
Nouns for Class 4

Here, we are going to learn about Nouns for class 4: Definitions, Types, Examples, Worksheet, and PDF. 

Also Check: Definition for kids

Definition of the noun for class 4: A noun is a ‘naming word’ used as the name of a person, a place, an animal, a thing, a feeling, a thought, and an idea.

For example:

  1. Person: Rahul, Seema, Parul, Aditi, Kiran, Rakhi
  2. Pace: Jaipur, Agra, India, China, Japan
  3. Animal: Cat, Dog, Rabbit, Monkey, Crow
  4. Thing: Aeroplane, Salt, Money, Butter, Envelope
  5. Ideas: Evolution, Invention, Argument, Destruction

Types of Nouns for Class 4

There are 4 types of nouns:

  1. Common Noun
  2. Proper Noun
  3. Collective Noun
  4. Abstract Noun

Noun for class 4

Do you want to know the noun for class 4 types learned in detail? Below, we’ll be providing you with the information you need to understand the meaning and its types. We’ll also share some examples to help you better understand its use.

1. Common Noun

A common noun is a general name given to every person, place, or thing. Common nouns are not written as capital until they start from a sentence.

Examples: Policeman, Car, Women, Road, Cat, Lion, Home, etc

Let us study more examples of common nouns in a sentence:


  1. The house is too expensive.
  2. She is a nice girl.
  3. He is watering the plants.
  4. She is my best friend.
  5. Ram is sitting at the table.
  6. The cat is drinking the milk.
  7. Her leg is paining.
  8. My grandmother is old.
  9. This woman is so beautiful.
  10. The dog is barking.

Common Noun Worksheet for Class 4

Underline common nouns in the following sentences given below:

  1. He goes to school every day.
  2. The bird flew away.
  3. The computer is not working properly.
  4. He is reading a newspaper.
  5. The girls took a trip to Goa.
  6. Do you want to go watch a movie?
  7. My mother is a housewife.
  8. The man was arrested for stealing a gold chain.
  9. Mom asked me to open the door.
  10. He goes to school by car.


  1. He goes to school every day.
  2. The bird flew away.
  3. The computer is not working properly.
  4. He is reading a newspaper.
  5. The girls took a trip to Goa.
  6. Do you want to go watch a movie?
  7. My mother is a housewife.
  8. The man was arrested for stealing a gold chain.
  9. Mom asked me to open the door.
  10. He goes to school by car.

2. Proper Noun

A proper noun is a proper name given to every person, place, or thing. Proper nouns always begin with capital letters.

Examples: Sita, Rahul, Mountains, Jaipur, English, etc.

Let us study more examples of the proper nouns in a sentence:

  1. Ram is a good boy.
  2. We are going to Jaipur tomorrow.
  3. Rahul and Priya are going to marry soon.
  4. Ryan works in an agency.
  5. Riya is a good student.
  6. Ramesh returned to his work on Tuesday.
  7. Kriya and Sonali are best friends.
  8. She wrote a story in English.
  9. Diwali is the festival of lights.
  10. She was born in January.

Proper Noun Worksheet for Class 4

Underline proper nouns in the following sentences given below

  1. Let’s go to Manali.
  2. The boy threw the ball at his dog, Henry.
  3. Suresh is going to Agra tomorrow.
  4. The last day in August is Tuesday.
  5. We are going to Agra tomorrow.
  6. Sakshi is a very beautiful girl.
  7. Tanvi and Rahul are close friends.
  8. He is teaching French at this school.
  9. Sonali was at home last Friday.
  10. Raman is good at Maths.


  1. Let’s go to Manali.
  2. The boy threw the ball at his dog, Henry.
  3. Suresh is going to Agra tomorrow.
  4. The last day in August is Tuesday.
  5. We are going to Agra tomorrow.
  6. Sakshi is a very beautiful girl.
  7. Tanvi and Rahul are close friends.
  8. He is teaching French at this school
  9. Sonali was at home last Friday.
  10. Raman is good at Maths.

3. Collective Noun

A collective noun is the group name for a group of people, animals, or a thing.

Examples: flock, group, band, colony, company, class, etc.

