
English Grammar for Class 6

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1. Parts of speech

Words that are divided grammarly and indicate their functions in a sentence are known as Parts of Speech.

(a) Noun

A noun is a name of the place, animal, thing, or idea.


  1. Riya and Siya are good friends.
  2. They are going to Bangalore.
  3. He always makes laugh at funny jokes.

(b) Pronoun

The words or phrase that replaces noun and noun expressions in a sentence are called a pronoun.


  1. They are watching TV.
  2. She had already completed the work.
  3. We are going to attend a wedding.

(c) Adverb

An adverb is a phrase or a word that modifies the verb in the given action.


  1. The children ran upstairs into the house.
  2. They perfectly completed their work.
  3. Monika always completes her work regularly.

(d) Verb

The words phrases or clauses that performs action in a sentence is called verb.


  1. The child is crying loudly.
  2. The cat is sleeping under the bed.
  3. Naira fell down during dance.

(e) Adjective

The words or phrases that describe or provides more information about a noun is called an adjective.


  1. She is wearing a pink colour gown.
  2. He buys an expensive gift for his mother.
  3. Her father is very angry on his son.

(f) Interjections

The words that describe sudden emotions, reactions, and feelings is called interjections.


  1. Hush! The baby is sleeping.
  2. Oh! I left my purse in the shop.
  3. Bravo! We won the quiz competition.

(g) Conjunctions

The conjunctions are the words that joins together and connects together in a sentence and make meaningful statements.


  1. He passed as he work so hard for exams.
  2. She wants to a new dress but it was very expensive.
  3. Neither he nor his mother will attend meeting.

(h) Prepositions

A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun and a pronoun.


  1. The clothes are kept in the almirah.
  2. He will not come and until his father allow him.
  3. The hut is between the trees.

Also read: Parts of speech for class 6

2. Articles

Articles are the word that is used before the specific nouns and unspecific nouns in the sentence.

Types of Articles

(a) Indefinite Articles

The indefinite article is used before the identity of the noun that is specific or unknown.

Use of ‘A’

A is used before the singular noun starting with the constant sound.


  1. He met a girl inside the hall.
  2. There is a big basket of fruits.
  3. He is a naughty boy in the class.

Use of ‘An’

An is used before the singular noun starting with a vowel sound.


  1. He is an honest man.
  2. He likes to eat an apple daily.
  3. She buys an umbrella yesterday.

(b) Definite Articles

A definite article is used before the noun identify is specific or known. It can be used before singular nouns and plural nouns.

Use of The


  1. The old woman is selling fruits.
  2. A beautiful girl is standing near the shop.
  3. He is the villain of the story.

Also read: Articles for class 6

3. Subject and predicate


The subject tells in a sentence what and who is performing an action and who and what the sentence is talking about.


  1. Riya cooks tasty food.
    Riya is the subject who does an action.(cooking)
  2. Niya is eating.
    Niya is subject who does an action.(eating)


The predicate consists of a numbers and express the action done by the subject or what the subject does.


  1. Riya cooks tasty food.
    (Tasty food an action done by Riya )
  2. Niya is eating.
    (Eating is an action done by Niya)

Also read: Subject and predicate for class 6

4. Nouns

Types of Nouns

(a) Countable Nouns

A Countable noun which can be counted as the name of things objects and people.


  1. A book
  2. A bag
  3. A person
  4. A school
  5. An animals

(b) Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable noun are nouns that cannot be counted.


  1. Oil
  2. Smoke
  3. Rice
  4. Sugar
  5. Anger

(c) Singular Noun

A singular number is the form of a noun that denotes only one person, place, or thing.


  1. Girl
  2. Snake
  3. Box
  4. Cow
  5. Pen

(d) Plural Noun

A plural number is the form of a noun that denotes more than one person place or thing.


  1. Girls
  2. Snakes
  3. Boxes
  4. Cows
  5. Pens

Also read: Nouns for class 6

5. Pronouns

Pronouns are words that substitute nouns in a sentence.


