
Pronouns for Class 6

PRONOUN DEFINITION: Pronouns substitute nouns in a sentence. A pronoun can name people or things, objects, questions, reciprocate meaning, and a lot more. The word pronoun is more often known as a word “on behalf of a noun” which means something that stands in for a noun to avoid recurring nouns in writing or speech.

We can understand the pronoun more clearly through a speech Para written below:

Ajay is invited to the institute where Ajay will conduct a workshop in which Ajay would deliver a live lecture to discuss Ajay’s life hardship and struggle to motivate today’s youth.

Ajay is a noun (name). A pronoun performs a similar task, it is used in place of a noun.

We can see recurring use of Ajay, which either describes his qualities, what he would do, or various activities performed by him. And if we write, Ajay is invited to the institute where he will conduct a workshop in which he would deliver a live lecture to discuss his life hardship and struggle to motivate today’s youth.

Here, we are using ‘he’ a lot of times, which is a noun that indicates what he would do.


  1. Rita went for a walk. She saw a dog on the street, so she went back to her house.
  2. Tigers live in the forest. He works hard to take good care of his cubs, for which he needs to deal with a lot of hunters every day.
  3. Cats are the most loving animal. They are being loved unconditionally.
  4. Vijay daily goes to computer classes. Where he learns all the coding language.

List Of Pronouns For Class 6

Here is the basic list of pronouns that assist to choose the correct pronoun.

Singular PronounsPlural Pronouns
First Person PronounsI, me, my, mine, myselfwe, us, our, ours, ourselves
Second Person Pronounsyou, your, yoursyou, your, yours
Third Person Pronounshe, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirsthey, them, their, theirs

Types of Pronouns

There are numerous types of pronouns listed below:

  1. Personal pronouns
  2. Indefinite pronouns
  3. Interrogative pronouns
  4. Demonstrative pronouns
  5. Distributive pronouns
  6. Reciprocal pronouns
  7. Reflexive pronouns
  8. Emphatic pronouns

Let’s elaborate each of them in detail with respect to the appropriate example.

1. Personal Pronouns

Pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘you’, and ‘they’, which mean to a person in speech or in writing. Generally, Personal pronouns refer to a person, animal, place, thing, or object.

Personal pronouns grant us the following information written below:

  • Person – Who is speaking
  • Number – Is the pronoun plural or singular
  • Gender – Is the pronoun feminine, masculine, or neuter

There are a few types of personal pronouns discussed below:

First-person– I, me, we, us, ours, mine, when the sentence is related to us or our self than that is termed as the first person.

Second person– You, your, yours, when the sentence is related to the listener person, than that is termed as the second person.

Third-person– They, them, he, she, him, her, them, when that sentence is related to someone, than it is termed as third-person.

There are major seven object pronouns that also come about to be personal pronouns:


  • Me
  • You
  • Him
  • Her
  • It
  • Them
  • Us

There are some examples of personal pronouns in sentences given below:

  1. They got ill from yesterday’s party.
  2. I love to play badminton with my friend.
  3. She went on a trip without having lunch.
  4. Does he go to college the studying daily or not?
  5. Youngsters like to enjoy themselves with them so much.

As we can see they, I, she, he, them and it mentioned above are examples of personal pronoun as it means to a person or thing in respective sentence.

2. Indefinite Pronouns

Pronouns such as all, some, much, etc. don’t indicate a fixed number of people, persons, things, or objects and are known as the indefinite pronoun. Generally, it’s a kind of pronoun that doesn’t specify the exact value of a particular person, person, thing, or object.


  • All
  • Much
  • Some
  • Few
  • One
  • Many
  • Other
  • Somebody
  • Anybody
  • Much  
  • Nobody
  • Several
  • None 
  • Someone
  • Little
  • Whatever
  • Whichever
  • Either 

There are some examples of indefinite pronouns in sentences given below:

  1. All of you need to be present on time for tomorrow’s trip.
  2. Some of you would not get enlisted for the trip.
  3. Does anyone have the information regarding the schedule of tomorrow’s trip?
  4. A few of us would definitely get the opportunity and be enlisted.
  5. Try as much as possible to get enlist as this opportunity would assist you to succeed.

