
Conjunction for class 7

Hello 🤗 students & children, So today in this blog 📑 we will cover Conjunction for class 7, Definition, Examples, Exercise, and worksheet  in different Word categories like:

  • Definition of Conjunction
  • Types of Conjunction 
  • Examples of Conjunction 
  • Worksheet of Conjunction 

Definition of Conjunction

A conjunction is a word that is used for joining two or more words or sentences.

For example:

  1. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Close your mouth and keep your eyes open.
  3. Don’t think about failure and focus on your goal.

Types of conjunction

There are five types of conjunction.

  1. Coordinating conjunctions
  2. Correlative conjunctions
  3. Sub-ordinating- conjunctions
  4. Compound conjunctions
  5. Linking adverbs and transition words

1. Coordinating conjunctions

The Corresponding conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, and sentences. The Corresponding conjunctions include (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so).

Understand it with some examples (Conjunction Examples for Class 7):-

  • And: It is used to combine two words, sentences, or ideas.

For example:

    1. I love to play cricket and football.
    2. I like to drink tea and coffee.
  • But: It is used to connect contrasting ideas.

For example:

    1. I love cricket, but Sahil loves football.
    2. I am singing, but she is dancing.
  • Or: It is used to express a choice between two things.

For example:

    1. You can play either cricket or football.
    2. You can make the diagram horizontally or vertically.
  • Nor: It is used to combine two words or ideas both of which are to be negative.

For example:

    1. Ram is drinking neither hot coffee nor tea.
    2. Neither Shivani nor Diya has come.
  • For: It is used as a conjunction of purpose or reason.

For example:

    1. He bought a new skating kit for his skating classes.
    2. I told her to leave, for I was very tired.
  • Yet: It is used to express something that has not happened but you expect it to happen.

For example:

    1. She studied very hard, yet she failed the test.
    2. Mohan loves to exercise, yet he hates going to the gym.
  • So: It is used as a conjunction of result or consequence.

For example:

    1. Everyone was busy with their work, so I did all of it by myself.
    2. All the rooms of the hotel were occupied, so I had to shift here.

2. Correlative Conjunctions

They are used in pairs to connect two words, phrases, or sentences.

Understand it with some examples (Conjunction Examples for Class 7):-

  • Either … Or: It is used to show the choice between two things.

For example:

    1. Either Max or James has taken the pen.
    2. Either I will drink tea or apple juice.
  • Neither … Nor:  It is used to refuse both of the choices.

For example:

    1. I neither want to play cricket nor football.
    2. I will go neither to Shimla nor Manali.
  • Both … And: It is used to combine two ideas.

For example:

    1. My sister is both smart and intelligent.
    2. I will eat both north Indian food and Chinese food.
  • Whether…or:   It is used to express doubt or choice between two things.

For example:

    1. Tell me whether you will do it or not.
    2. Do you know whether it will be raining today or not? 

3. Sub-Ordinating Conjunctions

Sub-ordinating conjunction joins one clause with another on which it depends for its full meaning.

Understand it with some examples (Conjunction Examples for Class 7):-

  • After: It is used to express the sequence of the happening of two things.

For example:

    1. I will complete my work after my brother would complete it.
    2. You can go and play after you will have done the dishes.
  • If: It is used to express a condition in the clause.

For example:

    1. If you work hard, you will succeed.
    2. She may look beautiful if she uses this cream.
  • Though, Although, and Even though: These are used to show the contrast between the two clauses.

For example:

    1. Although he is rich, he is honest.
    2. Though she was intelligent, she failed.
  • If Only: It is used to show a specific condition stated in the clause.

For example:

    1. If only, I would be an Indian cricketer.
    2. If only, I had been there tomorrow.
  • Till: It is used to show the extent of time in the clause,

For example:

    1. Wait here till I come.
    2. Mayank asked me to wait till he returned.
  • As: It is used to show time, cause, and reason in a sentence.

For example:

    1. As I left my home, I found a purse.
    2. She got weak as she was ill.
  • Whenever: This shows an actual situation in the sentence.

For example:

    1. Whenever I wanted to try something new, he never supported me.
    2. I keep myself in my mother’s cap whenever I feel sad.
  • Because: It is used to express the reason for any action.

For example:

    1. I play cricket because I love it.
    2. We will have to clean the house because tomorrow is Diwali.
  • Since: This is used to show a time reference in a sentence.

For example:

    1. I have been very busy since I started my new job.
    2. I have not seen him since yesterday.
  • Now that: This is used to show a current situation which is the outcome of some past event.

For example:

    1. Now that it is clear India is in the semifinal, we are celebrating.
    2. Now that I am an adult, I can eat and drink whatever I want.

As long as: It is used to show the extent of time and its duration related to an event.

For example:

    1. As long as electricity is supplied, the machine will run.
    2. She is the new captain as long as the previous captain recovers.

4. Compound Conjunctions

Compound conjunctions are the groups of words or phrases that are used as a conjunction.

Understand it with some examples (Conjunction Examples for Class 7):-

For example:

    1. While breaking,  he hurt his neck as well as his back.
    2. As if and as though.

5. Linking Adverbs and Transition Words

These are used to connect two independent clauses or sentences. They are used to provide a transition between ideas.

Understand it with some examples (Conjunction Examples for Class 7):-

For example:

    1. This question is also difficult.
    2. The bus finally arrived.

Conjunction for class 7 worksheet with Answers

Worksheet – 1 

Question 1: In the sentences given below fill in the blanks with the suitable conjunctions.

  1. He is both a singer _____  drummer.
  2. Ram is poor _____  he managed to educate his son.
  3. ______ he is trusted, he cheated his boss.
  4. Stuart is taller _____ his friend Jack.
  5. Father came to know _____ his son has passed.


  1. and
  2. but
  3. Although
  4. than
  5. that

Worksheet – 2

Question 1: Choose the correct option given below:

  1. Everyone wants a corruption-free country ______ nobody wants to stop corruption.
    1. however 
    2. because
    3. since
    4. but
  2. I admire her ______she exhibits steadfast opinions on any matter.
    1. because
    2. until
    3. between
    4. and
  3. Nidhi scored very well ______she fell ill just before her exams.
    1. but
    2. when
    3. since
    4. although
  4. A salesman needs to be very polite to his customers ______  they are complaining about something.
    1. when
    2. even if
    3. until
    4. as soon as
  5. The man walked ______  he had been drunken.
    1. hardly
    2. so that
    3. as though
    4. moreover
  6. All the contestants will get some or the other gift hamper ______  they fulfill the basic criteria and clear at least the first sound.
    1. hence
    2. provided
    3. next
    4. because
  7. You have to stop writing ______  the bell rings.
    1. even if
    2. since
    3. unless
    4. as soon as
  8. They will not do anything ______ I instruct them.
    1. till
    2. when
    3. until
    4. whenever
  9. ______ people are free from any biases, and they will make some progress.
    1. till
    2. when
    3. as long as
    4. however
  10. ______ You walk further, and you will find a marshland.
    1. Also
    2. Unless
    3. As
    4. Wherever


  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 2
  6. 4
  7. 3
  8. 2
  9. 3
  10. 3

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