  1. They are playing outside.
  2. We are going for shopping.
  3. He lost his bag in the mall.

Types of Pronouns

(a) Personal Pronoun

The personal pronoun refers to the particular person in a sentence.


  1. I love to play chess with my friend.
  2. Does can she make coffee for ourselves?.
  3. He always obey his elders.

(b) Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns indicate a fixed number of person place animal and thing.


  1. All students are going to stadium.
  2. Only a few students at participated in the function.
  3. He asked little tea from her sister.

(c) Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask a specific or indirect question.


  1. What are you talking about?
  2. How can she help you?
  3. When you will give him his books?

(d) Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns refers to a particular name place or thing or to point something specific in a sentence.


  1. This food is so tasty.
  2. This bag belongs to him.
  3. Is that you asking for some money?

(e) Distributive Pronouns

Distributive pronouns refers to the members of a group individual or in a group.


  1. Each students are present today.
  2. Is any book left on the table?
  3. There are some chocolates in fridge.

(d) Reciprocal Pronouns

The reciprocal pronouns refers two or more people that does an similar actions.


  1. Priya and Saurav are made for each other.
  2. You should respect each other in the house.
  3. The class is blaming one another for the destruction.

(e) Reflexive Pronouns

The reflexive pronouns refer to the noun such as myself, himself and herself etc


  1. I myself completed all my work in the house.
  2. He himself cook food for everyone.
  3. The new girl in the class introduce herself infront of students.

(f) Emphatic Pronouns

Emphatic pronouns are words that emphasize a noun in a sentence.


  1. They themselves all the problems that a occurred in the project.
  2. The dog opened the gate itself.
  3. We ourselves had leave for the wedding.

Also read: Pronoun for class 6

6. Verbs

Verbs are doing words that represent an action of state or things.


  1. Neha is writing essay.
  2. Mohan is listening songs.
  3. Advait is playing outside.

Types of verbs

(a) Finite verbs

In a sentence, the finite verbs are those that agree with the subjects and expresses the tense and number of a person in a sentence.


  1. She promised me to come early.
  2. She is very excited about going for the tour.
  3. Her friend was waiting in the morning so long.

(b) Non finite verbs

The non finite verb does not act as a hope it acts as a noun adjective and adverb and indicates person in number and tense in a sentence.


  1. He is dancing like superman.
  2. His father is looking angry.
  3. Niya tries to sing a song.

Also read: Verbs for class 6

7. Adverbs

An adverb is a word that is used to modify and indicate the verb and adjective and show the qualities of them in a sentence.


  1. Neha runs very fast.
  2. She is smarter than her friends.
  3. Neha sings well than Rishabh.

Types of Adverbs

(a) Adverb of Time

The Adverb of time is used to give information about the verb and indicates the time when the verb took place.


  1. She fell down during rehearsal.
  2. He will meet him soon.
  3. He always go to school regularly.

(b) Adverb of Place

An adverb of a place describes the information about the place of a verb where it has taken place.


  1. There is a cat under the table.
  2. The birds fly high above the tree.
  3. The rat moves out through the window.

(c) Adverb of degree

An adverb of degree describes the intensity of the verb in the sentence.


  1. He almost arrives near the colony.
  2. He hardly completes his project.
  3. The bus station is nearly to the market.

(d)  Adverb of manner

An adverb of manner describes more information about how a verb is done.


  1. He completes his work neatly.
  2. He quickly finishes homework.
  3. My mother slowly drive the car.

(e) Adverb of frequency

An adverb of frequency describes how often something take place.


  1. He always wake up at 5 o’clock.
  2. He usually completes his homework on time.
  3. Heena normally get good marks

Also read: Adverbs for class 6

8. Degrees of comparisons

The degree of comparison is done to compare the quality of noun in a sentence.

(a) Positive degree of comparison

When we talk or compare about one individual person or thing is positive degree of comparison.


  1. Puja looks happy.
  2. They had a bad day today.
  3. He lives in a big house.

(b) Comparative degree of comparison

When we talk or compare about individuals persons or thing  to another is a comparative degree of comparison.