3. Interrogative Pronouns

 Pronouns such as what, where, how, etc, which is the buildup to asking questions easily. Generally, there are just five major interrogative pronouns. Each one assists to ask a very specific question or indirect question. Some like ‘who’ and ‘whom’, refer only to people. Others can be used to refer to objects or things. The five interrogative pronouns are named what, which, who, whom, and whose. And others pronouns are used as suffix such as Whatever, Whatsoever, Whichever, Whoever, Whosoever, Whomever, Whomsoever, and Whosever.


  • What
  • Where 
  • How
  • When
  • Whose
  • Which
  • Whenever
  • Why
  • Whom

Let’s discuss a few more examples of distributive pronouns in the sentences given below:

  1. What food are you making?
  2. What is the recipe for this delicious dish?
  3. How many types of spices are required to make this dish?
  4. When will you provide me with the exact recipe for this?
  5. Whom you are preparing this dish?

4. Demonstrative Pronouns

Pronoun such as this, that, those, etc. are the kind of demonstrative pronoun as it is used to refer to a particular name, place, animal or thing. Generally, a demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is used to point to something specific or particular within a sentence. These pronouns can indicate specific item, name, place, or thing.


  • This
  • That
  • These
  • Those
  1. This- singular something which is near
  2. That– singular something far away
  3. These– plural of something near
  4. Those– plural of something far away from us

There are some more examples of demonstrative pronouns in the sentence given below:

  1. This is my pen.
  2. Those flowers are so pretty.
  3. These clips belong to me.
  4. That was not your responsibility
  5. This soup looks so delicious
  6. This isn’t as per my expectation.
  7. That girl looks drop dead gorgeous.
  8. These are good dresses, but they reflect uncomfortably.
  9. Those students appear more often at the campus.
  10. Such a good command of the language.

As we can see this, those, these, that, such mentioned above are examples of demonstrative pronouns as they all are referring to something exact or definite.

5. Distributive Pronouns

Pronoun such as each, any, other, etc. that distributes any person, animal, thing, or object is known as a distributive pronoun. Generally, a distributive pronoun is described as a kind of pronoun that refers to the members of the group individually instead of together or as a collection.


  • Each
  • Any
  • None
  • Some
  • Every
  • Either 

Let’s discuss a few more examples of distributive pronouns in the sentences given below:

  1. Each one of us needs to be present on time.
  2. Any dishes left on the table?
  3. There are some papers.
  4. Neither of us is interested in your offer.
  5. Neither of us enjoyed last night’s event. 
  6. The teacher insisted students bring their parents for the meeting as he wants to individually meet with each of their parents. 
  7. Each man has a unique pattern of mind. 
  8. Each of my relatives is so excited for my result. 
  9. I gave each person equal respect.
  10. Noodles or burgers, what would you love to eat?

As we can see each, any, some, neither, or, each mentioned above are examples of distributive pronouns as they all refer to individuals instead of a collection.

6. Reciprocal Pronouns

Pronouns such as “each other” and “one other” which refer to show the relationship between two different pronouns are known as reciprocal pronouns. Generally, the reciprocal pronoun is the specific type of pronoun which are used to specify a relationship where two or more people or group does an action of a similar type


  • Each other
  • One other

Let’s discuss some more examples of reciprocal pronouns in the sentences written below:

  1. Ram and Rita are made for each other.
  2. We should respect each other.
  3. Family supports one other in their hard times.
  4. Mohan and sham help each other with their homework.
  5. All the group members are blaming one another for the destruction

As we can see each other and one other mentioned above are examples of reciprocal pronouns as it defines the relationship between two different nouns.

7. Reflexive Pronouns

Nouns such as myself, himself, and herself, etc. which are used when both the subject and the object of a sentence are same refers to reflexive pronouns. Generally, when the subject of a sentence is doing something by itself or to itself, a Reflexive pronoun is used. Also, know that the reflexive pronouns provide as objects either direct or indirect objects to a sentence and always come after the verb in the sentence.


