
English Grammar Determiners for class 8

Hello readers, Welcome back to Performdigi, In this article, we are going to discuss English grammar determiners for class 8, We have provided worksheets, exercises with answers. If you go through this article completely and complete the worksheet, you will get a basic understanding of English determiners. Let’s dive in without any further ado.

Determiners Definition for Class 8: AΒ DeterminersΒ is a word that selects or determines something about theΒ NounΒ orΒ Pronoun that happens. They determine whether a noun is specific or generic.

Determiner + Noun :

  1. A girl
  2. The girls
  3. That girl
  4. Seven girls
  5. All girls

Types/Kinds of Determiners for class 8

7 types of determiners for class 8:

  1. Articles
  2. Possessives
  3. Demonstratives
  4. Distributives
  5. Quantifiers
  6. Expressions
  7. Interrogatives

Let’s discuss it in more detail:

1. Articles

Definition: Articles indicate the arrival of a noun. It means that an article introduces a noun.

Articles determiners are:

A, An, The

Two types of ArticlesΒ 

1.Β  Indefinite Article:- A, An

Definition: They are applied before a singular countable noun. It doesΒ notΒ lead to any particularΒ personΒ orΒ thing.

2. Definite Article:- The

Β ‘The‘ can be applied with both countable nouns β€” singular and plural and with uncountable nouns. It represents the person, place, or thing.

Examples of Definite Articles:

  1. This is the way to the town.
  2. The farmer had four wives.
  3. An honest person like ram never lies.
  4. They brought a Computer.
  5. Have you ever seen an elephant?


Complete the sentence with the correct Article:

  1. I am reading _____ really good book.
  2. We live in _____ city.
  3. Gautam was a _____ artist.
  4. Are you _____ teacher?
  5. I have _____ one-year-old son.
  6. Do you want to go to _____ park today?
  7. School children in _____ Uk have to wear _____ uniform.
  8. My brother is a _____ surgeon.
  9. Riya comes from _____ ordinary family.
  10. My grandmother lives in Β _____ smallΒ city center.


  1. A
  2. The
  3. An
  4. A
  5. A
  6. The
  7. The, a
  8. An
  9. An
  10. the

2. Possessives

Definition: It is used to arrange the possession of the item referenced by the commemorating Noun. Possessive determiners are pigeonholed as weak or low possessive pronouns. They are adopted as adjectives pervious to nouns. They show you who possesses or keeps something.

My, your, his, her, Its, their, ourΒ  are Possessive determiners

Examples of Possessive Determiners

  1. I thought my water bottle was Lost.
  2. Rohan is in his bathroom.
  3. The college is famous for its education and placement.
  4. I have lost her phone in the market.
  5. They have finished their meeting yesterday.

Worksheet – Fill in the blanks with answer

Fill in the proper possessive determiner into the gaps:

  1. _____ vacation was wonderful.
  2. They took off _____ dirty shoes.
  3. Peter is in _____ bedroom.
  4. The lawyers knew _____ client was not guilty.
  5. Β _____ sports day will be held tomorrow.
  6. Β _____ approach towards your cricket is good.
  7. We respect _____ elders.
  8. Β _____ father is a doctor.
  9. I don’t give _____ food to anyone.
  10. These people are nice _____ names are Sakshi and Afrin.


  1. Our
  2. Their
  3. His
  4. Their
  5. Our
  6. Your
  7. Our
  8. My
  9. My
  10. Their

3. Demonstrative

Definition: Demonstrative pronouns are also used as determiners. They are used to lead something precise inside a sentence. The consciousness is appealing to the nouns that they are substituting. Demonstrative determiners are used to specify whether or not the Noun is being noticed in addition away.

This, that, these, those are Demonstrative determiners.

Demonstrative Examples for class 8

  1. She wanted those boys to go away.
  2. I like this dress.
  3. These pens are precious
  4. Amit likes that tea shop.
  5. This is not my kind of thing.
Demonstrative Determiners Worksheet with Answers

Complete the sentences below with demonstrative determiners:

  1. I want to buy a _____ necklace for my sister.
  2. I will ask Alex to pack _____ gifts quickly.
  3. _____ boots are brown.
  4. Do you like the _____ picture on the show?
  5. We found _____ beautiful flowers from the garden.
  6. _____ pens are quite generous.
  7. _____ mountains are elegant.
  8. I like _____ movie.
  9. _____ are my pets.
  10. Nikita, _____ are my question papers.


  1. This
  2. That
  3. Those
  4. That
  5. These
  6. That
  7. Those
  8. This
  9. These
  10. These

4. Distributive

Definition: Distributes are determiners that are adopted to talk about how something is divided. Distributive determiners are applied with countable nouns.

Distributes determiners are Each, Every, Either, Neither.

