
Letter on Brutality against innocent people through police

Letter on Brutality against innocent people through police

Today, we will discuss the letter format of Brutality against innocent people through police. It is becoming common nowadays policemen are not behaving well with the general public. Here is a Similar Situation was given. A leading news channel recently gave live coverage of some young slum dwellers being beaten up mercilessly by the police for crimes not committed by them. Such atrocities shake the very faith of people. We will discuss the letter format on Brutality against innocent people through police in the above situation.

Question:   Write a letter to the Commissioner of Police urging him to adopt effective measured to curb such brutality against innocent people. You are Nita/Nitesh, a resident of Guwahati.

Answer : 

51 – Coronation Ground,
15th March, 20xx
The Commissioner of Police,
Mahatma Gandhi Road,

Sub: Brutality against innocent people through police.


I, on behalf of the Residents Welfare Association of slum dwellers, would like to bring your notices about the police atrocities done on the innocent slum, dwellers that have shaken the faith, belief, and sanctity of people about the police staff. The police beat the people mercilessly and consequently some of them have been admitted to the City Hospital. The affected people went on pointing out the real facts by the hard-hearted and cruel police personnel went on beating them without caring for their bodies and innocent cries. They violated all human rights. Since the motto of the police is:

‘with you, for you’ thus the law protectors have become men-eaters and destroyers.

Such type of unwarranted activities bring a slur in the name of police and are enough to tarnish and deface their image. The government gives them uniforms to protect the innocent and to do justice all by maintaining proper law and order. Can you think as to who is answerable for their vandalism, lawlessness, carelessness, and brutality? The solution lies in punishing the guilty and ensuring as well as regaining faith in public. In the safety of all, effective measures are needed to be taken against the lawbreakers by providing justice to innocent people.

I hope the police will perform its duty sincerely and restore faith.

Yours faithfully


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