
Letter to Editor on the Practice of Employing Minor Children as full-time Domestic help

Hello Friends, This content related to, how to write a Letter to Editor on the practice of employing minor Children as full-time Domestic help.

Question: Employing minor children, both boys and girls, as full time domestic help is a common feature. Write a letter to the editor, “The Times of India” advocating the need to stop such a practice which deprives the children to their basic rights, You are Rashmi/Raghav living as 14, The Mall Shimla.


14, The Mall, Shimla
Himachal Pradesh
12th February, 20xx

The Editor,
The Times of India,
Subject: The Practice of employing minor Children as full  time Domestic help


Please allow me to use some space in your esteemed newspaper regarding a social crime. Employing minor children (both boys and girls) as full time domestic help is a common feature.

young boys are made to work in dhabas, factories, or at construction sites. Minor girls, are employed as housemaids or to tend the children of working ladies.

Child labor employed in any form of hazardous work is a legal and social offense it is banned under the law. yet it goes on unabated in industrial towns and cities. Child labor influences physical and mental harm to the children. They lose their youth before they become adults. They are even deprived of school education and proper growth.

There is a dire and immediate need to stop such a practice which deprives the children of their base right. I hope the government would keep a careful watch and vigil over the exploiters of children and punish the defaulters severely.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully,

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