  1. Puja looks happier than me.
  2. They had a worse day than yesterday.
  3. He lives in a bigger house than her friend.

(c) Superlative degree of comparison

When we talk about a compare more than two individuals person or thing in a sentence is called superlative degree of comparison.


  1. Puja looks happiest.
  2. They had the worst day today.
  3. They lives in the biggest house.

Also read: Degrees of comparison for class 6

9. Determiners

Determiners are the words that are used to describe nouns or give more information about them.

Types of Determiners

(a) Articles

Articles are words that are used before nouns.


  1. Neha was scolded by a teacher.
  2. She got a piece of expensive jewellery.
  3. An old woman is standing near the tree.

(b) Demonstrative Determiners

The demonstrative determiners are used or indicate a particular noun or point to something in a sentence.


  1. These are my books on the table.
  2. He wants to buy those shoes from the shop.
  3. She like a scenery that her friend gifted her.

(c) Distributive determiners

The distributive determinants refers to a group or individual in a group.


  1. Either he will attend the function.
  2. Each students had to submit their project tomorrow.
  3. Every student enjoy today’s function.

(d) Possessive Determiners

The possessive determiners that refers to something or indicate belonging or ownership to someone.


  1. These are my pencils on the floor.
  2. She lost your favourite watch.
  3. Her friend got injured during rehearsal.

(e) Quantifiers

The quantifiers determiners refers to the quantity to indicate something in a quantity.


  1. He asked for some rice to his mother.
  2. There are a few points to remember daily.
  3. He has lots of fun in the party.

(f) Interrogative Determiners

The interrogative determiners are the words that ask question to indicate person place or thing.


  1. What is her name?
  2. Whose clothes are on my bed?
  3. When you will submit the project?

Also read: Determiners for class 6

10. Tenses

The tense denotes a verb that indicates the time of event or an action take place or a occur in the past on may occur in present or future.

Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense is used when an actions happen on regular basis.


  1. She goes to the temple daily.
  2. He drinks a glass of juice
  3. He wants to go in the party.

Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used when an action already happened in the past and completed.


  1. She liked a shoes yesterday.
  2. He came yesterday in the evening.
  3. Meena drank a lot of water today.

Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense is used when action is going to happen in the future.


  1. He will meet him today.
  2. They will complete the work on time.
  3. We will enjoy the party.

Present continuous tense

The Present Continuous tense is used to express on describe an action at the time of speaking or in progress.


  1. They are going for shopping..
  2. Navya is writing an essay.
  3. Dogs are barking on strangers.

Past continuous tense

The past continuous tense refers to continue the action that was happening in the past.


  1. They was going for shopping.
  2. Navya was writing an essay.
  3. Dogs were barking at strangers.

Future continuous tense

Future continuous tense indicates something will happen in the future for expected period of time.


  1. They will be going to the market.
  2. Navya will be writing an essay.
  3. Dogs will be barking at strangers.

Perfect present tense

Perfect present tense indicates action that begins in the past and will continue in the present.


  1. She has gone to the party.
  2. The child has drank all the soft drinks.
  3. They have enjoyed the competition.

Past perfect tense

Past perfect tense expresses an action that has finished or completed.


  1. She had gone to the party.
  2. The child had drink all the soft drinks.
  3. They had enjoyed the competition.

Future perfect tense

The future perfect tense indicates actions that will completed in the future.


  1. She will have gone to the party.
  2. The child will have drink the soft drinks.
  3. They will have enjoyed the competition.

Present perfect continuous tense

Present perfect continuous tense refers to the action that started in past and continues in present.


  1. She have been cooking dinner.
  2. They have been watching TV from last two hours.
  3. He have been waiting for you.

Past perfect continuous tense

Past perfect continuous tense refers to an action that continues in the past and stop before an action.


  1. She had been cooking dinner.
  2. They had been watching TV from last two hours.
  3. He had been waiting for you.

Future perfect continuous tense

Future perfect continuous tense is used to express the actions that will occur in the future at a point of time.


