
Adjectives & Degree of comparison for class 7

Hello readers, Welcome back to  Performdigi.com, In this article, we will be learning about English grammar adjectives definition and types for class7 with exercises, worksheets, quizzes, and examples. We have formulated the adjective in the different segments with exercises and answers of the same. After reading this article you will be able to answer all the questions regarding Adjectives for class 7 such as its definitions types and degree of comparison.

 Definition of adjectives for class 7: Adjectives are the words that give the description of a name, place, animal, or thing. It is used as a describing word.

Let us have a look at some of the examples for adjectives.

For example, 

  1. Preeti is a beautiful girl.                ( girl of what kind?)
  2. There is a little water left in the jar.  (how much water?)
  3. Police captured five men today.         (how many men?)
  4. I don’t like that teacher.                       (which teacher?)
  5. Whose book is with me?                   (a question whose book?)

From the above examples, we have an idea of what adjectives are.

Adjectives describe pronouns too. The most common pronouns are he, she, it, they.

  1. He is handsome.
  2. She is sweet.
  3. It was a wonderful day.
  4. They wore black today.

NOTE: Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They tell us how many, how much, what kind, what color the persons, animals, or things are.

Adjective Exercise for Class 7

Underline the adjectives given in the following sentences. 

  1. Taj Mahal is beautiful
  2. Your necklace looks expensive
  3. I watched a thriller movie today
  4. Holi is a colorful festival
  5. There is little juice left in the glass
  6. Jaipur is the pink city
  7. Asia is the biggest continent in the world
  8. Karan is better than Rohan
  9. What question did you ask the class?
  10. Whose pen is lying on the table?


  1. Beautiful
  2. Expensive
  3. Thriller
  4. Colorful
  5. Little
  6. Pink
  7. Biggest
  8. Better
  9. What
  10. Whose

Let us now understand different kinds of adjectives.

 Types of Adjectives for class 7

There are various kinds of adjectives for class 7th

  1. Quality (descriptive adjectives)
  2. Quantity (how much)
  3. Number (how many)
  4. Demonstrative (this, that)
  5. Interrogative (what, which, whose)
  6. Possessive ( my, mine, yours, ours)

Let’s have a look at them individually.

1. Quality Adjectives

An adjective that describes what kind of person, animal, place or thing is. 

It tells the qualities of a person. For example, beautiful, pretty, handsome, large, big, wise, etc.

Example for quality adjective class 7

  1. My father is an honest man.                     (Here honest word describes the father)
  2. Rohan’s sister is pretty.                              ( Pretty is an adjective used for Rohan’s sister)
  3. The old man operated the windmill.        ( Old describes the man who’s operating the windmill)
  4. That is a beautiful vase.                             (Beautiful is an adjective used for the vase)
  5. Dogs are the most loyal animals.               ( Loyal is the quality of dogs)

NOTE: An adjective of quality answers the question—– WHAT KIND OF?

Proper adjectives: Adjectives that use proper nouns are called proper adjectives.

  1. German cars are the finest.                                                               (German is a proper noun)
  2. Italian food is my favorite.                                                                 (Italian is a proper noun)
  3. The majority of Indians are present in Canada.                           (Indians and Canada are proper nouns)
  4. Sushant Singh Rajput was one of the most versatile actors.  (Sushant Singh Rajput is a proper noun)
  5. Ferrari world is located in Dubai.                                                    (Dubai is a proper noun)
Exercise on the quality adjective for class 7 

Circle the quality adjectives in the following sentences 

  1. Ria is wearing a pretty dress
  2. These unique earnings which you are wearing
  3. Huma’s son is a playful child
  4. She is a supportive wife
  5. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world
  6. My teacher is arrogant in nature
  7. Your mom cooks delicious food
  8. Many brave soldiers have sacrificed their lives for the independence
  9. The pizza looks yummy
  10. This book has a good collection of stories


  1. Pretty
  2. Unique
  3. Playful
  4. Supportive
  5. Tallest
  6. Arrogant
  7. Delicious
  8. Brave
  9. Yummy
  10. Good

2. Quantity Adjectives

It shows the quantity or degree of the thing.

