
Write a short Essay on GSLV 200-250 words

The full form of GSLV is Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle. The scientists of India are progressing day by day. Launching GSLV is one of the examples to prove their wisdom and hardworking.

Scientists are progressing in all the fields. GSLV was launched on 28th March 2001. It was a glorious day in the history of Indian space research. Though it did not get the desired results as its launching was stopped within last four seconds. There was some technical problem in the booster.

GSLV was completed in 10 years. It ‘measured 49.1 meters’. Its ‘weight was 401.4 tones’. The scientists were making efforts for its second launch. And they succeeded on 18th April 2001. The second development flight of GSLV was launched from a small Island Haricota on 18th April 2001 at 3:43 p.m.

This grand success brought us on the world map of space research. The launching of GSLV has added a feather in our cap. But this is not enough. Our scientists are required to put more effort to improve their quality and working with less budget.

The success of GSLV has brought name and glory to India and has placed India among the top researchers of the world. The success of GSLV proves that our country is progressing in the field of science and the scientists are trying to put the name of India in the list of developed countries.

Short Essay on GSLV

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