
Tenses for class 6

If you are searching Tenses for class 6 then you are at the right place from here you will learn tenses in an easy way with explained examples and you also have solved worksheets and exercises for class 6th with answers. If you are a teacher you can also use it as your teaching aid. Download worksheets of tenses for class 6 free of cost.

Meaning of Tenses

The word tense denotes the time and tense of a verb indicates the time of an event, or action taking place. Tenses are used to express different times. That the work or an action may have occurred in the past or may occur in present or future. 

How many types of tenses are there?

There are basically 3 types of tenses

  1. Past tense
  2. Present tense
  3. Future tense.

Tense chart for class 6

In the chart given below you will easily understand the tenses and the forms of verbs/helping verbs used in each type of tense. Carefully observe this table you will definitely understand. 

Tense Helping verbs 
Present Tense do, does, is, am, are, has, have, has been, have been
Past Tensedid, was, were, had, had been
Future Tense will, will be, will have, will have been

Tense of a verb does not show only the time of an action alone but It shows the state of that action too. If you want to know that when the particular action has been done you have to know the subdivisions of tenses.

Tenses are subdivided into Four heads

  1. Simple or Indefinite tense
  2. Continuous or Progressive tense 
  3. Perfect tense 
  4. Perfect continuous tense

Tenses Rules Chart for class 6

In the chart given below you will easily understand the rules and structure of sentences. And the forms of verbs/helping verbs used in each type of tense. Carefully observe the structure of sentences in the table. 

Tenses Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense 
Indefinite/Simple tense V1 form + s/es V2 form/Did Will/Shall + V1 form 
Continuous tense Is/am /are+ V1+ ing Was/were + V1 + ing Will/Shall + be + V1+ ing 
Perfect tenseHas/Have + V3 Had + V3 Will/Shall + have +V3
Perfect Continuous tenseHas/Have + been + V1 + ing + Since/For Had + been + V1 + ing + Since/For Will/Shall + Have + been + V1 + ing + Since/For 


  • V1 +ing— Do+ing=doing, Go + ing=going, Sleep + ing= Sleeping
  • Add s/es when subject is third person singular (He/She/It) in simple tense.
  • V3 is third form of verb like gone, called, completed, forgotten, born, lied, seen etc.

Tenses example chart for class 6

In the table given below you will easily understand the tenses and the forms of verbs used in each type of tense with the given example. Carefully observe this example you will definitely get it.

Tenses Present Tense  Past Tense Future Tense 
Indefinite/Simple tense He writes letters.He wrote letters. He will write letters.
Continuous tense He is writing letters.He was writing letters.He will be writing letters.
Perfect tense He has written letters.He had written letters He will have written letters.
Perfect continuous tense He has been writing a letter since morning.He had been writing letters since morning.He will have been writing letters since morning.

Simple or Indefinite tense for class 6 

  1. Simple present tense 
  2. Simple Past Tense 
  3. Simple Future tense

Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense is used when an action happens every day, every week, or every month or continually in present it may be our habitual action, any general truth or what is happening. (in exclamatory sentences only).

Under present Indefinite we include the following activities:

Routine Action:

Regular Action– I go to temple daily.

Irregular Action- Earthquake comes in japan.

Habits- He drinks

Universal truth- Water boils at 100 degree temperature.

Simple present tense Structure

  1. Affirmative Sentence: Subject (S) + Verb 1 form (V1) + s/es + object (o)
  2. Negative Sentence: Subject (S) + Do /Does + not + Verb 1 form (V1) + object (o)
  3. Interrogative Sentences: Do /Does + Subject (S) + Verb 1 form (V1) + object (o) + ?
  4. Interrogative Negative Sentences: Do /Does + Subject (S)+ not + Verb 1 form (V1) + object (o) + ?
  5. Double Interrogative Sentences: Wh-Family + Do /Does + Subject (S) + Verb 1 form (V1) + object (o) + ?
  6. Double Interrogative Negative Sentences: Wh-Family + Do /Does + Subject (S) + not + Verb 1 form (V1) + object (o) + ?

