
Subject-Verb Agreement For Class 7

Subject-verb agreement describes the relationship between the subject and predicate in the sentences.

Therefore, in a sentence subject and verb agrees in two ways

Number and Tense

  • If the subject is singular, the verb is singular.
  • If the subject is plural, the verb is plural.

In particular, singular subjects take singular verbs and plural subjects take plural verbs.

Study the table before the rules of subject-verb agreement

Singular plural of the each singular and plural person

First person(I) am(we) are
Second person(you) are(you) are
Third person(he/she/it) is(they) are

Tenses of the verbs

SubjectBe verbsHas/Have/HadDo/Does/DidOther verbs
IAmHave (present)
Had (Past)
Do (present)
Did (Past)
AreHave (present)
Had (Past)
Do (present)
Did (Past)
IsHas (present)
Had (past)
does (present)
did (past)

Rules for Subject-Verb Agreement

1. If two subjects are joined by and the verb will be plural. However, if the two subjects refer to the same person or thing the verb will be singular.

  1. Mehak and Riya are good friends.
  2. Rajma and rice are my favourite.
  3. Nia and her friends are going for shopping today.
  4. Pihu and Reshma like the chocolate flavour ice-cream.
  5. Trisha and Sneha is going for shopping.

2. Collective nouns always have a singular verb.

  1. A team of basketball
  2. A bouquet of flower

3. Indefinite pronouns such as no one, everyone, everything, anyone, and someone are always used as singular.

  1. Everyone in the class has participated in the annual function.

4. Some and all can be singular or plural. If the subject is an uncountable noun we use a singular verb and if the subject has a countable noun we use plural verb.

  1. He had some sugar in my tea.
  2. There are some students left outside in the class.

5. Distance, periods of time and sums of money we use a singular verb.

  1. He walked a long distance to meet his friend.
  2. Five thousand rupees is expensive for buy a purse.

6. When second subject is introduced by together with, as well as or along with, the verb agreed with the number of person of the first subject.

  1. Riyanshi and her family is planning for a long trip.

7. When the conjunctions ‘or’ or’nor’ joins singular and plural noun or pronoun, the subject determines a person or number of the verb.

  1. Neither Mira nor her friends will come to the party.
  2. Suresh or his brother will go to the grocery shop.

8. Sometimes the subject comes after the verb in which the verb is dependent on the subject is singular and plural.

  1. There are mangoes in the basket.
  2. Here is the toy he was looking for.

Subject-verb agreement Worksheet for class 7

Choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject.

  1. Rita’s favourite ________ English while Pihu’s favourite subject ________ Maths. (is/ are)
  2. Each participant ________ their own dress. (have/has)
  3. The furniture of the house ________ impressive. (is/are)
  4. Only some friends ________ join us at the party. (will/are)
  5. My friend ________ leaving for Pune next week. (are/is)
  6. All the students ________ excited to visit the museum. (are/is)
  7. Either Myra or Sneha ________ telling lie. (are/is)
  8. They ________ arrived to the station on time. (has/have)
  9. Priyansh ________ both German and Spanish. (speak/speaks)
  10. There ________ a big snake behind the grass. (was/were)
  11. Joseph ________ to buy a new car. (wants /wants)
  12. The girls ________ not allowed in the hall. (was/were
  13. The child plays ________ a ball outside. (were/with)
  14. The teacher gave ________ to the students. (marks/mark)
  15. My mother ________ a beautiful dress for me. (buy/buys)
  16. Reena always helps ________ mother in the kitchen. (his/her)
  17. He ________ to play tennis with his friends. (likes/like)
  18. Naina ________ a bucket of water on his brother. (threw/throw)
  19. The cat ________ under the table. (slept/sleep)
  20. He ________ not complete his work on time. (Do/ does)


  1. Is, is
  2. Has
  3. Is
  4. Will
  5. Is
  6. Are
  7. Is
  8. Have
  9. Speaks
  10. Was
  11. Wants
  12. Were
  13. With
  14. Marks
  15. Buys
  16. Her
  18. Throw
  19. Slept
  20. Does

Subject-Verb Agreement For Class 7 Pdf

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    1. That’s great to hear! It’s always a pleasant surprise when the questions you practiced appear in the exam.

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