
Subject Verb Agreement Example

Subject Verb Agreement example for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, for student, for kids.

Definition: In a sentence, the verb must agree with the subject. In other words, we can say that the verb used is according to person and number. This is called subject-verb agreement.

Example 1

When the subject is in the third person and singular number the verb in the present tense takes ‘s’ or ‘es’.


  1. Madhavi goes to office at ten in the morning.
  2. Murthy teaches English at college.

Subject verb agreement example 1

Example 2

If the subject is in the third person plural number, the base form of the verb is used.


  1. They go to Delhi.
  2. We speak English.

subject verb agreement example 2

Subject Verb Agreement Example

Example 3

But when the subject is in the first person singular and plural, second person singular and plural, third person plural number, the base form of the verb is used.


  1. I go to temple.
  2. We go to temple.
  3. You go to temple.
  4. They go to temple.

Subject verb agreement example 3

Note: This rule is applied only to present tense but in past tense either ‘s’ or ‘es’ is not added. The verb remains unchanged inspite of the differences in erson and number in the past tense.


  1. I drank Milk.
  2. We drank milk.
  3. You drank milk.’
  4. They drank milk.
  5. He drank milk.
  6. She drank milk.
  7. It rained.

Example 4

In respect of helping verbs, the third person singular verb is ‘is’ and the third person plural is ‘are’.


  1. He is clever.
  2. She is clever.
  3. They are Indians.

Note: In respect of past tense, the third person singular verb is ‘was’ and the third person plural verb is ‘were’.


  1. He was in the room.
  2. She was in the room
  3. They were in the room.

Subject verb agreement example 4

Subject Verb Agreement Example

The Verb ‘Be’ and Its Forms

PersonSingular NumberPlural Number
First Person

Second Person

Third Person

I am

You are





We are

You are

They are


You were

They were

Example 5

The verb must agree in number and person with its real subject.


  1. One of my sisters has gone to America.
  2. Each of my brothers was educated.
  3. Everyone of the students has applied for scholarship,

Example 6

Two or more singular nouns connected by ‘and’ must be used with a plural verb.


  1. Smoking and drinking are injurious to health.
  2. Padma and Viday are sisters.
  3. He and I were in Delhi last year.

Example 7

Two or more singular nouns connected by ‘and’ expressing one idea must be followed by a singular verb.

  1. Knowledge and wisdom makes a man great.
  2. Slow and steady wins the race.
  3. The long and short of the matter is that Padma is very beautiful and attractive.

Example 8

Two nouns connected by ‘and’ referring to the same person must be used with a singular verb.


  1. My aunt and guardian wants me to apply for Civil Service.
  2. The author and editor has invited me to dinner.
  3. The teacher and principal of the college is my father’s classmate.

Note: If the two nouns refer to two different persons, the articles and possessive pronouns must be used before each noun and the verb must be plural.


  1. My aunt and my guardian want me to apply for Civil Service.
  2. The author and the editor has invited me to dinner.

Example 9

Two singular nouns connected by ‘and’ which are preceded by ‘each’ or ‘every’ must be used with a singular verb.


  1. Each boy and girl has got admission into the college.
  2. Every man and woman has to contribute to our society and country.

Example 10

Two singular subjects connected by ‘or’, ‘either-or’, ‘neither-nor’ must be used with a singular verb.


  1. Neither Padma nor Madhavi has agreed to accept the post.
  2. No salary or bonus was given to the workers in the factory.
  3. Either my sister or my brother has failed in the interview.

Note: But when one of the subjects is plural, the plural subject should be placed last and it should be followed by a plural verb.


  1. Neither my friend nor his sisters are interested in watching T.V.
  2. Either Uma or her sisters are kind and considerate to me.
  3. Neither the Chief Minister nor his colleagues have understood the seriousness of the problem.

Example 11

When two singular subjects connected by ‘or’, ‘nor’ differ in person, the verb should agree in person with the subject nearest to it.


  1. Neither Prasad nor I have visited the Taj Mahal.
  2. Neither you nor Padma seems to be able to speak in English correctly.
  3. Either you or Madhavi has to attend the meeting.

Example 12

A collective noun must be used with a singular verb when the group is thought of as a single unit, but when the individuals are considered separately, it must be used with a plural verb.


  1. The ship’s crew has tried to save the Passengers from drowning when the ship was about the sink in water.
  2. When the ship arrived the port. The crew were welcomed by the Indian Navy.

Example 13

Nouns which are plural in form but singular in meaning must be used with a singular verb.


  1. The news is broadcast on All India Radio.
  2. The wages of sin is death.
  3. Politics is a social science.
  4. The United Nations is trying for world peace.
  5. Gulliver’s travels is an interesting book.

Subject-verb agreement Worksheet/Exercise

Correct the following sentences:

  1. Padma and Ramya is good friends.
  2. There is a lot of books in the library.
  3. My sisters is going to Delhi tomorrow.
  4. He and his daughter was here yesterday.
  5. The director and producer are talking to the pressmen.
  6. The author and editor were arrested.
  7. My friend and well-wisher have advised me to work harder for promotion.
  8. The P.M. and party leader are participating in the meeting.
  9. Bread and butter are my breakfast.
  10. The sun and substance of the matter are that he is innocent.

Subject Verb Agreement Example Pdf

Subject Verb Agreement example pdf


4 thoughts on “Subject Verb Agreement Example”

  1. All the types of words analysis as you’ve done with the VERBS. Thanks in advance.
    We appreciate your efforts in this endeavor.

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