
Short Story Writing Tips, Structure, Techniques, Style

Writing stories is sometimes every child is asked to do in school ‘Short story writing tips’, and many children write stories in their free time, too. Children learn to organize their thoughts by creating and telling a story and use written language to communicate with readers in a variety of ways.

Short story writing tips


Structure and techniques

In structure and techniques, we have 5 tips

  • Tip 1: Openingmake the opening of a story interesting or exciting for the reader
  • Tip 2: Character – two or three characters are usually enough for a short story writing
  • Tip 3: Setting description – Write detailed descriptive sentences
  • Tip 4: Events – An interesting story will contain several events.
  • Tip 5: Ending – Endings usually bring the story around ‘full circle’

Short story writing tips

Also, read: Hints for story writing  

Story writing for class 9

Tips #1: Opening

If you want the reader to read your full story make the opening of a story interesting or exciting for the reader. Don’t start with One day which is boring. Here we have three different ways to start a story.

Dialogue: Example:Sharks !” shouted the ship’s captain, “hundreds of them !”

Action: Example: An ear-splitting whistle made all the pirates leap to attention. At once they ran in different directions…

Description: Example: The sea glistened like a sparkling, silver mirror.

Tips #2: Characters

While writing a story two or three characters are usually enough for a short story writing. Here is how to make the characters sound real:

Given them suitable names.

For Example Pirates: Captain Peg-Leg, One-Eyed Pete,

Astronauts: Commander, Shekhar, Captain Naryana

Don’t use your friends’ names in a story.

Describe what they look like.

For example: A ten-year-old girl, rather small for her age, skipped merrily along the street, her long hair flying in the wind.

Tips #3: Setting Descriptions

Let you are taking a video in which everything you can see happening in the scene. Write detailed descriptive sentences to explain who, what, how, where, when and why something happened.

Example: The tiny bird hopped quickly across the garden, picked up the bread, and immediately flew to a safe place to eat it.

Tips #4: Events

An interesting story will contain several events. A strong exciting plot centers on an unexpected event, a crisis, or a problem that needs to be sorted out by the end of a story.

For example: There could be an accident.

Someone or something could get lost.

Something important could get stolen.

Tips #5: Endings

Endings usually bring the story around ‘full circle’.The Opening and final sentences both are important. Because of the story theme or message.

Example: It has been the last day of my life.

I will never forget her.

I still laugh when I think about it.

Grammar and style

Grammar and style include 2 tips

  • Tips 6: SentencesDo write sentences of different lengths
  • Tip 7 : Words – Do not use boring words

Tips #6: Sentences

Do write sentences of different lengths. Some short like this: They were lost!

Some long like this:

Wearily they wandered along the narrow stony path, through the dark, dreary wood, past the leafless trees unless they reached a gate.

Tips #7: Words

Do not use boring words like and, then or but to link your ideas. Use words like as, next later, when, whilst. Do not keep starting your sentences with the same word.

Example: The rocket suddenly moved into space. The rocket landed on the moon. The astronauts got out.

This is boring. Find more different ways, like this:

The rocket suddenly moved into space. After the rocket had landed on the moon, the astronauts got out.

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