This type of adjective shows, how much of a thing is meant. This class of the adjective includes- much, little, no, some, a  little, etc.

Examples of quality adjectives class 7
  1. Little water is left in the jug
  2. Some children are doing their homework
  3. There are sufficient number of people for the seminar
  4. All  parents are requested to settle down in the great hall
  5. If you are having any questions, kindly raise your hand.

NOTE: Quantity adjectives answer the question—– How much?

Exercise for quantity adjective class 7

Write the appropriate quantity of adjective 

  1. I have sufficient food on my plate
  2. The doctor suggests eating one whole apple a day
  3. My glass of wine is half full
  4. No one is allowed to enter the class
  5. Rahul’s water bottle is empty
  6. Neha is having numerous pens in her bag
  7. All the students passed the exam with flying colors
  8. We have almost no time to prepare
  9. Most of us here likes to eat Indian cuisine
  10. She gave him some clothes


1. Sufficient
2. One whole
3. Half
5. Empty
6. Numerous
7. All
8. Almost
9. Most
10. Some

3. Adjectives of Numbers

An adjective of number shows how many people, animals, or things are present there. For example, two, few, several, many enough, etc

Examples for the adjective of numbers class 7

  1. Rohan made several calls from his mobile.
  2. Many students participated in the art competitions.
  3. May I have three coffee, please?
  4. There are many call centers of amazon across India
  5. A few people are allowed to inside the room.

NOTE: The adjective of number answers the question——- How many?

Exercise for the adjective of numbers for class 7 

Find the adjective of number in the sentences given below 

  1. This summer I wrote my grandmother some letters.
  2. I have six fingers on my right toe
  3. Who was the first prime minister of India?
  4. The sixth boy on the last row is talkative
  5. Is there any raspberry left in the fridge?
  6. She ate only half a slice of pizza
  7. I got my offer letter from five companies
  8. I will finish this whole book today
  9. Each one of us should eat healthy food
  10. Most of the students have completed their project work


  1. Some
  2. Six
  3. First
  4. Sixth
  5. Any
  6. Half
  7. Five
  8. Whole
  9. One
  10. Most

Difference between Adjective of quantity and adjective of numbers 

  1. Adjectives which are used with an uncountable noun, they are called adjective of quantity.
  2. Adjectives that are used with countable nouns are called adjectives of number.

We have given the examples above, for both adjective of quantity and adjective of numbers

4. Demonstrative Adjectives

A demonstrative adjective is used to point out which person or thing it is referring to. The adjectives in this class are— this, that, those, them, such, certain, etc.

Examples for demonstrative adjectives

  1. This well has been without water for years.
  2. Those boys always accuse others.
  3. They have a beautiful mansion.
  4. That shop is known for its sweet delicacies.
  5. Those puppies are so adorable.
  6. I want that gorgeous dress.
  7. She couldn’t help, but she can’t forget that incident.
  8. Ron proposed to her that day.
  9. Those ducks are crossing the path.
  10. Pass me that water bottle.

NOTE: A demonstrative adjective answers the question—– WHICH?

Exercise for demonstrative adjectives for class 7

Fill in the blank with an appropriate demonstrative adjective 

  1. _____ pastries were delicious (that,those)
  2. _____ jeans are fitting me well (these, that)
  3. _____ is my mother (that, those)
  4. Please, wash ______ clothes (that, these)
  5. Did you see ______ (this, those)
  6. ______ is very hot (that, this)
  7. Can you approach ______ (these, them)
  8. _____ movie was a thriller, but I enjoyed (those, that)
  9. _____ kids need to be punished ( that. those)
  10. I love _____ pink dress of yours ( that, those)


  1. Those
  2. These
  3. That
  4. These
  5. This
  6. This
  7. Them
  8. That
  9. Those
  10. That

5. Interrogative Adjectives

An interrogative adjective is used, when the noun asks a question. The adjectives are—- What, which, and whose.

