
Expository Essay on Nursing

You often see women-men working with doctors or helping patients in hospitals. We know these people by the nurses’ names, and their job is called nurses. Do you know that nursing is also a profession, and it is a fast-moving career in modern times?

What Is Nursing?

In simple terms, nursing is a social service activity within the medical and healthcare sector that focuses on personal, family, and community care to help you achieve, maintain, or restore quality of life. Nurses provide care, for example, by consulting a doctor or independently as a professional nurse.

Nursing Work

If anyone wants to do nursing, you can start with a Nursing Assistant / Midwife / Health Worker (ANM) course. They completed the course in two years. ANM stands for Auxiliary or Assistant Nursing Midwifery.

Apart from this, you can also do General Nurse Midwifery (GNM) courses. The duration or duration of this study is three and a half years. The complete GNM form is General Nursing and Midwifery. It covers nursing instructions, social insurance, nursing, and antenatal care.

Apart from this, you can also graduate from nursing school at a nursing school or school. B.Sc. (Nursing) courses are four years. This nursing course (B.Sc. – Nursing provides useful, necessary information about nursing, the necessary constant resources, and obstetrics. This course trains all students with theoretical and practical knowledge, such as an internship.

ANM Nursing

In this case, the candidate must have at least a minimum qualification and 12 passes (arts / Science broadcasts). Student age must be over 17 years and below 35 years.

GNM Nursing

Here, the minimum qualification should be over 12, and Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. In addition, this should also have a mark of at least 40% to 50%. The student’s age must be over 17 years and less than 35 years.

BSc (Nursing)

In this case, they must pass 10 + 2 exams, including subjects in Physics, Chemistry, English, Biology. 10 + 2 or Medium tests must also have at least 55 marks. The student’s age must be over 17 years and less than 35 years.

Job prospects

After completing a nursing course, a person can begin a career as a hospital nurse. Then you can get a ward username or sister name in 2-3 years. After you finish nursing, you can start working in any private hospital, and the government will re-employ the nursing staff from time to time.

There is also the opportunity to become a teacher in nursing colleges. Also, you can apply to become a nurse in the army after 12 with a nurse B.Sc.

The process of admission of nurses

Many institutions follow the ‘direct entry process’ seats are allocated to qualified applicants based on the 10 + 2 board test marks.

The Importance of Nursing Work

Medical care providers are trusted (along with other social insurance professionals) in patients’ treatment, well-being, and recovery. The field of nursing is full of challenges and is filled with a real sense of personal service.

Now, without nursing, the health care industry cannot help patients. Nurses deal with the care and emotions of all patients. Nurses are the first point of contact for patient care. If any patient is admitted to the hospital, the nurses must be with the patient day and night from the discharge.

Problems in Nursing Work

This expert is different from the others. Nursing is a very stressful profession. As a medical assistant, you have several responsibilities: helping patients, helpful methods, vital desk work, and more. There are a few problems in this field.

Lack of Nursing Staff

Medical clinics try to meet their financial limitations and backup costs wherever possible. This could mean fewer people working hours.

Special requirements

Patients have strange needs, but from a budget and staff reductions, medical care providers cannot meet these requirements. It poses a real challenge for nurses who have many patients to care for.

Long Working Hours

Extended time and overtime are not other problems. Medical personnel needs to complete 12-hour shifts and overtime. The problem stems from staff reductions, but care often remains at work when there is a genuine fault.

Workplace Violence

Cruelty to medical professionals can go from a noisy ambush to something authentic—the WHO found that 8% and 38% of health workers have tolerated physical violence.

Workplace Accidents

He works consistently with needles, sharp instruments, and full gear; all employees help to prevent disaster. Must be appropriately organized and reliable and adhere to the rules and regulations to ensure that they are not harmed, close to their partners.

Personal health

Working in medical facilities is a stressful task and can lead to stress-related medical problems. You need to rest and take time off work to help you relax.


Finally, we can say that the industry is a great career and has a great opportunity in the future for both men and women. Today, many women choose this career.

If you also want to help patients, whether male or female, it does not matter if you can be an excellent/amazing nurse with a diploma/degree. I hope you enjoyed this informative post on nursing work.

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