
Subject and Predicate For Class 8

A sentence consists of more than two words that make a meaning full of sense.

Every sentence has two parts:-

  1. Subject
  2. Predicate

1. Subject

A subject in a sentence is the noun or pronoun that is what or whom the sentence tells us something.


  1. The cat is sleeping under the bed.
    (The cat is the subject here)
  2. The baby is watching TV.
    (The baby is the subject here)
  3. The sun rises from the East.
    (The sun is the subject here )
  4. Vaibhav reads the book.
    (Vaibhav is the subject here)
  5. Mira is going to school.
    (Mira is the subject here)

As you see in the above sentences the cat, the baby, the sun, Vaibhav, and Mira are subjects, who are performing the action in the sentences or the action is being talked about for them in the sentences.

a. Simple Subject

The subjects that may occur as one word or as a phrase.


  1. Ramesh and I were unwell.
  2. The captain of the team was unhappy.
  3. Many countries are struggling to fight poverty.
  4. Playing outdoor games is good for children.
  5. Playing cards is his favourite hobby.

b. Compound Subject

When has two or more subjects, we say that verb has a compound subject. A sentence contains more than two subjects. These subjects are usually joined by conjunctions: and, or, both…and, either…or, neither…nor, as well as, along with, or not only…but also.


  1. My mother and my sister are going for shopping.
  2. Either Payal or Bhavna will win the race.
  3. Nikita, as well as Rashmi, are taking part in a yoga competition.
  4. A motorcycle along with a car was towed away by a crane.
  5. Neither Rakhi nor Rahul will attend the party.

2. Predicate

A Predicate in a sentence tells about the subject and what action is being performed by the subject.


  1. The girls are watching TV.
    (‘Are watching TV’ is the predicate as an action being performed by the girls.)
  2. My brother lives out of town.
    (‘Lives out of the town’ is predicate here as the action is being performed by the brother.)
  3. Naina is dancing.
    (‘Is dancing’ is the predicate here )
  4. The dogs are barking.
    (‘Are barking’ is a predicate here)
  5. We are going outside.
    (‘Are going outside’ is the predicate here)

 a. Simple Predicate

The predicate in a sentence may have one word or more than one word.


  1. Birds fly.
  2. The puppy ran.
  3. Geeta went.
  4. Bhavna won.
  5. Lisa Getout.

b. Compound Predicate

When two or more verbs are phrases that share the same subject joined by conjunctions is called a compound predicate.

Sometimes a sentence consists of two or more predicates joined usually by the conjunctions: and, or, both…and, either…or, neither…nor, as well as, along with or not only…but also.


  1. Varun lives in Chennai and speaks Tamil.
  2. Reeta came, saw, and conquered.
  3. The dolphins swam and splash near the boat.
  4. Naina is not only intelligent but also brilliant.
  5. Pihu is a dancer and a good actor.

How to Identify the Subject

1. The subject follows the verbs in a sentence. In sentences that begin with here and there, the subject usually appears at the end.


  1. There are fruits of baskets.
  2. Here is a shop.
  3. There is a big giant elephant.

2. Sometimes we use there as a subject in structures like there is and there are.


  1. There is a man standing outside the house.
  2. There are many beautiful flowers.

3. In interrogative sentences the subject follows the auxiliary verb.


  1. Do they go to the market?
  2. Has he met before?
  3. Did the dog bark?

4. In imperative sentences the subject is you, but it is not usually not written or spoken.


  1. (You) Take this book.
  2. (You) Look at that bird.
  3. You) Study hard.

5. In exclamatory sentences the subject comes before the verb.


  1. How beautiful she is!
  2. How amazing the Taj Mahal is!

6. To find the subject change the exclamatory sentence into a declarative sentence.


  1. She looks very beautiful.
  2. The Taj Mahal is amazing.

Subject and Predicate Worksheet For Class 8

Identify the subject and predicate in each sentence.

  1. She is singing a song.
  2. Mehak cleans the floor.
  3. The peon closes the door.
  4. The soldiers had defeated the enemy.
  5. Navya wrote a letter.
  6. The Prince loves hunting.
  7. Either Neha or Susan will buy a new phone.
  8. There is a man behind the tree.
  9. I shall give you sweets.
  10. They should study hard.
  11. He ate a banana.
  12. Hunny returned from America on Friday.
  13. She saved herself from falling down.
  14. The hill is two thousand feet high.
  15. The train is twenty minutes late.
  16. I go to school by van.
  17. You walk very slowly.
  18. There are many people in the shop.
  19. She teaches well.
  20. Here Reema washed the clothes.


1Sheis singing a song
2Mehakcleans the floor
3The peoncloses the door
4The soldiershad defeated the enemy
5Navyawrote a letter
6The Princeloves hunting
7Either Neha or Susanwill buy a new phone
8A manbehind the tree
9Ishall give you sweets
10Theyshould study hard
11Heate a banana
12Hunnyreturned from America on Friday
13Shesaved herself from falling down
14The hillis two thousand feet high
15The trainis twenty minutes late
16Igo to school by van
17Youwalk very slowly
18Thereare many people in the shop
19Sheteaches well
20Reemawashed the clothes

Also read: Sentences for Class 8

Subject and Predicate for Class 8 Pdf

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