  1. She will have been cooking dinner.
  2. They will have been watching TV .
  3. He will have been waiting for you.

Also read: Tenses for class 6

11. Phrases and Clauses


A phrase is a group of words as a meaningful unit that does not contain a subject in its sentence.

(a) Noun phrase

Noun phrase are the words that functions as a noun or modified with nouns in a sentence.


  1. Sia went to a market.
  2. Neha want pink colour handbag.
  3. He wants a car.

(b) Adjective phrase

Adjective phrases describes or function as an adjective before and after an adjective in a sentence.


  1. Pihu wears a gown.
  2. He drank a lot of water.
  3. She had an expensive necklace.

(c) Adverbial phrases

Adverb phrases are the phrases that are modified adjective and verbs and function as an adverb in a sentence.


  1. She looks so pretty.
  2. He met him as soon as possible.
  3. They are waiting outside.

(d) Prepositional phrase

Prepositional phrases are the phrases that joints relates with a noun in a sentence.


  1. She lost her purse in the bus.
  2. They put the box on the table.
  3. The cat is under the chair.

(e) Conjuctional phrase

Conjunctional phrases are phrase that joins with each other in a sentence.


  1. Neither he nor his friend meet me.
  2. She completes yet she did not give.
  3. He met after a long time.

(f) Interjectional phrase

The interjectional phrase has sudden reactions.


  1. Ohh please! Can you go out from here.
  2. Fantastic! You really perform well.
  3. Oh my God! Help him.


Clauses are the groups of words that contains both parts of the sentence and make a meaningful statement.

(a) Independent clauses

Independent clauses are group of words which have a subject and verb in its sentence. It is a first part of a sentence that can stand alone.


  1. She is a brave girl.
  2. He likes singing.
  3. Meet him again.

(b) Dependent clause

The dependent clause are the words which cannot stand alone in a sentence. It  is the second part of the sentence.


  1. Yet his work not completed.
  2. Before you arrive for the station.
  3. As he enjoys it.

Also read: Phrases and clauses for class 6

12. Modals

Modals are words that describe the action by a verb in the sentence.

Uses of Modals

(a) Can

Can is used to denote Power capacity, ability, or use for taking and giving permission.


  1. He can run very fast.
  2. Katie can lift this heavy box.
  3. Can you please allow him to give me a watch?

(b) Could

Could is used to show the ability, capacity or show remote possibility and formal request.


  1. Pranali could lift this heavy box pension was thirteen.
  2. He could come yesterday to meet his friend.
  3. There could be teaching in the staff room.

(c) Shall

Shall is used to express a command, promise, determination or taking and giving permission.


  1. He shall be waiting for you outside.
  2. Aditi shall got a big opportunity today.
  3. The teacher shall punish him of not completing the work.

(d) Should

Should is used to express duty, suggestion, advice or an opinion.


  1. Reema should go home early.
  2. He should meet him last.
  3. We should complete our homework everyday

(e) Will

Will is used to expressing wish willingness to request determination or threat


  1. My mother will meet my class teacher tomorrow.
  2. He will do his homework on time.
  3. She will help you in the project.

(f) Would

Would is used to express past habits take permission or to make a humble and polite request.


  1. She would like to wear a pink dress.
  2. Would you like to have tea or coffee?
  3. We thought that he would pass exam.

(g) Ought to

Ought to refers to the moral obligation and duty.


  1. She ought to work hard for passing.
  2. They ought to leave our country.
  3. You ought to speak truth.

(h) Need to

The need to is to express requirements things which is necessary to do a give to someone.


  1. You need to take rest.
  2. She needs to help him in the project.
  3. We need to drinks eight glass water daily.

(i) May

May is used show the possibility, express willingness and show respect and take and give permissions.


  1. It may rain today.
  2. Samira may play badminton.
  3. May can he leave now.

(j) Might

Might refers to show less possibility.