Simple present tense Examples

1. Affirmative Sentences 

Simple Present tense structure (Affirmative Sentences)

Subject (S) +  Verb 1 form (V1)+ s/es + object (o)

Note: Add s/es when subject is third person singular (He/She/It)

For example: He (Subject) kicks (Verb1+ s) the ball (Object).

  1. He wants to go to a party.
  2. She wears a blue dress.
  3. Rahul drinks a glass of milk daily.
  4. Mr. David goes to the office daily.
  5. We enjoy the dance competition.

2. Negative Sentences

Simple Present tense structure (Negative Sentences)

Subject (S) + Do /Does + not + Verb 1 form (V1) + object (o)

Note: Do not add s/es with the first form of verb when the sentence is negative.

For Example: He (Subject) does not kick (Verb1) the ball (Object).

  1. He does not want to go to a party.
  2. She does not wear a blue dress.
  3. Rahul does not drink a glass of milk daily.
  4. Mr. David does not go to the office daily.
  5. We do not enjoy the dance competition.

3. Interrogative Sentences

Simple Present tense structure (Interrogative Sentences)

Do /Does + Subject (S) + Verb 1 form (V1) + object (o) + ?

Note: Do not add s/es with the first form of verb when the sentence is interrogative.

  1. Does he want to go to a party?
  2. Does she wear a blue dress?
  3. Does Rahul drink a glass of milk daily?
  4. Does Mr. David go to the office daily?
  5. Do they  enjoy the dance competition?

4. Interrogative negative Sentences

Simple Present tense Structure (Interrogative Negative Sentences)

Do /Does + Subject (S)+ not + Verb 1 form (V1) + object (o) + ?

  1. Does he not want to go to a party?
  2. Does she not wear a blue dress?
  3. Does Rahul not drink a glass of milk daily?
  4. Does Mr. David not go to the office daily?
  5. Do they not enjoy the dance competition?

5. Double interrogative sentences

Simple Present tense structure (Double Interrogative Sentences)

Wh-Family + Do /Does + Subject (S) + Verb 1 form (V1) + object (o) + ?

  1. When does he want to go to the temple?
  2. Why does she wear a blue dress?
  3. Why does Rahul drink a glass of milk daily?
  4. How does Mr. David go to the office daily?
  5. Why do they enjoy the dance competition?

6. Double interrogative negative sentences

Simple Present tense structure (Double Interrogative negative Sentences)

Wh-Family + Do /Does + Subject (S) + not + Verb 1 form (V1) + object (o) + ?

  1. Why does he not want to go to a party?
  2. Why does she not wear a blue dress?
  3. Why does Rahul not drink a glass of milk daily?
  4. Why does Mr. David not go to the office daily?
  5. How do they not enjoy the dance competition?

Simple Past Tense for class 6

The simple present tense is used when an action has already happened in the past or already done.

In simple words- An action that is over.

Simple Past tense Examples

1. Affirmative sentences

  1. I came Yesterday.
  2. She liked a blue dress.
  3. Rahul drank a glass of milk.
  4. Mr. David went to the office daily.
  5. We enjoyed the marriage.

Note: In Negative sentences we use did + not and first form of Verb (V1)

2. Negative Sentences

  1. He  did not go to a party.
  2. She did not like a blue dress.
  3. Rahul did not drink a glass of milk.
  4. Mr. David did not go to the office daily.
  5. We did not enjoy the marriage.

3. Interrogative Sentences

  1. Did he go to a party?
  2. Did she like a blue dress?
  3. Did Rahul drink a glass of milk?
  4. Did Mr. David go to the office daily?
  5. Did you enjoy the marriage?

4. Interrogative Negative Sentences

  1. Why did he not go to a party?
  2. Why did She not wear a blue dress?
  3. Why did Rahul not drink a glass of milk daily?
  4. Did Mr. David not go to the office daily?
  5. Did you not enjoy the dance competition?

Simple future Tense for class 6

The simple future tense is used when an action is going to happen in the future, or things that haven’t happened yet or it is not yet finished or will be complete in the future.

In simple wordsAn action to take place in future.

