
The Sentences for Class 4

What is a sentence?

Definition: A group of words that conveys a meaning. That can also convey a statement, command, exclamation, and, question.

Statement Sentence

Definition: A statement sentence contains a particular statement with a specific meaning.

For Example:

  1. I am coming right now.
  2. He is trying his best now.
  3. I have not done this yet.
  4. I want to clear this exam soon.
  5. I did not inform him about this.

Command Sentence

Definition: A command sentence contains a particular command with a specific meaning.

For Example:

  1. Go to your school right now
  2. Do your homework on time
  3. Go there and sit down
  4. Try to complete this on time
  5. Focus on your studies properly now

Exclamation Sentence

Definition: An exclamation sentence is used in an exclamatory way with a specific meaning.

For Example:

  1. Wow! that is really amazing.
  2. Great! You achieved your target.
  3. Hurrah! We won this match now.
  4. Really! You want to go there today.
  5. Wow! I love this beautiful red dress.

Question Sentence

Definition: A question sentence contains a question.

For Example:

  1. When are you coming here from your office?
  2. Why do you meet him in the office daily?
  3. Where is he going for his higher studies?
  4. At what time will you reach there today?
  5. How many candidates are there in the interview today?

Types of Sentences for Grade 4

There are four types of sentences such as:

  1. Simple Sentences
  2. Compound Sentences
  3. Complex Sentences, and
  4. Compound-Complex Sentences

Sentences for class 4

1. Simple Sentences

Definition: A simple sentence has one independent clause in a sentence.


  1. She does not come here daily.
  2. I always try my best to explain the topics.
  3. You can sit there for some time.
  4. I am doing a job in this company.
  5. He is enjoying the party today.

2. Compound Sentences

Definition: A compound sentence contains two independent clauses. and it also has a coordinating conjunction such as (for, but, nor, yet, nor, etc.) often links the two independent clauses.


  1. I like apples but she likes grapes.
  2. My mother is very humble but my father is very strict.
  3. My brother is intelligent but my sister is weak.
  4. I am watching my favorite show but he is watching cricket.
  5. I love pizza but he loves burgers.

3. Complex Sentences

Definition: A complex sentence is something that contains at least one independent clause and one or more than one dependent clauses. There must be at least one subordination conjunction in a sentence.


  1. I do not play cricket because I do not have time.
  2. If you do not complete your task, you will get punishment.
  3. Please wait here unless I come back to the room.
  4. I watch t.v. when I complete all the pending works.
  5. this is not a good idea because  I have tried this.

4. Compound-Complex Sentences

Definition: A compound-complex sentence is a sentence that combines complex sentence and compound sentence forms. A compound-complex sentence has one or more than one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.


  1. I like to sleep in but I can get up early in the morning if I have work.
  2. He does not come here daily because he lives too far but he comes on Sunday.
  3. I like to play cricket but now I do not play because I am so busy these days.
  4. I Love to spend my time here but I am busy so I am unable to be here daily.
  5. I joined your Facebook group but I left because I do not want so many notifications.

Independent and Dependent Clauses

There are two types of clauses in a sentence such as independent and dependent clauses. A sentence contains one independent clause and may contain one or more dependent clauses.

Independent Clause

An independent clause contains a complete meaning and can stand by itself. it does not require any other clause to complete its meaning.

  1. I really do not like your way of talking to the elders.
  2. You are doing great work for society these days.
  3. I am trying my best to win this battle now.
  4. We are preparing for our exams these days.
  5. I am giving you some good advice for a better career.

Dependent Clause

A dependent clause contains an incomplete meaning and cannot stand by itself. It requires an independent clause to complete its meaning.


  1. When I go to the market, I buy fruits.
  2. I do not like his nature because he is a liar.
  3. I did not call you because I was busy today.
  4. When you come here, you feel very happy.
  5. She could not come here because she was not well.

Sentences Worksheet for Class 4

Worksheet – 1

Read the sentences carefully and write their type from the bracket

(Statement, Command, Exclamation, and Question)

  1. I have been calling him for a long time.
  2. She will explain this topic today.
  3. Wow! what a beautiful thought.
  4. Why are you scared without any reason?
  5. He is going to Mumbai with his friend tomorrow.
  6. Go to your school and focus on your future.
  7. I am always with you my dear friend.
  8. When did you decide about this matter?
  9. Yuck! I don’t like this type of food for my dinner.
  10. Do your work on time and let me know soon.


  1. Statement
  2. Statement
  3. Exclamation
  4. Question
  5. statement
  6. command
  7. statement
  8. Question
  9. Exclamation
  10. command

Exercise – 2 

Read the sentences carefully and write their type from the bracket.

(Simple Sentence, Compound Sentence, Complex Sentence, Compound-Complex Sentence)

  1. I love to have pizza with my friends on weekends.
  2. I do not like this type of place for spending my time.
  3. I like mango in my breakfast but she likes apples.
  4. I do not like tea at night because I feel sleepy.
  5. I am doing my work with my brother today.
  6. She does not feel sleepy because she sleeps in the afternoon.
  7. I am available for a chat now but he is busy in the office.
  8. He does not come here now because he lives too far but he comes on weekends.
  9. I like to play football but now I do not play because I am so busy these days
  10. I have been waiting for this lovely surprise for a long time.


  1. Simple sentence
  2. Simple sentence
  3. Compound sentence
  4. Complex sentence
  5. Simple sentence
  6. Complex sentence
  7. Compound sentence
  8. Compound – complex sentence
  9. Compoud – complex sentence
  10. Simple sentence
Sentences for class 4 Sentences for class 4 (627 downloads )

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