
Letter/Application to Police to Check Criminal Activities in the Capital

Hello Friends, we are going to describe how to write a letter/application to the Police Commissioner to check criminal activities in the capital and tackle this problem.

Question: Young men on motorbikes have been indulging in criminal activities such as chain snatching, robbing the lone walkers, etc. in different parts of the capital for quite some time. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner urging him to tackle this problem. You are Shobha/Sumit, 15 Navkunj Apartments, Delhi.


15, Navkunj Apartments, Delhi
9th January, 200…,
The police Commissioner,

Subject: Check Criminal Activities in the Capital


This is to draw your attention towards the deteriorating law and order situation in different parts of the capital/city for quite some time. Some unemployed young men have formed their gangs, They ride their motorbikes and indulge in a number of lawless and criminal activities/crimes right under the nose of the police. They seem to enjoy the protection of some police officials.

Hardly an hour goes when an incident of eve-teasing, chain snatching, or robbing the lone walkers does not occur. Illicit liquor is openly sold and bought. Drunken fights and night brawls are quite common. Ladies and old people are the easy targets of groups of bullies and hooligans. There is a feeling of insecurity among the people of Delhi.

Kindly take immediate steps to improve the situation. Police patrolling in the late hours of the night will help to the maximum.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Also, read:

Letter about Check Criminal Activities in the Capital- PDF Download

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Letter to Police to Check Criminal Activities in the Capital

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