
Pronouns for Class 8 | Types, Rules, Examples, Exercise, Pdf

Hi, Today we are going to learn Pronoun For Class 8 in English grammar. In this blog, we have Definitions, Examples, Types, Worksheets/Exercises, Quiz, on Pronoun for class 8. 

Definition: All the words that you simply have listed are pronouns. We usually introduce people, places, and things by using their name (a noun) first. Pronouns are applied instead of nouns to prevent a reoccurrence of the noun to which they refer. It can be singular or plural-like nouns. Pronouns help you NOT to duplicate the same nouns again.

We, He, She, You, They, Myself, Etc.

The noun or group of nouns a pronoun is called the antecedent. A noun must agree to its antecedent in number and gender.

For Example, Rikki gave me her profile link. (Rikki is the antecedent of her)

Examples of pronouns for class 8 

5 examples of Pronoun for class 8

  1.  I called you yesterday.
  2. Everybody was present in the online webinar.
  3. They are good at playing football.
  4. He is planning to surprise her on birthday.
  5. I have lost my pens on the bus.

Types/Kinds Of Pronouns For Class 8

  1. Personal Pronouns
  2. Possessive Pronouns
  3. Demonstrative Pronouns
  4. Relative Pronouns
  5. Reflexive or Emphatic Pronouns
  6. Interrogative Pronouns
  7. Indefinite Pronouns and distributive pronouns

1. Personal Pronoun for class 8

Definition: The personal pronoun is utilized for a particular object or person in the sentence and they change their forms to show the various gender, number, and persons vocalizing.

Personal Pronouns can be separated into two groups:

  1. Subjective Pronouns
  2. Objective Pronouns

1. Subject Pronoun

They are used in the place of nouns used as a subject, a substitute of a proper noun, and a common noun in a sentence. They belong to a person or thing in writing or communication.

The titles I, You, He, She, It, We, They are personal subjective pronouns.

A subject pronoun indicates:-

GENDER: Male or female
PERSON: first, second, or third
NUMBER: singular or plural

2. Objective Pronoun:

Object pronouns occur after either a verb or a preposition. Personal pronouns are at times used as an objective too.  Me, Us, It, Them, You, Her, And Him are such pronouns used as an object of a sentence.


5 Examples of the personal pronoun

  1. He will take my interview on Wednesday.
  2. Rohan, will you please tell them to keep my books safe.
  3. They asked me about the road accident case.
  4. After graduation, we will go to South Africa.
  5. You must ask him about the meeting.

2. Possessive Pronoun

Definition: A possessive pronoun is a part of speech that attributes ownership to something or someone.

Words Mine, Yours, His, Her, Ours, Their, Its are possessive pronouns. they determine who or what something relates to.

Like: This chocolate is mine, not yours. The terms mine and yours are possessive pronouns and settle for “my chocolate” and “your chocolate

Possessive pronouns are usually involved with possessive adjectives. It depends on how they’re utilized in the sentence.

Personal PronounsI, We, You, He, She, They, We, It

Possessive Adjectives

My, Yours, His, Her, It, Our, Your, Their

Possessive Pronouns

Mine, Yours, His, Theirs, Her, Ours, Its, Yours

A possessive adjective modifies the noun following it so as to point out possession.

5 Examples Possessive Pronoun:

  1. Her father is rigid than mine.
  2. This black car is not ours.
  3. The whole room is your form now.
  4. Complete your paper first then talk about theirs
  5. Vishal and his brother are believable.

3. Demonstrative Pronoun

Definition: demonstrative points out an area, person, thing, or idea. It is practiced in place of a noun. Demonstrative pronouns indicate which person or thing is being connected to.

This, That, These, Those

5 Examples of Demonstrative Pronoun:

  1. Those red roses are for me.
  2. This is your 3rd-year result.
  3. That laptop is costly.
  4. These all are my dresses
  5. This class of students is so talented.

4. Relative Pronoun

Definition: A relative pronoun is utilized to connect a relative clause or sentence indicating their relation most approaching to a noun or pronoun. The commonly used relative pronouns are:- Which, Whose, Whom, Who, That

  1. Which” is used only for things.
  2. Whose” is used for both people and things.
  3. Whom” is used as an objective pronoun for people.
  4. Who” is used as a subject pronoun for people.
  5. That” is used for people and things.

5 Examples of Relative Pronoun

  1. Do you remember the dog that is playing with grass?
  2. This is the boy who broke my car window.
  3. This is peter, whose sister went shopping with me. 
  4. In this competition which dish you going to make.
  5. The lady is in the hospital whom you give the party invitation.

5. Reflexive or Emphatic Pronouns

Definition: These pronouns are used in which the complement of the verb is the same as the subject.

Myself, Yourself, Herself, Himself, Itself, Ourself, Themselvewords are used reflexive pronouns also as emphatic pronouns.

5 Reflexive or Emphatic Pronouns Example:

  1. I decide to make blueberry shake myself.
  2. She cleans all the house dust herself.
  3. They can prepare for the exam themselves.
  4. The child eats lunch itself in the school.
  5. Give a brief introduction about yourself.

6. Interrogative Pronouns

Definition: An interrogative pronoun maybe a pronoun utilized to ask an issue or questions. 

What, Which, Who, Whom, Whose are interrogative pronouns. They simply have one individual form. They don’t differentiate between singular and plural. Interrogative pronouns create answers to the questions that ask more than a ‘yes‘ or ‘no‘ answer.

Interrogative Pronouns Examples:

  1. Who is likes to participate in college functions?
  2. Which is the better resort to stay in the summer?
  3. What do you like about this dress?
  4. Whose father is in the army?
  5. To whom you will share your lunch?

7. Indefinite and Distributive Pronouns

Definition: These are pronouns that do not refer to a specific person or thing.

Indefinite pronouns are words like: One, None, Nothing, Nobody, All, Few, Some, Many, Anybody, and Everybody.

They are used in a general way.

Distributive pronouns also do not specify the person or things, but they are always singular referring to things one at a time.

Each, Either, Neither words are distributive pronoun.

5 Indefinite and Distributive Pronouns Examples:

  1. I’m hungry but  I have nothing to eat for dinner.
  2. Someone called you in the morning.
  3. I have learned everything for the exam.
  4. We may take either of these two dresses.
  5. Each of these children deserved a prize.

Pronoun Exercise for class 8

Choose the correct pronoun for each sentence:

  1. Did she know ____ ?  (we/us)
  2. Yesterday, my mom and ___ went for coffee. (I/me)
  3. Her nursery settled just opposite to ___ . (me/ mine)
  4. ___ was nice to meet you after a long time. (this/it)
  5. I made maths project ____ . (yourselves/myself)
  6. A woman has two kids ____ all go for a morning walk. (it/they))
  7. In the class, the teacher thought it was ____ . (he/him)
  8. Afrin and I will wait for ____ (no people/none )
  9. Seema told me about the syllabus _____ I wrote down on the front page. (when/which)
  10. _____ Ammy nor I knew about this accident. (neither/each)


  1. Us
  2. I
  3. Mine
  4. It
  5. Myself
  6. They
  7. Him
  8. None
  9. Which
  10. Neither

Pronoun Quiz for Class 8

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Pronouns For Class 8


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