  • Myself
  • Our self
  • Himself
  • Herself
  • Yourself
  • Themselves

There are a few more examples of reflexive pronouns in the sentence written below:

  1. They enjoyed themselves during the collaboration event.
  2. The teacher praised herself while narrating her life struggles.
  3. I like to do my all work by myself.
  4. She herself decided this career option.
  5. We ourselves have the right to decide good or bad paths in life segments.
  6. He himself cooks and eats daily.
  7. The teacher introduces herself during his first class with students.
  8. He enjoys more with himself more than others
  9. We have to prepare for our exams with our own selves.-
  10. She loves herself more than anyone else.

As we can see themselves, herself, myself, ourselves, himself, and own self are examples of reflexive pronouns as in all the sentences subject and object are one and same.

8. Emphatic Pronouns

Generally, reflexive pronouns and empathetic pronouns are the same but the only difference is that in empathetic pronouns we ask whom?  Nouns such as ourselves, herself, and himself which are used to emphasize a noun is known as emphatic pronouns. 

There are some examples of emphatic pronouns are written below:

  • Ourselves
  • Herself
  • Himself
  • Themselves
  • itself

There are a few more examples of emphatic pronouns in sentences listed below:

  1. They themselves will manage the presentation and would get selected.
  2. She herself planned and decides to leave the country.
  3. We ourselves will leave the party.
  4. He himself prepared for the exam without coaching.
  5. Rita blamed herself for all the destruction that occurred.
  6. The king himself attended the party.
  7. The dog opened the door itself.
  8. The only thing we should be fear of is fear itself.
  9. She will attend the party herself.
  10. He will pay the bill by himself.

As we can see themselves, herself, himself, ourselves and itself mentioned above are examples of emphatic pronouns as they all are emphasizing the noun in every sentence respectively.

Pronouns Worksheet For Class 6


Choose the appropriate (personal pronoun) option for each question given below:

  1. _________ often awakes in midst of the night. 
    1. He
    2. Alice
    3. Harry
    4. Them
  2. _________ is walking up and down the stairs. 
    1. The cat
    2. She
    3. My sister
    4. You
  3. _________ is from Brazil. 
    1. Ram 
    2. My collection
    3. He
    4. This bag
  4. Have _________ got a flat, Rita? 
    1. Anyone
    2. They
    3. Someone
    4. It
  5. We really adore the white flowers so much. _________ really delighted up the beauty of the garden. 
    1. They
    2. Its
    3. Someone
    4. Flowers
  6. Rita isn’t a singer, _________ is a dancer. 
    1. He
    2. They
    3. It
    4. She
  7. Are _________ best friends or not Ajay? 
    1. He
    2. It 
    3. We
    4. They
  8. My mother was born in Turkey. _________ teaches Turkish language lessons in her idle time. 
    1. They
    2. It
    3. She
    4. He 
  9. All of my friends are foreigners. _________ came up from all over the world. 
    1. She
    2. We
    3. They
    4. Them 
  10. My friends are a sports person. All of _________ are either strong, talented, or both. 
    1. We
    2. They
    3. Them 
    4. You 


  1. (A) – He
  2. (B) – She
  3. (C)– He
  4. (B) –they?
  5. (A)– They
  6. (D) –she
  7. (C)– we
  8. (C) – She
  9. (C)– They
  10. (C) – them


Identify the correct interrogative pronouns for each sentence. 