Examples of Distributive determiners :

  1. Each student received a certificate.
  2. She danced with every celebrity.
  3. Either place would suit me.
  4. Neither exam was successful.
  5. Every teacher has great knowledge.
Distributive Determiners Worksheet for class 8

Complete the sentence with the correct distributive determiners:

  1. The newspaper is published _____ month.
  2. _____ sweet and juice are fine for me.
  3. _____ employee came to attend the meeting.
  4. In the school _____ student bring a water bottle.
  5. _____ you eat it, or you don’t.
  6. My younger brother plays cricket _____ day.
  7. My father isn’t a doctorΒ  _____ am I.
  8. _____ of us drink milk _____ day.
  9. _____ of the students will get punishment.
  10. _____ employee said anything.


  1. Every
  2. Either
  3. Neither
  4. Each
  5. Either
  6. Every
  7. Neither
  8. Each, every
  9. Each
  10. Neither

5. Quantifiers
6. Expressions

Definition:Β Quantifiers are very significant phrases because they let us correlate the quantity of something. Quantifiers can be practiced with countable and uncountable nouns or with both.

Countable nouns:- (How many?) a few, several, a majority of, many, etc.

Uncountable nouns:- (How much?) much, a little, a bit of, a large quantity, etc.

Quantifiers and expressions determiners are Some, any, plenty of, a little, much, many, several, one, two, etc.

Examples of Quantifiers and expressions determiners :

  1. There are some books in the class.
  2. How much juice do you need?
  3. There is a little sugar in the cup.
  4. There are not many fruits in the kitchen.
  5. How many chips packets did you buy?

Quantifiers and expressions determiners Exercise

Choose the right option Countably/Uncountable:

  1. Can I have some coffee?
  2. How many cups of tea do you use to drink in a day?
  3. How much colored paper is in the printer?
  4. I meet with my two friends today.
  5. I have purchased ten new toy cars
  6. I don’t have water. Do you have?
  7. I have some biscuits.
  8. I eat apply in the morning
  9. How much honey is there?
  10. There is three ice cream for my sister.


  1. Uncountable
  2. Countable
  3. Uncountable
  4. Countable
  5. Countable
  6. Uncountable
  7. Countable
  8. Countable
  9. Uncountable
  10. Countable

7. Interrogatives

Β The interrogatives determiners are used for challenging questions. Interrogatives determiners come at the commencement of a noun phrase. An interrogatives determiner is a word that modifies a noun by asking a question.

Interrogatives determiners are What, which, whose, etc.

  1. What is used for asking for information specifying something?
  2. Which is used for asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set.
  3. Whose means belonging to which person.

Examples of Interrogatives Determiners:

  1. Which book do you think is more interesting?
  2. Which color do you like the most five?
  3. Whose family has a house near the cinema?
  4. What language books she was reading in the library?
  5. Whose mother is she?

Interrogative Exercises with Answers for class 8

Complete the following sentences by choosing correct interrogatives:

  1. _____ fruit juice do you want for breakfast.
  2. _____ name was next on the list.
  3. You’re visiting _____ place in your next vacation.
  4. You want _____ fillings in pizza.
  5. You were playing badminton with _____ baby in society.
  6. _____ is your mother’s profession?
  7. _____ movie you like the most?
  8. _____ notebook have you borrowed for homework
  9. _____ is the secret of your good health.
  10. _____ yoga you do every morning.


  1. Which
  2. Whose
  3. Which
  4. Which
  5. Whose
  6. What
  7. Which
  8. Whose
  9. What
  10. Which


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Determiners For Class 8, Definition, examples, types of determiners, 7 types of determiners

9 thoughts on “Determiners for Class 8 Worksheet/Exercises with Answers and Pdf,Quiz”

  1. Thanks for visit our site,
    If you want to know more about English Grammar Determiners for class 8. For any query about this topic comment below.

  2. I did not have my textbook and needed it for a project on determiners, and this website helped me both for my project and to understand determiners! Thanks so much and please do this for other chapters and subjects too it’s very helpful! πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m delighted to hear that the website was helpful to you for your project on determiners and that it aided in your understanding of the topic. Your feedback means a lot to us, and we’re thrilled that you found the content valuable.

      We’re constantly working to expand our resources and cover more subjects and chapters to make learning easier and enjoyable for everyone. Your encouragement motivates us to keep improving and providing useful content.

      If you have any specific topics or subjects you’d like us to cover next, please feel free to let us know. Your input helps us prioritize what to work on and ensures we cater to our users’ needs effectively.

      Once again, thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience. We’re here to support your learning journey, and we look forward to assisting you with any future projects or questions you may have.

      Happy learning! πŸ˜ƒ

      Best regards,

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