2. General Information – The newcomer is given simultaneous information about the equipment, vision, objectives, objectives, organizational structure, departments, tasks, responsibilities and more that make it difficult for him or her to understand it all at once.
  3. Management Activity – When an employee joins a firm he or she must meet a number of management objectives and at the same time be provided with an environment that increases the pressure on the next young person.
  4. Initial Services – In the first phase the job is only given to manual labour which undermines the employee’s interest and credibility. Therefore, the first jobs for a young person to come have a great impact on the employee’s interest in the organization.
  5. Admission of Errors and Errors – The employee is given a sketch submission under the erroneous belief that trial and error method is the best method of submission. This leads to increased confusion and difficulty in the mind of the next young person.
  6. Balance at different levels of familiarityThe new comer is forced to strike a balance between the broad position created by the department of labor and the low level of direction at departmental level.
  7. Other Problems –

Some of the other problems with the way the system works are:

  •  An employee is laid off soon so that his or her mistake could cost the company more money.
  • Newcomers are sometimes assigned challenging tasks, and their failure may discourage them from continuing.
  • An employee may develop a negative attitude when asked to perform small tasks due to the short time spent on each job.

Induction – Import Process: Content

The method of import and orientation program (or easy-to-import program) varies depending on the type of industry, organization, and employment situation. In small organizations, informal admissions is often done. However, in the case of large corporations, a formal admission process may be held for a period of 2-4 weeks.

Major tasks performed during the induction process prior to the placement of new employees in their specific roles. At the conclusion of the induction process, the department of labour may hold special anti-anxiety conferences to overcome the doubts of new employees and ensure that they are properly addressed. This is known as an import program test. After this, new employees are ready to be included in their jobs.

Program Content:

The following should be included in the applicable administration plan:

  1. Company history, philosophy, equipment, vision, objectives, and operations.
  2. The products and services in which the company operates.
  3. Organizational structure of a corporate organization with detailed mandate relationships.
  4. Conditions of employment, salary, pension arrangements, holidays and sick leave.
  5. Operating arrangements in particular, software packages used, reporting relationships and any important facts about the work not yet covered.
  6. HR management plan and in particular staff development plans and opportunities.
  7. The entire range of services provided for the benefit, welfare, and leisure of employees.
  8. Cooking arrangements, health and safety rules, and what to do if there are any problems.
  9. Location of various departments and staff services.
  10. Policies and Procedures
  11. Grievance procedure
  12. Proposal plan
  13. Safety Precautions
  14. Rules and regulations
  15. Opportunities for training, promotion, skills development, transfer etc.

Lesson, handbook, film, group conference is used to convey information to new employees about the nature of the work and organization in order to get the new employee acquainted with the following topics-

(i) About company history, objectives, policies, procedures, rules and regulations, codes, etc ,

(ii) In respect of the department;

(iii) In the case of managers, subordinates, etc.

1. About the Company

  • Basic conditions of employment – working hours, shifts, holidays, retirement benefits.
  • Payments, grants, deductions.
  • Sick rules, information – sick leave.
  • Leave rules – general, special, holidays, holidays.
  • Rules of operation, workload, use of goods, equipment, and machinery.
  • Rules and procedures for disciplinary action.
  • Grievance procedure.
  • Method of operation, promotion channel.
  • Unions, negotiation mechanisms.
  • Educational, training and development institutions.
  • Health, safety, health arrangements.
  • Restaurants and restaurants.
  • Social benefits and social measures.
  • Calls and calls.
  • Travel and subsistence expenses.
  • Uniforms, clothing.
  • Various employees – their positions – positions in the organization. In addition to using the most common methods, the personnel manager explains in person, removes the doubts and questions of the new employee about the company.

2. In respect of the Department

The head of department concerned introduces a new employee to key employees and briefly describes the department and the employee. When the relevant manager assigns work to all employees in the category / unit, he or she describes in detail the job or function, equipment, machinery, equipment the employee must work with, the production process, the workplace and the importance of the production process, his position in the department, distribution, distribution , working hours, shift, quality / standard to be maintained, customers / users of a product / service, etc.

3.  In the case of management, subordinates, etc.

  1. Introduce a new employee to the person in charge who must report to him.
  2. Introduce to other managers their work is directly related to them.
  3. Introduce a new employee to his subordinates who should work with him.
  4. Introduce a new function to subordinates who will report to him.
  5. Introduce a new employee to colleagues.

 Also Read, 

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