  1. He might come today in the evening.
  2. Dev might dance or sing.
  3. She might help you in the work.

(k) Must

Must refers to show greater possibility obligations on necessary to do or give advice or suggestion.


  1. He must complete his work within the time.
  2. You must add some more sugar in the tea.
  3. You must always follow the rules of signals.

(l) Dare

Dare is used to express challenge or courage.


  1. She does not dare to go there.
  2. How dare you touch my purse?
  3. How dare you to help him?

(m) Used to

The used to denotes past habits and situations.


  1. He used to drink a lot of water early morning.
  2. They used to play together.
  3. My mother used to tell different stories daily.

(n) Have to

Have to is used to shows obligations things that is necessary and give advice.


  1. They have to complete the work within the week.
  2. She have to study hard to pass the exam.
  3. You have to do a lot of work in the class.

Also read: Modals for class 6

13. Conjunctions

Conjunctions are word that join or link together to make meaningful sentences.


  1. She will have coffee or tea.
  2. Rahul is hungry but there is nothing to eat.
  3. She not leaves until his friend come.

(a) Coordinating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions are the words or phrases that are joint together with equal preferences and importance.


  1. Reena and Seema are best friends.
  2. Neha refuses to go in the party nor will eat anything.
  3. Priyanka did the station at time but the train is late.

(b) Subordinating conjunction

Subordinating conjunctions are used to connect independent clause with a dependent clause.


  1. The teacher will not start until all the students keeps silence.
  2. She passed exam because she worked hard.
  3. Pallavi is richest than her friends.

(c) Correlative conjunction

Correlative conjunctions are used in pairs in sentence is with equal importance.


  1. Harry is both intelligent and smart.
  2. You can have pasta or noodles.
  3. Either Pihu or her mother will clean the kitchen.

Also read: Conjunctions for class 6

14. Interjections

An interjection is a word that expresses sudden emotions feelings reactions.


  1. Yummy! The food is so tasty.
  2. Bravo! You passed it.
  3. Hello! Myself Alia.

Types of Interjections

(a) Interjection of fear

The interjection of fear is used when a person is a fear of someone or to show fear.


  1. Ahh! Let me go.
  2. Aah! I am sorry.
  3. Ok! I will not repeat it again.

(b) Interjection of anger

The interjection of anger is to express the feeling of irritation or disappointment.


  1. What! You had done this.
  2. Excuse me! Why had you done this.
  3. Hey! Have you seen any watch here.

(c) Interjections of happiness

An interjection of happiness is used to express happiness about something or appreciate someone that makes happy.


  1. Wow! What a beautiful painting.
  2. Hurrah! We won the quiz.
  3. Yeah! I had passed it.

(d) Interjections of surprise

An interjection of surprises is used to surprise or shock about anything.


  1. What! He is not coming.
  2. Oh! I left my purse at home.
  3. Oh no! I forgot my password.

(e) Interjection of attention

An interjection of attention is used to draw concentration on attention to someone.


  1. Hey! Can you help to find this.
  2. Hello! Are you still doing work.
  3. Hush! The girl is studying for exam.

(f) Interjections of greetings

An interjection of greeting is used to greet someone by giving respect.


  1. Hello! My name is Jimmy.
  2. Good morning! Can you talk to Mrs Sharma.
  3. Hey! Can you forgive him.

Also read: Interjections for class 6

15. Subject-verb agreement

Subject-verb agreement is the rules for the subject followed by them. It is helpful in making meaningful sentences and can easily read and is very impactful.


  1. She prepared for the exams.
  2. They play badminton together.
  3. Not only they perform the task but also whole school participated in it.

Also read: Subject-verb agreement

16. Punctuation

Punctuation is a set of marks that separate sentences and makes the reading easy and understandable.


  1. What are you doing here?
  2. There are apples in the basket.
  3. He said, “Can you pass me the ball”.

(a) Full stop

A full stop is used when the sentence is completed and it is used at the end.


