
Preposition For Class 8

A preposition are the words that connects noun phrase a pronoun with another word in a sentence.

Its function as avoid that combines to form a phrase usually expresses a modification or prediction.

On, in, at, for, behind, after, among, infront of are some words which describes prepositions in a  sentence.

Uses of prepositions in a sentence

  1. They are used indicate to show the direction of something.
  2. It refer to the time of something
  3. Its denotes position or direct of an object.

List of Prepositions

AboveIn betweenOverThrough
AcrossIn front ofRoundToward/towards

Types of Preposition

The main types of prepositions are

  1. Preposition of time
  2. Preposition of place
  3. Prepositions of direction or movement

1. Preposition of Time

A preposition of time used to indicate a particular time or specific time when an action takes place in a sentence.

On, in, at, before, and during are some words that describe the preposition of time.

OnSpecific dates and daysRepublic day comes on 26 January.
AtTo show a particular or exact time.He will arrive at 9 am.
InTo indicate parts of the days, months and yearThey went for a long trip in summer vacation.
ByTo indicate a deadlineShe will come by 6pm.
UntilIt is used to indicate the sense of how long something is going to lastHe wait until his mother comes.
ForIt indicates the length of the action or how long the action lasts.They get ready for the party.
DuringKnown period of time, duration of an actionShe fell during playing.
Betweento indicate the duration of two points of timeHe sit between his friends.
Sinceto say when something happened and it is still continuingHe haven't met him since last month.


  1. She went back home in the evening.
  2. He went to Shimla in summer vacations.
  3. He will visit his house on Wednesday.
  4. Megha wash her hands before eating food.
  5. Rishabh fall down during playing football.
  6. He will be here until next week.
  7. He worked since he was having his job.
  8. She must sleep by 10 p.m.
  9. The exams are continued for a week.
  10. We should complete the work within the given period of time.

2. Preposition of Place

A preposition of place as you to refer or indicate a place where an action take place for something.

Above, after, beside, near, between, among, in front of, behind, and across are some words describing prepositions of place.

BehindIt means at the back (part) of somethingThe cat is behind the chair.
BetweenRefers to something in the middle of two objects or thingsHe is standing between the road.
BesideRefers to a thing (or person) that is at the side of another thingRiya sat besides her sister.
Neardistance between the two thingsThe school is near the temple.
Aboveat a higher positionThe kite fly high above in the sky.
Underat a lower levelThe cat is sleeping under the table.
AfterOne follows the otherThe child ran after the cat.
AmongIn the middle of or surrounded by other people or thingsThe girl is standing among the flowers.
In front ofAt or towards the back of a thing or personThey perform infront of an audience.
OverOn something or covering itHe put a blanket over the dog.


  1. The dog run after the child.
  2. There is a big shop near the school.
  3. Sneha is sitting between her friends.
  4. The moon is shining among the stars.
  5. An Andolan was passed by in front of society.
  6. They sit behind the auditorium.
  7. The cat is sleeping under the table.
  8. They put a cloth over the box.
  9. Naina lay beside the pool.
  10. He will reach there by bus.

3. Preposition of Direction or Movement

The preposition of direction and movement indicates the movement from one place to another place. It usually describe some movement or the motion of direction of something. Across, around, away, down, from, into, off, on, over, and to are some words which describe preposition of direction and movement.

ToIt is used to indicate a destination or directionShe is going to the school.
Towards To indicate the direction of someone or somethingHe runs towards the shop.
ThroughIt is used when we talk about movement from one side to anotherHe ran slowly through the woods.
Into It is used to talk about the movement that enters a space, usually with a verb that expresses movementThe cat run into the room.
OverIt refers to movement at a higher level than something elseHe jumped over the wall.
Across It is used when talking about movement from one side of somethingThe dog runs across the streets.
Along It is used to show movement of something in a line that follows the side of something longHe went to the park along with his mother.
FromIt is used to show the place where someone or something startsThe rat moves from one place to another
AroundIt refers to the movement in circles or in the vicinity of somethingMy father travels around the country.
UpIt refers to a higher position or movement to a higher positionThe boy ran up the hills.


  1. The boy ran across the road and hit by a car.
  2. The cat is moving around the chair.
  3. The kid ran away from the dog and escaped.
  4. They are moving down to the hill
  5. The boy threw stones into the river.
  6. The children went on the stage
  7. The thief jumped over the wall.
  8. The train moves through the tunnel.
  9. They went to the part at late night.
  10. The birds fly high up in the sky.

Preposition Worksheet For Class 8

Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

  1. He will visit ______ in the morning.
  2. Her friends will visit his house ______ Sunday.
  3. The bell ring ______ the door.
  4. The dog is hiding ______ the bushes.
  5. A pen fall down ______ the table.
  6. The boy ran ______ the cat.
  7. He went to his friend house ______ for a function.
  8. The book is all ______ the fairy tales.
  9. The children arrived ______ the bus.
  10. The birds fly high ______ the tree.
  11. He went to party ______ his friends.
  12. Siya get early in the morning ______ 6 o’clock.
  13. The child can play football _____ his studies.
  14. His father is waiting for him ______ the car.
  15. There is a big mango tree ______ our school.
  16. He jumped ______ the basket of fruits.
  17. The design ______ the house is mind blowing.
  18. The two girls of our class is selected for dance competition ______ our class teacher.
  19. Her house is ______ the street.
  20. He is very hungry ______ there is nothing to eat.


  1. To
  2. On
  3. At
  4. Behind
  5. Under
  6. After
  7. For
  8. About
  9. By
  10. Above
  11. With
  12. Before
  13. After
  14. Inside
  15. Near
  16. Over
  17. Of
  18. By
  19. Across
  20. But

Also read: Nouns for class 8

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