
How to Write a Letter/Application to the Editor on Impact of rising prices

Welcome friends on performdigi, Are you looking for an application against the rising price? So, You are at the right place here we will discuss how to write a letter/application about the rising prices of essential commodities in detail.

Question: You are Deshmukh of 21, Geeta colony, Delhi. Write a letter/application to the editor of a reputed newspaper about rising prices and their impact on the common man.


21-Geeta colony,
10th October, 200xx,
The Editor,
The Times of India,
New Delhi

Subject: Impact of rising prices


Please allow me to use the esteemed columns of your newspaper in order to draw the attention of the government towards the sudden and sky-touching prices of essential commodities in the market. The price rise has become a very common feature in the Indian markets. The rates of common vegetables like potatoes, onions, tomatoes, brinjals, etc rise in the twinkling of an eye. It affects and hits the purchasing power of a common man. India is a higher price, he is perturbed. Even during the season’s curtain commodities due to appear in the market. If they are available they are at a high price. Rates are never constant and they hit the budget of the domestic ladies and poor wage earners. In such a state of affairs, a poor man cannot afford fruits and vegetables.

It looks as if the government has failed to have a check on the hoarders. The capitalists are bent on sipping the blood of poor people and the officials go on seeing the cruelties before their eyes. The politicians and the ministers allow and rather create an artificial shortage in order to earn more and more money for their choicest persons. If this remains the state of affairs, people will lose faith in the government.

It is high time for the government to realize the problems of the public and initiate steps to save the life of a poor man.

Yours faithfully

Also Read:

Draft a Letter about Impact of Rising Prices- Download PDF & Image

Hi, If you are facing these types of problems in your life so this letter will help you, and If you want to download Pdf just simply click on the link given below.

Write a Letter to the Editor on Impact of rising prices

Download PDF about impact of rising prices (1243 downloads )
Download Image about impact of rising prices (685 downloads )



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