  1. You are wearing a pink color dress.
  2. She is going to market.
  3. He is a brave boy.

(b) Comma

The comma is used to divide or separate the sentences by taking small pause for better understanding.


  1. Riya, Siya and Divya are best friends.
  2. Suhani is beautiful, intelligent and dancer.
  3. Neha asked, “Can you help me in the project”.

(c) Question mark

The question mark is used to ask questions from someone that is unknown.


  1. Why you always come late?
  2. Why should I complete your work?
  3. What are you doing here?

(d) Exclamation mark

The exclamation mark is used at the end of the sentence or after an interjection.


  1. Wow! What decorative lights?
  2. Ouch! You hit me with the ball.
  3. What delicious food!

(e) Colon

Colon is used to introducing an item or at the beginning of any statement or explanation.


  1. Come and meet him at 5:00 pm.
  2. Naina like fruits : apple, mango, orange.
  3. Pranav play games : kho kho , hockey, cricket

(f) Apostrophe

The apostrophe is used to show possession or belonging or to indicate missing letters in words.


  1. He can’t come early.
  2. This is Riya’s book.
  3. The boy’s are playing cricket.

(g) Quotation marks

The quotation marks are the inverted commas used to show exact code of the speaker or to highlight the names or title.


  1. He asked,”Can you bring me a glass of water”.
  2. “Is she eating food on time” the doctor asked.
  3. Naina said,”let him watch Tv”.

Also read: Punctuation for class 6

17. Active and passive voice

Active voice

When the Subject performs an action stated by a verb a sentence is called an active voice.


  1. The doctor treated the patient.
  2. Neha read a newspaper daily.
  3. Sneha buy a book.

Passive voice

When the subject of a verb receives the action that done by the subject in a sentence is called passive voice.


  1. The patient was treated by the doctor.
  2. The newspaper is read by Neha daily.
  3. A book is bought by neha.

18. Direct Speech and Indirect Speech

Direct and indirect speech is the sentences that is spoken by a speaker with change or no change.

Direct Speech

The Sentences that have been spoken by the speaker where there is no change, exactly the same words of the speaker is reported in the sentence is called direct speech.


  1. He said “He will be late tonight”.
  2. He asked “Bring me a glass of water”.
  3. She said ” I want to buy a new dress”.

Indirect Speech

The sentences that are spoken by the speaker are not exactly the same. It is also called Indirect speech.


  1. He said that he will be late tonight.
  2. He asked to bring him a glass of water.
  3. She said that he wants to buy a new dress.

19. Prepositions

Prepositions are the words that link nouns and pronouns in the sentence.

Types of Prepositions

(a) Prepositions of Time

Prepositions of time indicate time when the thing has happened or going to happen.


  1. His birthday is on 18th October.
  2. He will arrive at 9:00 p.m.
  3. She will meet him in the afternoon.

(b) Prepositions of Place

The preposition of place indicates the position of an object or determined place.


  1. The book is kept on the bed.
  2. The rat is under the table.
  3. Hi locked himself inside the room.

(c) Preposition of Direction

The preposition of direction is used to indicate the person or thing moving in the direction with respect to the person or thing.


  1. The fruits are kept on the dinning table.
  2. He is moving along with his father.
  3. The kite fly high above in the sky.

Also read: Preposition for class 6

20. Synonyms and Antonyms


Synonyms are words that are similar or almost the same as another word.


  1. Antique – clumsy, rough, ponderous, rough
  2. Indulge – gratify, pamper, comfort, satisfy
  3. Oversight – omission, error, fault, slip
  4. Nasty – offensive, defiled, malevolent, malignant.
  5. Provoke – inflame, incite, agitate, aggravate


Antonyms are words that are opposite to each other.


  1. Adjacent – distant, separate, remoteness, aloofness
  2. Blame – commend, applaud, laud, praise
  3. Convert – persist, maintain , enduring, perpetual
  4. Explicit – hidden, vague, doubtful, implicit
  5. Molest – console, soothe, comfort, cheer

Also read: Synonyms and Antonyms for class 6