Examples for interrogative adjectives

  1. What kind of food do you like?
  2. Whose book is lying on the table?
  3. Which movie are you talking about?
  4. Which dress do you like more? Blue or Pink
  5. What is your favorite color?

NOTE: An interrogative adjective is used to asks a question

Exercise for an interrogative adjective for class 7

Underline the correct interrogative adjective

  1. What is for dinner today?
  2. Where are you going for the summer holidays?
  3. Which is your lunchbox?
  4. What are you wearing for tonight’s event?
  5. Whose turn is now?
  6. Where is the closest beach?
  7. Which is the smallest continent in the world?
  8. What is the capital of the United States of America?
  9. Who is your best friend?
  10. Whose pen is this?


  1. What
  2. Where
  3. Which
  4. What
  5. Whose
  6. Where
  7. Which
  8. What
  9. Who
  10. Whose

6. Possessive Adjective

An adjective that indicates something belongs to someone. Something is in possession with someone. The adjectives are such– her, his, its, your, mine, there, our, they, and yours.

Examples for possessive adjective

  1. Your cycle is parked in my garage
  2. Our luggage is kept at the hotel’s lobby
  3. This passport belongs to him]
  4. They have their notebooks with them
  5. It’s 12 o’clock already

NOTE: Possessive adjective answers the question— whose?

Exercise for possessive adjectives class 7

Circle the appropriate possessive adjective in the given statements below

  1. Her laptop is kept on my table.
  2. Our car will be here any second.
  3. What is your name?
  4. This is my house.
  5. They will be arriving in twenty minutes.
  6. Keep the money, it’s yours.
  7. They built this house with their savings.
  8. Her dress is looking so pretty.
  9. I’m from Delhi, but most of my friends are from Mumbai.
  10. We have a cat, she has grown old.


  1. Her
  2. Our
  3. Your
  4. My
  5. They
  6. It’s yours
  7. They, their
  8. Her
  9. My
  10. She

Miscellaneous exercise- all types of adjectives

Identify the adjective given below and write what type of adjective it is

  1. Good people are always welcomed everywhere
  2. Those girls were preparing for the  upcoming exam
  3. There were several mistakes in his essay
  4. Gulliver did not get sufficient food
  5. Parvati secured the seventh rank in the test
  6. Which pen belongs to you?
  7. Our team won the match
  8. Bill wrote many novels
  9. Some people work at the factory as weavers
  10. It was a difficult question, but I solved it


  1. Good- Quality adjective
  2. Those – Demonstrative adjectives
  3. Several- Adjective of numbers
  4. Sufficient- Adjective of quantity
  5. Seventh- Adjective of number
  6. Which- Interrogative Adjective
  7. Our- Possessive adjective
  8. Many- Adjective of numbers
  9. Some- Adjective of quantity
  10. Difficult- Quality Adjective

Degree of Adjectives for class 7

There are three degrees of adjectives in English for class 7th, these are- positive degree, comparative degree, and superlative degree. 

  1. We use the positive degree of an adjective when no comparison is made.
  2.  The comparative degree of an adjective when two-person, animal, places, or things are compared.
  3. We can use superlative degrees when more than two persons, places, animals, or things are compared.

