
Classified Advertisements

‘CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS’, Here we have 9 types of classified advertisement Definition, Format, and Examples in English grammar for students of class 9, 10, 11, 12 CBSE. advertisement such as SituationVacant, Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Sale and Purchase, Accommodation Wanted, Matrimonial…

Advertisement: An advertisement is a public notice is published in a newspaper or a broadcast in the air. Its main aim is to attract the attention of concerned readers. It is a very good tool to promote the sale and advertise requirements. The chief notice lies in using minimum words and providing maximum information. So we should select the words methodically and aim at clarity of the information. Advertisements printed in the newspaper are called Classified Advertisements.

An announcement made through a popular medium like Newspaper, Magazines, Television, Radio and the Cinema, are called advertisement. Advertisement attracts public attention immediately.

Generally, advertisement is used for sales or services an advertisement must be attractive to catch the eye of the reader, more attractive advertisement play a good role it can be said advertisement is a play of words, Use more attractive words is a play of words, use more attractive words to attract people.

Two Types of Advertisement

  1. Commercial advertisement
  2. Classified advertisement

Classified advertisement: An advertisement placed in newspaper, magazines, or periodicals in a small message. Now-a-days on websites, social media like Facebook, Smartphones, and Tables have also seen a classified advertisement.

1.Situation Vacant Advertisement
2.Situation Wanted advertisement
3.Matrimonial advertisement
4.Lost and found advertisement
5.To Let advertisement
6.Sale and Purchase Advertisement
7.Accommodation Wanted Advertisement
8.Appeal Advertisement
9.Missing Person Advertisement

Format for classified advertisement

Classified Advertisement Format

Marks obtained

Advertisement marks obtained

Types of classified advertisement

Here we have 9 types of classified advertisement with definition or format

1. Situation vacant

Situation vacant format

2. Situation Wanted

Situation wanted advertisement format

3. Lost and Found

Lost and found advertisement format

4. Sale and Purchase

Sale and purchase advertisement format

5. Accommodation wanted

Accommodation wanted format

6. TO Let

To let advertisement format

7. Matrimonial 

Brides wanted matrimonial advertisement format

8. Missing person

Missing person advertisement format

9. Appeal advertisement

Appeal writing format