
Write a short paragraph on Environmental education


Environmental Education Is meant to make the general public aware of its surroundings. It contains the social, moral, economic, religious, political and other household conditions and habits. Man is a social animal. He lives in a society that is the part and parcel of his life. In order to keep our surroundings or environment safe, we must keep them clean and fresh. We cannot progress if its citizens live in impure surroundings. All know that poverty and need are the greatest polluters in the world. Unplanned families cannot keep their surroundings clean because for a poor man every child is a helper and an earner. India is a country where people live in jungles and villages. Their surroundings remain unclean. It is necessary for them to get an education about their atmosphere and environment. Certain evils like poverty and population explosion can only be removed with the help of science and technology.

Environmental education PDF

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