Simple Future tense Examples

1. Affirmative sentences 

  1. I shall meet you tomorrow.
  2. He will like a blue dress.
  3. Rahul will drink a glass of milk.
  4. Mr. David will go to the office daily.
  5. We will enjoy the marriage.

2. Negative sentences  

Note: In Negative sentences we use did + not and first form of Verb (V1)

  1. He  will not go to a party.
  2. She will not like a blue dress.
  3. Rahul will not drink a glass of milk.
  4. Mr. David will not go to the office daily.
  5. We will not enjoy the marriage.

3. Interrogative Sentences

  1. Will he go to a party?
  2. Will she like a blue dress?
  3. Will Rahul drink a glass of milk?
  4. Will Mr. David go to the office daily?
  5. Will you enjoy the marriage?   

4. Interrogative Negative Sentences

  1. Why will he not go to a party?
  2. Will she not wear a blue dress?
  3. Why will Rahul not drink a glass of milk?
  4. Will Mr. David not go to the office daily?
  5. Why will you not enjoy the dance competition?

Present Continuous tense for class 6

Continuous tense is used to describe the action in progress or continue at the time of speaking at this time, at present, nowadays, and still etc. It may also describe an action in progress, but not necessarily at the time of speaking for example, What are you eating nowadays?

Present continuous tense examples

1. Affirmative sentences 

  1. He is going to the market.
  2. She is writing a letter.
  3. Children are playing in the garden.
  4. I am learning this chapter.
  5. Dogs are barking at the stranger.

2. Negative Sentences 

  1. He is not going to the market.
  2. She is not writing a letter.
  3. Children are not playing in the garden.
  4. I am not learning this chapter.
  5. Dogs are not barking at the stranger.

3. Interrogative Sentences

  1. Is he going to the market?
  2. Is she writing a letter?
  3. Are Children playing in the garden?
  4. Am I learning this chapter?
  5. Are dogs barking at the stranger?

4. Double Interrogative Sentences

  1. Why is he going to the market?
  2. What is she writing in a letter?
  3. Where are children playing?
  4. What am I learning in this chapter?
  5. Why are dogs barking at strangers?

5. Double Interrogative negative Sentences

  1. Why is he not going to the market?
  2. What is she not writing in letter?
  3. Why are children not playing in the garden?
  4. What am I not learning in this chapter?
  5. Why are dogs not barking at strangers?

Past continuous Tense for class 6

It is known as the past progressive tense, which refers to a continuing action or state that was happening in the past. The past continuous tense is formed by combining the past tense of to be (i.e., was/were) with the verb’s present participle (-ing word).

Past Continuous tense Examples

1. Affirmative Sentences

  1. He was going to the market?
  2. She was writing a letter?
  3. Children were playing in the garden?
  4. I was learning this chapter?
  5. Dogs were barking at strangers?

2. Negative Sentences

  1. He was not going to the market?
  2. She was not writing a letter?
  3. Children were not playing in the garden?
  4. I was not learning this chapter?
  5. Dogs were not barking at strangers?

3. Interrogative Sentence

  1. Was he going to the market?
  2. Was she writing a letter?
  3. Were Children playing in the garden?
  4. Was I learning this chapter?
  5. Were dogs barking at the stranger?

4. Interrogative Negative Sentence

  1. Was he not going to the market?
  2. Was she not writing a letter?
  3. Were Children not playing in the garden?
  4. Was I not learning this chapter?
  5. Were dogs not barking at the stranger?

Future continuous Tense for class 6

It is also known as the future progressive tense. The future continuous tense refers to a verb tense which indicates that something will happen in the future and that it may continue for an expected period of time.

Future Continuous Tense Examples

1. Affirmative Sentence

  1. He will be going to the market.
  2. She will be writing a letter.
  3. Children will be playing in the garden.
  4. I will be learning this chapter.
  5. Dogs will be barking at strangers.

2. Negative Sentence

  1. He will not be going to the market.
  2. She will not be writing a letter.
  3. Children will not be playing in the garden.
  4. I will not be learning this chapter.
  5. Dogs will not be barking at strangers.

