
Write a letter to Editor Regarding Poor or Dirty Quality and Inadequate Supply of Drinking Water

Hello friends, we are going to describe, How to Write a Letter to an Editor Regarding Poor Quality and Inadequate Supply of Drinking Water.

Question: You are Keshav/Karuna, living at 1, MG Road, Perambalur. You are very much concerned about the poor quality and inadequate supply of drinking water in the town. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your concern over the problem faced by the people and giving suitable suggestions to solve the problems.

1, MG Road,
Oct, 12, 20xx

The Editor,
National Herald,

Subject: Poor Quality and Inadequate Supply of Drinking Water


Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the problem of dirty quality and inadequate supply of drinking water in our area. It has been almost a month now that we have not received water for more than 15-20 minutes in a day and that too at very low pressure. And the quality of drinking water is not just bad, it remains worst. it stinks a lot. One can’t drink it as it is the gateway to hazardous diseases. Therefore, the residents have been forced to summon private tankers to fulfill their daily water demands and this costs them almost Rs.150/- a day.

Despite repeated complaints and appeals, no one has come forward to remedy this problem. The situation continues to get from bad to worse. I suggest that the concerned authorities should take up effective and immediate steps to find a solution to this very major problem.

I sincerely hope you will publish my distress letter in your newspaper so that the residents of our locality can get some respite from this major problem.

Yours truly,

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Write a letter to Editor Regarding Dirty Quality and Inadequate Supply of Drinking Water – Download PDF

Poor Quality and Inadequate Supply of Drinking Water

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