  1. ______ is your favorite food? (which, whose)
  2. ______ Pair of shoes you have brought? (what, which)
  3. ______ notebook is that? ( what, whose)
  4. ______ are you going to favor during the debate? ( whose, whom)
  5. ______ is your favorite photo yet? (which, whose)
  6. ______ is the seven wonders of the world situated? (what, where)
  7. ______ you didn’t invite to the inauguration event? ( whom, whose)
  8. ______ you have prepared for tomorrow’s event? ( what, when)
  9. ______ is your father returning from Japan? ( when, how)
  10. ______ much more work I need to do? (what, how)


  1. Which
  2. Which
  3. Whose
  4. Whom
  5. Which
  6. Where
  7. Whom
  8. What
  9. When
  10. How


 Fill up the blank space with suitable Distributive Pronouns:

  1. I want to take ______ of those shoes.
  2. ______ student needs to be present on time.
  3. ______ of these dresses are beautiful and fine.
  4. ______ of those guavas is well enough to eat.
  5. ______ of them will make it to finals.
  6. ______ of your opinion I require.
  7. ______ of them or someone else will make that happen.
  8. ______ of the team members were awarded a gold medal.
  9. ______ of these girl is an intelligent student.
  10. ______ of them get enlisted for tomorrow’s trip.


  1. Either
  2. Each
  3. Each
  4. Each
  5. Either
  6. Neither
  7. Either
  8. Each
  9. Each
  10. Each


Choose the suitable option of demonstrative pronoun to complete each sentence.

  1. ______ was such an important opportunity. 
    1. That
    2. These
    3. Those
    4. Such
  2. Are ______ your earphones? 
    1. That
    2. Them
    3. Those
    4. This
  3. Bring your own stationary. ______ is mine. 
    1. That
    2. Those
    3. Such
    4. This
  4. There is no possibility to ______
    1. Such
    2. Those
    3. This
    4. None
  5. Because of academic performance ______ of the student got permitted to enter the semester. 
    1. None
    2. That
    3. Those
    4. Them
  6. ______ of them has done their homework.
    1. Those
    2. Neither
    3. Such
    4. This
  7. Is ______ belong to you?
    1. This
    2. Those
    3. These
    4. Such
  8. Everyone has already left. When we arrived, ______ was there at the destination. 
    1. That
    2. Such
    3. None
    4. Neither
  9. Please pass me one of ______ fruit. 
    1. That
    2. Those
    3. This
    4. Such
  10. ______ is not what I expected from you.
    1. This
    2. That
    3. These
    4. Such


  1. A – That
  2. C – those
  3. D – This
  4. C – this.
  5. A – none
  6. B – Neither
  7. A – that
  8. C –none
  9. B –those
  10. A – This


Identify in emphatic pronoun and reflexive pronoun in each sentence given below:

  1. He himself decides this career option.
  2. I like to do my work by myself.
  3. The student hurt himself during games lecture.
  4. I cut myself during saving beards.
  5. The prime minister himself distributed the medals to players who make to finals.
  6. Tell me something about yourself.
  7. I myself heard their gossip about you.
  8. He cannot blame himself for the group result.
  9. I make my food myself.
  10. The guy lived in slum area killed herself cause of shortage of money.
  11. You have taken all the responsibility of yourself as you get adult.
  12. He loved himself so much that he thought of nobody else.
  13. We enjoyed ourselves in the last night event.
  14. He categorized himself as bizarre.
  15. don’t do it all, have some mercy on yourself.
  16. He completes his presentation by himself.


  1. Himself – emphatic as it emphasizes the pronoun he
  2. Myself – emphatic as it emphasizes the pronoun I
  3. Himself – reflexive as the object of the verb hurt
  4. Myself – reflexive as the object of the verb cut
  5. Himself – emphatic as it emphasizes the noun prime minister
  6. Yourself – emphatic as it emphasizes the pronoun me
  7. Myself – emphatic as it emphasizes the pronoun I
  8. Himself – reflexive as the object of the verb blame
  9. Myself – emphatic as it emphasizes the pronoun I
  10. Herself – reflexive as the object of the verb killed
  11. Yourself – reflexive as the object of the verb landed
  12. Herself – reflexive as the object of the verb adores
  13. Ourselves – reflexive as the object of the verb enjoyed
  14. Himself – reflexive as the object of the verb categorized
  15. Yourself – reflexive as the object of the verb mercy
  16. Himself – reflexive as it acts as the object of the preposition 

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