
Expository Essay on importance of Reading


Reading is one of the most important activities a youngster can do to help him or her succeed in life. However, people experience various hurdles throughout their lives that outweigh their desire to read, and without good direction, they may never overcome these obstacles. Almost every person has been through the learning process of learning to read and write. The most important process in this scenario is learning how to read and write in a certain language.

Reading is vital in any child’s or adult’s life because it is a prerequisite for success. Learning to read is a step-by-step process. Every phase involves the development of new abilities or the mastery of previously learned ones. For example, in the first few years of a child’s existence, he or she is taught how to translate words into sounds, a process known as decoding. They are later taught how to grasp and interpret the meaning of the words they utter by organizing them into phrases and chapters.

What is reading?

Decoding is the fundamental building block of any child’s reading abilities. To the majority of children, the process occurs effortlessly or organically. However, some youngsters struggle with this process and may require extensive instruction from their instructor or caregiver. The majority of those affected in this regard are young individuals who have reading problems and require urgent interventions.

According to Nelson, Lindstrom, and Foels (2015), around 85 percent of children is suffering from a reading or language development difficulty. Some or all of these disabilities are neuro-developmental, which means we cannot cure them easily but only can manage them. In essence, the majority of these youngsters can easily learn to read to become proficient readers who understand the fundamental principles required for academic achievement. When a child’s reading problem is diagnosed at a young age, they can be taught how to deal with the situation.

Early detection of learning problems in a youngster highlights the importance of reading. Reading is not only important for children but also for adults. It introduces a person to new things, ideas, and information while also preparing them to be successful problem solvers. For many people, reading can become a hobby or even a vocation. Reading is where the adventure begins.

Reading is an important aspect of self-improvement. People gain a greater grasp of the world around them as a result of it. This crucial practice allows people to develop a thorough understanding of specific topics of interest to them. For example, one can read an essay or other piece of writing about how to boost one’s self-esteem or memorize things. Reading provides the basis for such self-improvement approaches. It is thus feasible to build an organized path towards a better comprehension of issues and well-informed decision making through reading.

Why reading is important?

Reading is also important since it helps one prepare to act. Usually, before taking any action, one seeks advice and assistance. People who have been in comparable situations can provide guidance. However, some people use reading to gain knowledge and guidance regarding a subject. In the twenty-first century, the desire to acquire direction and assistance plays an important role in informing decision making. For instance, one can learn how to make a meal, how to play football, or even where to go on vacation. In such cases, reading might help people prepare before taking any important steps.

Reading also allows one to obtain experience from other individuals. Because books and other reading material are created by people from various backgrounds, reading exposes a reader to a variety of experiences. A reader’s accomplishment toward a goal may be accelerated by such experiences because they may avoid similar mistakes made by others. In the event of success, one may read about the finest strategies to create money and avoid common pitfalls along the route. Learning about and understanding successful people are vital for everyone who wants to follow in their footsteps.

Reading also fosters imagination and aids in the development of self-esteem. The descriptions of things, locations, and people read transform into pictures by the brain as one reads. In real-life circumstances, we can use this knowledge. According to One World Literacy Foundation (2013), the more a person reads, the more educated they become. More education leads to higher confidence, which in turn boosts self-esteem. Reading about how different life is and exposing oneself to fresh facts and ideas allows one to broaden their thinking ability and become more creative. A well-read person can supply answers to a wide range of general knowledge questions, which enhances self-confidence greatly.


Reading is a crucial milestone in the life of any child because it is a necessity for success. Learning remains an essential activity in the lives of each human. The capacity to read and write is the first skill that children learn in school. In various ways, children with reading impairments can ensure their success. Reading teaches people how to avoid mistakes made by others, prepare for action, expand their understanding, develop their imagination, and boost their self-esteem.

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