
Diary Entry For class 8

Hi friends, if you are looking for diary entry for class 8 you are in the right place, here you have everything about diary entry or diary writing for class 8. Read the article carefully and clear your all doubts about diary writing.

Penning down one’s day-to-day activities or experiences, either for future reference or for the sake of memory, is a favorite pastime of many. These entries or accounts become popular literary pieces for readers if the person goes on to become an important individual later in life and, many a time, form the source of biographical novels or movies. The diary of Anne Frank has given the world an eyewitness account of the horrors of Nazi concentration camps during the World Wars.

Making entries regularly I one’s diary is similar to sharing thoughts with a soul mate. The diary tends to become a companion that, unlike busy family members or friends, patiently takes in all the outpourings, good or bad, of a human heart. It neither complains nor ignores, rather, it provides unconditional support at all times.

As a writing skill, diary entries not only polish one’s prospective author, Diary entries of several literary figures have chronicled the evolution of their literary genius.

Things to Remember while writing a diary

  • Make your entry in the right format
  • Let the tone be informal or semi-formal depending on the topic/matter included.
  • Express your feelings, opinions and emotions on the topics asked/people/places/events.

Diary entry for class 8

Format for class 8

Day, Date


Salutation (Dear Diary)




Signature/ Name of The writer

Diary entry for class 8 format

Diary entry Example for class 8

See some examples of diary entry/writing on the following topics

  • Example 1: Diary entry on What inspires you about Bapu.
  • Example 2: Diary entry on  Republic Day celebrations.
  • Example 3: Diary entry on Barren land in the vicinity to participate in a green drive under which school children planted saplings.
  • Example 4: Diary entry on While your car was caught in a traffic snarl, you observed some children in tatters hopping around with a begging bowl in hand.
  • Example 5: Diary entry on The school children of your housing society came together to pick up brooms and clean the locality.

Read the example below

Diary entry on What inspires you about Bapu

Make a diary entry on January 30, 2019, at night mentioning what inspires you about Bapu.

Thursday, 10.30 p.m.

January 30, 2019

Dear Diary,

Today is a martyr’s Day – The day when Father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi, was assassinated by Nathuram Godse.

Many great men and women laid down their leaves for the country but none so great Bapu. There is so much to learn from the life of the Mahatma. He achieved what he set out to achieve purely on the strength of his conviction. His belief in the efficacy of his means to reach the desired end, and his same conviction and devotion.

How great our generation would be and how utopian human society if all were to lead their lives on the Mahatma’s ideals!


Mention why you like the day

Make a diary entry on your experience of observation of the Republic Day celebrations. Mention why you like the day.

Sunday, at 12.10 p.m.

January 20, 2017

Dear Diary,

I feel a proud Indian, full of patriotic fervor, today and for no mean reason!

My country is celebrating its 65th Republic day today. I have just got up after watching on TV, the splendid parade by the Defence Forces followed by the colourful tableaux. I watch it all every year but never tire of the spectacle. Each year, the celebrations seem to be renewed with greater vigor and the tricolor appears to flutter more gaily.

Like the day for it reminds me of the ideals of a Republic, that we have learned about in History and Civics. I feel proud to be a citizen of a great Republic and would always work to safeguard the Consitution in whatever role I am destined to play in the future.

 I will work to the best of my capacity to ensure justice, equality, and fraternity to all my fellow beings. Pray to God to make me into a worthy individual true to the land and its inhabitants.

Make a diary entry, in about 100 words

Your class was taken to barren land in the vicinity to participate in a green drive under which school children planted saplings. Make a diary entry, in about 100 words, recording the events.

Saturday, 10 p.m.

July 5, 2016

Dear Diary,

I feel a proud citizen of India, today. I was one among many school children who participated in a highly commendable initiative of providing a green lung to our city, New Delhi.

A lot is being said about the poisonous air that the residents of the city are breathing. The delays in the implementation of corrective measures being taken by the government are only making matters worse. In such a scenario, the local initiative of planting saplings which would act as a carbon sink and supply oxygen to a vast population in the years to come is truly praiseworthy.

The thought of having done my bit for the betterment of the society fills my heart with pride and satisfaction. I shall continue to contribute in whichever way I can, all my life.

Very disturbed at the sight, you later record your feelings in a diary entry

While your car was caught in a traffic snarl, you observed some children in tatters hopping around with a begging bowl in hand. Very disturbed at the sight, you later record your feelings in a diary entry.

11.08 p.m., Friday

February 15, 2017

Dear Diary,

I feel very unhappy. Why has God not given equal opportunity to all? Why are some kids so poor that they cannot even go to school?

It pains my heart to think about what will these children, who beg around and do not learn any skill or subject, do later in life? Will they go on to become criminals? I shudder at the thought.

The children I saw on the street today looked hungry and unhappy. I would like to share my food, y clothes, my books and even my toys with them. I want to teach them to be clean and to live a hygienic life. Perhaps, there is no one to guide them.

There are so many poor children who are forced to stary out of school by their own parents. I have decided that tomorrow evening, instead of playing with my friends, I will go with them to the slums next to our housing society and start the work of helping these underprivileged children.

I am very hopeful that all my friends will fully cooperate in this endeavor.


Make a diary entry about the event

The school children of your housing society came together to pick up brooms and clean the locality. This initiative would shame the residents into giving up their habit of littering and dumping kitchen waste all around. Make a diary entry about the event.

March 18, 2019

Saturday, 12 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Cleanliness is next to godliness. I wonder adults, who spend so much time praying to God, yet religiously throw garbage anywhere and everywhere, know this!

After having borne the filth and stench emanating from piles of refuse thrown everywhere and being alarmed by the break out of epidemics, we, the school-going children, took matters in our hands and started a clean- up operation, today.

We collected money every household, bought shovels, brooms, masks, caps and gloves; and, set out to work. Within a span of three hours, the entries locally were free from filth. After taking a shower, each one of us carried materials for making posters to the kids’ club, and by evening, beautiful posters educating and instructing everyone to keep the ambiance clean were up on walls and poles.

Tomorrow’s another day. The Sheepish grin on most of the adults’ faces was an indicator of lean day to come


Questions or Worksheet

  • You went to the carpet factory on the outskirts of your city and you were moved to see the plight of small children working in inhumane conditions. Make a diary entry of what you saw and though.
  • The visiting premier of a neighboring country was invited o your school. Hw compared the two countries and expressed his hope of seeing young India surge in the coming years. Make a diary entry of the event and your thoughts on what the premier said.
  • You are concerned about the growing tendency to smoke and drink among adolescents which invariably leads to health problems. Make a diary entry, mentioning how you would like to do your bit to tackle the problem.

Diary entry topics for class 8 pdf

Diary entry topics for class 8 with answers

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4 thoughts on “CBSE Diary entry for class 8, Important questions, Format, topics, pdf”

  1. The school children of your housing society decided to pick up brooms and clean the locality. This initiative would shame the residents into giving up their habit of littering and dumping waste all around. Write a diary entry about the same.

  2. You are concerned about the growing tendency to smoke and drink among adolescents which invariably leads to health problem.Make a diary entry ,mentioning how you would like to do your bit to tackle the problem.

    1. Thank you for your suggestion! A diary entry on a zoo visit sounds like a fantastic idea. I’ll work on creating a captivating and detailed diary entry about a memorable zoo adventure. Stay tuned for the upcoming post on our blog!

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