
Expository Essay on Natural Disasters

Here you will learn how o write Expository Essay on Natural Disasters by using this Example.

 Why do Natural disasters occur?

There could be both man-made and natural causes. I say man-made because there is a theory known as the “Population Theory of Malthus,” which states that if the population balance exceeds the food supply, many natural calamities would occur.

A natural disaster is an unanticipated incident that causes harm to society. Several natural disasters harm the environment and the people who live in it. Earthquakes, cyclones, floods, Tsunamis, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and avalanches are a few examples. The degree or intensity of the disaster is measured by its spatial extent.

Levels of Disaster

The intensity or extent of damage is further classified into three categories:

Disasters on a Smaller Scale: Small scale disasters have a radius of 50 to 100 kilometres and cause little damage.

Medium-scale natural disasters: Medium-scale disasters range in size from 100 km to 500 km and cause greater damage than small-scale disasters. Furthermore, they can inflict more harm if they arise in colonial states.

Large-Scale Disasters: These are disasters that affect an area larger than 1000 km. These are the most damaging to the environment. Furthermore, if the magnitude is great enough, these disasters can potentially take over a country. For example, the extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by a large-scale natural disaster.

Types of Disasters

Earthquake: An earthquake is defined as the earth trembling or vibrating. The magnitude of an earthquake can vary. As a result, some people are so insignificant that they go unrecognized. Some, on the other hand, are so powerful that they may destroy a city. Earthquakes can induce ground movement. Furthermore, they can produce landslides, avalanches, and tsunamis. The epicentre of an earthquake, on the other hand, is generally offshore.

Causes: These can result in the release of energy. This emission comes from the earth’s core. Seismic waves are also caused by the release of energy. The rupturing of geological faults causes earthquakes. However, other catastrophes such as volcanic eruptions, landslides, and mine blasts can also produce it.

Landslides are the movement of large chunks of rocks or debris down a slope. As a result, landslides occur in mountainous and hilly terrain. Landslides can also devastate man-made structures in a variety of ways.

The main reasons for landslides are gravitational attraction, earthquakes, etc. Another reason for landslides is deforestation.

Tsunami: A tsunami is the formation of extremely large waves in oceans and seas. Furthermore, the ground displacement causes these large waves. If a tsunami strikes close to the coast, it might produce flooding. Tsunamis can have many waves. Furthermore, these waves have a strong current. As a result, it may reach coasts in minutes. The major danger of a tsunami is that if a person sees one, he cannot outrun it. Tsunamis are different from typical waves that develop from the wind.


Natural disasters have psychological, societal, and economic consequences. People may suffer psychologically if they lose their loved ones or their hard-earned property. Social downsides could be the event’s aftereffects, such as looting or robbery owing to a lack of basic requirements, and so on. Economic consequences could include the cost of repairing damaged infrastructure, crop damage, property damage, and so on.


Natural disasters have some benefits as well. For example, floods bring a lot of silt, which makes the soil productive. Aside from that, every community that subjects to a natural calamity frequently develops a strong survival attitude. For example, several countries in the Indian subcontinent by hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters, but the destruction rate is quite low because of their environmental policies.

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