3. Interrogative Sentence

  1. Will he be going to the market?
  2. Will she be writing a letter?
  3. Will Children be playing in the garden?
  4. Will I be learning this chapter?
  5. Will dogs be barking at the stranger?

4. Interrogative Negative Sentence

  1. Will he not be going to the market?
  2. Will she not be writing a letter?
  3. Why Will Children not be playing in the garden?
  4. Shall I not be learning this chapter?
  5. Will dogs not be barking at the stranger?


  • Add Wh- family( why, where, what, how.. ) words before Interrogative sentences if you want to write Double interrogative Sentences.
  • Add Wh family words before double Interrogative negative sentences if you want to write Double interrogative negative sentences.

Perfect Tense for class 6

Present perfect tense indicates the actions that began in the past and still continue into the present. Or the action has just completed.

Present Perfect Tense Examples

1. Affirmative Sentences 

  1. He has gone to the party.
  2. She has drunk all the soft drinks.
  3. We have achieved the target.
  4. Mr. David has gone to Sri lanka.
  5. They have enjoyed the dance competition.

2. Negative Sentences 

  1. He has not gone to the party.
  2. She has not drunk all the soft drinks.
  3. We have not achieved the target.
  4. Mr. David has not gone to Sri lanka.
  5. We have not enjoyed the dance competition.

3. Interrogative Sentences

  1. Has he gone to the party?
  2. Has she drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Have we achieved the target?
  4. Has Mr. David gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Have they enjoyed the dance competition?

4. Interrogative Negative Sentences

  1. Has he not gone to the party?
  2. Has she not drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Have we not achieved the target?
  4. Has Mr. David not gone to Sri lanka?
  5. Have they not enjoyed the dance competition?

5. Double Interrogative Sentences

  1. Why has he gone to the party?
  2. Why has she drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Why have we achieved the target?
  4. Why has Mr. David gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Why have they enjoyed the dance competition?

6. Double Interrogative negative Sentences

  1. Where has he not gone?
  2. Why has she not drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Why have we not achieved the target?
  4. Why has Mr. David not gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Why have they not enjoyed the dance competition?

Past Perfect Tense for class 6

Past perfect tense expresses that an action was finished or completed at some point in the past.

Note : When  two actions happened in the past, The past perfect shows the earlier action and the past simple shows the later action.

For example: 

  • I had completed my homework (past perfect) when he checked. (simple past)
  • She had taken all stock when he arrived.

Past Perfect Tense Examples

1. Affirmative Sentences 

He (Subject) had (helping verb) Completed (V3) the task (Object).

  1. He had gone to the party.
  2. She had drunk all the soft drinks.
  3. We had achieved the target.
  4. Mr. David had gone to Sri Lanka.
  5. They had enjoyed the dance competition.

2. Negative Sentences 

  1. He had not gone to the party.
  2. She had not drunk all the soft drinks.
  3. We had not achieved the target.
  4. Mr. David had not gone to Sri lanka.
  5. They had not enjoyed the dance competition.

3. Interrogative Sentences

  1. Had he gone to the party?
  2. Had she drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Had we achieved the target?
  4. Had Mr. David gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Had they enjoyed the dance competition?

4. Interrogative Negative Sentences

  1. Had he not gone to the party?
  2. Had she not drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Had we not achieved the target?
  4. Had Mr. David not gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Had they not enjoyed the dance competition?

5. Double Interrogative Sentences

  1. Where had he gone?
  2. Why had she drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Why had we not achieved the target?
  4. Why had Mr. David not gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Why had they not enjoyed the dance competition?

6. Double Interrogative negative Sentences

  1. Why had he not gone to the party?
  2. Why had she not drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Why had we not achieved the target?
  4. Why had Mr. David not gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Why had they not enjoyed the dance competition?

Future Perfect tense for class 6

Future Perfect tense indicates the actions that will be completed before some other point of time in future.

Future Perfect Tense Examples 

1. Affirmative Sentences 

He (Subject) will have (helping verb) Completed (V3) the task (Object).

