
Letter on Non-Availability of Drinking Water Supply & Sewage Connection

You are Jay/Jaya, living at 1, MG Road, Krishna Nagar, Udupi. Though your locality is a decade old, drinking water supply and sewage connections have not been provided in Board, Division V, Udipi, about the problems faced by the residents, seeking immediate action.

1, MG Road
Krishna Nagar,
Udipi. The Executive Engineer
Karnataka Qatar and Drainage Board
Division V, Udipi.

Subject: Non-availability of drinking water supply and sewage connection.

Sir, With due respect I wish to draw your kind attention towards the grave problem of non-availability of drinking water and sewage connection in Krishna Nagar locality. Though this locality is a decade old, it is still water-less and sewage connection-less.

All the residents have been facing a great problem. No sewage connection is resulting in blockage of drainage systems. It is troublesome to feel emitted foul smell everywhere. Simultaneously, water – the most important element in day-to-day’s life is missing. No own can assume a day without water. Making arrangements for drinking water is like bringing the stars down on the earth. All of the areas are plunged into droughts. All the residents have applies for the water as well as sewage connection but due to some legal reasons over the colony, those have not been passed yet.

Therefore I, on behalf of all the residents of the locality, request you to consider our applications as and public interests, you can approve temporary connections in the locality till the final decision waiting for a positive response.

Yours sincerely

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Letter on Non Availability of Drinking Water Supply & Sewage Connection Letter on Non Availability of Drinking Water Supply Sewage Connection (411 downloads )

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