Let us understand with an example

  1. Ron’s bag is small
  2. Henry’s bag is smaller than Cherry’s
  3. Richard’s bag is the smallest of all.

Now we can conclude that,

  1. Small is the positive degree
  2. Smaller is the comparative degree
  3. Smallest is superlative degree

Formation of  comparative and superlative degrees

Case 1:

Most of the adjectives from their comparative degree by adding -er and their superlative degree by adding -est to the positive degree

For example

  1. Deep(positive degree), Deeper(Comparative degree), Deepest (Superlative degree)
  2. Great(positive degree), greater(Comparative degree), greatest(Superlative degree)
  3. Kind(positive degree), Kinder(comparative degree), Kindest( Superlative degree)
  4. Thick(positive degree), Thicker(comparative degree), Thickest(Superlative degree)
  5. Young(positive degree), Younger( comparative degree), Youngest(Superlative Degree)

Case 2:

When positive degree ends with -e only -r and -stare added not -er and -est to change them into comparative and superlative

For example

  1. Able(positive degree), Abler(comparative degree), Ablest(Superlative degree)
  2. Brave(positive degree), Braver(comparative degree), Bravest(superlative degree)
  3. Fine(positive degree), finer(comparative degree), Finest( superlative degree)
  4. Large(positive degree), Larger(comparative degree), Largest( superlative degree)
  5. Wise(positive degree), Wiser(comparative degree), Wisest(superlative degree)

Case 3:

a) When a positive degree adjective ends with -y at the end and has a consonant before it then -y is changed to -I before adding -er for the comparative form and -est for the superlative form.

For example

  1. Dry(positive degree), drier(comparative degree), driest(superlative degree)
  2. Easy(positive degree), easier(comparative degree), easiest(superlative degree)
  3. Lazy(positive degree), lazier(comparative degree), laziest(superlative degree)
  4. Wealthy(positive degree), wealthier(comparative degree), wealthiest(superlative degree)
  5. Happy(positive degree), happier(comparative degree), happiest(superlative degree)

b) But if -y has a vowel before it, then -y is not changed t0 -I.

For example

  1. Gay(positive degree), gayer(comparative degree), gayest(superlative degree)
  2. Grey(positive degree), greyer(comparative degree), greyest(superlative degree)

Case 4:

When the positive degree is a word of one syllable and ends with a consonant but has a short vowel before it, then the consonant is doubled before adding -er and -est

For example

  1. Big(positive degree), bigger(comparative degree), biggest(superlative degree)
  2. Fat(positive degree), fatter(comparative degree), fattest(superlative degree)
  3. Hot(positive degree), hotter(comparative degree), hottest(superlative degree)
  4. Thin(positive degree),thinner(comparative degree), thinnest(superlative degree)
  5. Wet(positive degree), wetter(comparative degree), wettest(superlative degree)

Case 5:

It is observed that many adjectives of two syllables and all adjectives of more than two syllables from their comparative degree by adding more before the positive form, and superlative is formed by adding most in front of the positive degree.

For example

  1. Beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful
  2. Courageous, more courageous, most courageous
  3. Difficult, more difficult, most difficult
  4. Faithful, more faithful, most faithful
  5. Learned, more learned, most learned

Case 6:

Some adjectives are exceptions, we cannot form their comparative and superlative form from their positive degree. We need to learn them.

For Example

  1. Bad, worse, worst
  2. Far, farther, farthest
  3. Far, further, furthest
  4. Good, better, best
  5. Late, later, latest
  6. Little, less, least
  7. Much, more, most
  8. Old, elder, eldest
  9. Out, outer, utmost
  10. up, upper, uppermost

Exercise for Degree of Adjective class 7

Fill in the blank with the correct degree of the adjective

  1. Rohan is ______ than Ayush. (wise)
  2. This bag is too big, do you have a _______ bag? (small)
  3. The apples are ______ than the plums. (hard)
  4. French is ______ than English. (difficult)
  5. As compared to pizza, pasta is ______. (good)
  6. The tulips are _______ than roses. (beautiful)
  7. MS Dhoni is one of the ______ cricket players in the world. (good)
  8. This is the ________ necklace in our shop. (valuable)
  9. He is my _______ brother. (old)
  10. Burj Khalifa is the ________ building in the world. (tall)


  1. Wiser
  2. Smaller
  3. harder
  4. More difficult
  5. Better
  6. More beautiful
  7. Best
  8. Most valuable
  9. Elder
  10. Tallest


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