
Subject and Verb agreement Exercise for Students

Subject and Verb agreement Exercise

The relationship between the subject and the verb is among the essential ideas in English grammar, which many learners find hard. In matters concerning the writing of essays, the writing of sentences for school work, and tackling of examinations, knowing how the subject and the verb are interrelated is very important. This article will help introduce you to the concept of subject and verb agreement exercise to practise this.

What strategies are used in Subject and Verb Agreement?

In its simplest form, subject and verb agreement exercises entails to the idea that both the subject and the verb must agree on their status : they must be singular or plural together. The verb should always agree with the subject in number: if your subject is singular, the related verb should also be singular; if the subject is plural, so should the verbs be. Let’s dissect this with examples.

  • Correct: The cat runsquickly.
  • Incorrect: The cat run quickly.
  • Correct:  The dogs  barkloudly.
  • Incorrect: The dogs, barks loudly.

In each case, the subject is the singular “cat” which combines with singular verb “runs”, while the subject, “dogs” which is plural combines with a plural verb “bark”. Simple, right? However, there are some issues that need more attention in terms of their understanding.

 A first rule of subject and verb concord arises from the identity of the singular subject and the singular verb.

1. Singular and Plural Subjects

  • Singular subjects require singular verbs: She walks to school.
  • Plural subjects require plural verbs: They play in the park.

2. Compound Subjects

When two subjects are connected by “and,” use a plural verb: John and Mary are going to the concert.

When two subjects are connected by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the subject closest to it:

  • Either the teacher or the students are presenting today. 
  • Neither the manager nor the staff is ready.

3. Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns like everyone, anybody, and  nobody are treated as singular:  

  •      Everyone is welcome to join.

Some indefinite pronouns like all, some, and  none can be singular or plural, depending on what they refer to:

  • All of the cake is gone.
  •  All of the students are present.

4. Collective Nouns

Collective nouns like team, group, or family usually take a singular verb because they refer to one entity:

  •      The team is playing cricket well in this tournament.

However, if the members of the collective noun are acting individually, use a plural verb: 

  • The team are arguing among themselves.

5. Phrases Between Subject and Verb

Sometimes, phrases separate the subject from the verb, making it tricky to determine which verb form to use. Always match the verb with the main subject, not with the words in between:

  • The book, along with the notebooks, was left on the desk.

Common Mistakes in Subject and Verb Agreement

Despite understanding the rules, students often make some common errors:

1. Confusion with plural forms

Words that seem plural but are actually singular can cause problems. For instance, mathematics and news are singular: 

  Mathematics is a tough subject.

2. Irregular plurals

Some nouns don’t follow the usual plural rules (for example: child becomes children). Ensure that you know which verb form to use with irregular nouns:  

  The children are playing outside.

3. Subjects with relative pronouns:

When the subject of a sentence includes words like who, which, or that, the verb should agree with the noun the pronoun refers to:

She is one of the students who work hard. 

  (Here, the verb “work” agrees with “students,” not “she”)

Subject and Verb Agreement Exercises

To help you reinforce your understanding, here are some exercises. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb:

  1. The team _____ (play/plays) on Saturday.
  2. Each of the students _____ (have/has) submitted their assignment.
  3. Neither the teacher nor the students _____ (is/are) late.
  4. The cake, along with the cookies, _____ (was/were) delicious.
  5. The group of students _____ (is/are) going on a trip.


  1. plays
  2. has
  3. are
  4. was
  5. is

Tips for Mastering Subject and Verb Agreement


1. Practice regularly: The more you read and write, the more you’ll naturally begin to recognize the correct verb forms.

2. Look out for tricky subjects: Indefinite pronouns, collective nouns, and phrases between subjects and verbs can be confusing, so pay close attention when encountering them.

3. Break down sentences: If a sentence seems complex, break it into smaller parts to identify the subject and the correct verb form.

4. Use grammar check tools: While it’s important to develop your skills, there are tools online that can help you spot subject-verb agreement mistakes.


Subject and verb agreement exercise is a fundamental part of writing correctly in English. Here I have mentioned all the details related to the Subject and Verb Agreement. By practising these exercises, you can better understand how to write without grammar mistakes. By mastering these rules and practising regularly, you can significantly improve your writing skills. Whether you’re doing school assignments, writing essays, or taking exams, having a strong grasp of subject verb agreement will ensure your sentences are grammatically sound.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep testing yourself. If you have any query related to subject-verb agreement then please comment below.

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