  1. He will have gone too the party
  2. She will have drunk all the soft drinks.
  3. We will have achieved the target.
  4. Mr. David will have gone to Sri lanka.
  5. They will have enjoyed the dance competition.

2. Negative Sentences 

Future perfect tense (Negative Sentences)

  1. He will not have gone to the party.
  2. She will not have drunk all the soft drinks.
  3. We will not have achieved the target.
  4. Mr. David will not have gone to Sri lanka.
  5. They will not have enjoyed the dance competition.

3. Interrogative Sentences

  1. Will he have gone to the party?
  2. Will she have  drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Will we have  achieved the target?
  4. Will Mr. David have gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Will they have enjoyed the dance competition?

4. Interrogative Negative Sentences

  1. Will he not have gone to the party?
  2. Will she not have  drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Will we not have  achieved the target?
  4. Will Mr. David not have gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Will they not have enjoyed the dance competition?

5. Double Interrogative Sentences

  1. Why will he gone to the party?
  2. Why will she drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Why will we achieved the target?
  4. Why will Mr. David gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Why will they enjoyed the dance competition?

6. Double Interrogative negative Sentences

  1. Why will he not gone to the party?
  2. Why will she not drunk all the soft drinks?
  3. Why will we not achieved the target?
  4. Why will Mr. David not gone to Sri Lanka?
  5. Why will they not enjoyed the dance competition?

Present perfect continuous tense for class 6

Present perfect continuous tense is a tense in which Some action started in the past and still continues at the present time.

Present perfect continuous tense Examples

1. Affirmative Sentences

  1. I have been cooking dinner.
  2. We have been learning English for two years.
  3. I have been searching for a job for one year.
  4. She has been working on this project for the last three years.
  5. We have been waiting for you.

2. Negative Sentences

  1. I have not been cooking.
  2. We have not been searching for a job.
  3. She has not been using this product.
  4. They have not been working on this topic.
  5. We have not been searching about market changes.

3. Interrogative Sentences

  1. Has he been doing his job for five hours?
  2. Has she been looking for a chance?
  3. Have they been enjoying music?
  4. Have you been calling me for hours?
  5. Has it been raining all day?

Past Perfect Continuous tense for class 6

Past perfect continuous tense is used to talk about something that started in the past and continued in the past.

It describes a continuous action in the past but it is not interrupted by the other action, it simply happens before the other action that we talk about in the sentence.

In other words it is a continuous action in the past that stops before the next short action happens.

Past Perfect Continuous tense Examples

1. Affirmative Sentence

Example: It had been raining (past perfect continuous) when I left the office.

  1. I had been cooking dinner.
  2. We had been learning English for two years.
  3. I had been searching for a job for one year.
  4. She had been working on this project for the last three years.
  5. We had been waiting for you.

2. Negative Sentences 

  1. I had not been cooking.
  2. We had not been searching for a job.
  3. She had not been using this product.
  4. They had not been working on this topic.
  5. We had not been searching about market changes.

3. Interrogative Sentences

  1. Had he been doing his job for five hours?
  2. Had she been looking for a chance?
  3. Had they been enjoying music?
  4. Had you been calling me for hours?
  5. Had it been raining all day?

Future Perfect continuous tense for class 6

Future perfect continuous tense is used to express the actions and events that will continue in the future for a point of time.

It is also called the future perfect progressive tense, it expresses the longer actions and states that are continued before completing or ending up in the future.

Future Perfect continuous tense Examples

 1. Affirmative Sentence

  1. I will have been cooking dinner.
  2. We will have been learning English for two years.
  3. I will have been searching for a job for one year.
  4. She will have been working on this project for the last three years.
  5. We will have been waiting for you.

2. Negative Sentences 

  1. I will not have been cooking.
  2. We will not have been searching for a job for 2 months.
  3. She will not have been using this product.
  4. They will not have  been working on this topic.
  5. We will not have been searching about market changes.

3. Interrogative Sentences

  1. Why will he have been doing his job for nine hours?
  2. Will she have  been looking for a chance?
  3. Will they have been enjoying music?
  4. Why will you have been calling me for hours?
  5. Will it have  been raining all day?

Tenses for class 6 Pdf 

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