Let us study more examples of collective nouns:

  1. a bunch of grapes
  2. a library of books
  3. a crowd of people
  4. a flock of camels
  5. a pack of wolves
  6. a herd of elephants
  7. an army of soldiers
  8. a brood of chickens
  9. a pride of lions
  10. a troupe of dancers

Collective Noun Worksheet for class 4

Underline collective nouns in the following sentences given below:

  1. Miss Rita teaches a class of students.
  2. The audience is happy.
  3. The group is changing its strategy.
  4. Where is my bunch of keys?
  5. A bundle of sticks.
  6. A course of lectures.
  7. The jury makes its final decision.
  8. The team is ready for the tournament.
  9. A flock of birds flew over the field.
  10. The herd moved towards the river.


  1. Miss Rita teaches a class of students.
  2. The audience is happy.
  3. The group is changing its strategy.
  4.  Where is my bunch of keys?
  5. bundle of sticks.
  6. course of lectures.
  7. The jury makes its final decision.
  8. The team is ready for the tournament.
  9. A flock of birds flew over the field.
  10. The herd moved towards the river.

4. Abstract Noun

An abstract noun is a noun that names ideas, experiences, thoughts, qualities, and feelings. The things that we cannot experience with our five senses.

Examples: Beauty, Jealousy, Hate, Joy, Fear, Comfort, Pain, etc.

Let us study more examples of the abstract noun in a sentence:

  1. Ram is very curious about his health.
  2. Suraj is a brave boy.
  3. Rahul is a strong player.
  4. Priya is jealous of Tanya.
  5. He will defeat them.
  6. His idea was very funny.
  7. Priya has a fear of her result.
  8. Ram tells the truth to his mother.
  9. He gossips with his best friend.
  10. Kiran has an evil spirit.

Abstract Noun Worksheet for Class 4

Underline abstract nouns in the following sentences given below

  1. Bob works for an ad agency.
  2. She has great confidence.
  3. The patient is out of danger now.
  4. He looked at him with hatred.
  5. She shows kindness towards her friends.
  6. Are you still in a lot of pain?
  7. The student stared at the teacher in confusion.
  8. Did you get a promotion?
  9. He had the honesty to admit his mistakes.
  10. He would burst with anger and shame.


  1. Bob works for an ad agency.
  2. She has great confidence.
  3. The patient is out of danger now.
  4. He looked at him with hatred.
  5. She shows kindness towards her friends.
  6. Are you still in a lot of pain?
  7. The student stared at the teacher in confusion.
  8. Did you get a promotion?
  9. He had the honesty to admit his mistakes.
  10. He would burst with anger and shame.
Noun Worksheet for Class 4 

Identify the noun and the type of noun in the sentences below:-

  1. I respect my friend’s honesty.
  2. A gang of robbers
  3. The students are waiting for the results.
  4. Her dedication to her work was admirable.
  5. He was born in Delhi.
  6. He belongs to a very educated family.
  7. Alex is a wonderful player.
  8. He has no hope of passing the examination.
  9. He smiled in satisfaction when he won the race.
  10. The team gets ready for the game
  11. Her favorite city is Varanasi.
  12. The crows glare at us from the tree.
  13. Without respect, love cannot go far.
  14. His friend accompanies him.
  15. He has a big house and a car.


  1. I respect my friend’s honesty. (Abstract noun)
  2. A gang of robbers. (Collective noun)
  3. The students are waiting for the results. (Common noun)
  4. Her dedication to her work was admirable. (Abstract noun)
  5. He was born in Delhi. (Proper noun)
  6. He belongs to a very educated family. (Common noun)
  7. Alex is a wonderful player. (Proper noun)
  8. He has no hope of passing the examination. (Abstract noun)
  9. He smiled in satisfaction when he won the race. (Abstract noun)
  10. The team gets ready for the game. (Collective noun)
  11. Her favorite city is Varanasi. (Common noun)
  12. The crows glare at us from the tree. (Collective noun)
  13. Without respect, love cannot go far. (Abstract noun)
  14. His friend accompanies him. (Proper noun)
  15. He has a big house and a car. (Proper noun)

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